4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1249: Ancient city

‘咔... rumbling... oh...’

The strange sound echoed through the underground caves, which seemed to represent something... it was starting up.

Because, just like a creature like a 'hedgehog', stuffed their research data about the void into the guidance system, and the cave seemed to start a certain device.

Scholars look at the same mood as the various creatures here, and the creatures like the hedgehog are full of expectation and stand in front of the guidance system.

‘Boom! ’

After a while, the whole cave trembled abruptly. The scholar found that the ground in the center of the cave slowly opened and rose from the inside to a platform-like thing.

"We have succeeded! Success! It will lead us to the ancient civilized city!" The hedgehogs cheered up and they quickly ran to the platform that was raised in the middle.

Did they really study the neural connection of the Inca group?

Scholars looked at this scene, and it quickly launched its own 'stealth system', and suddenly the scholar's figure disappeared.

The invisible scholar quickly ran to the platform and stood with the hedgehog, and no creatures around it noticed it, including the hedgehogs.

After more than ten seconds, the platform began to start, and it slowly descended, bringing the excited hedgehog and doubtful scholars to the depths of the earth.

In fact, scholars would like to see the vacant information from these hedgehogs, but it is unlikely to destroy the directional device in the face of so many creatures, so it decided to keep up with the hedgehog and then look at it. See if there is any chance to see it next.

What it is riding now is obviously an elevator.

The platform has been falling down, because the hedgehog will glow, so scholars can clearly see that the surrounding walls are made of metal.

A kind of metal like earth color, there are many complicated things like symbols, and it really looks like something left by an ancient civilization.

'The rumble...' The platform slowly stopped. Scholars and hedgehogs found that there was a cave in front of them. The little hedgehog jumped out of the cave happily, and the scholars followed them behind. At that time, what appeared in front of it was... a city.

Is there really one...ancient civilization?

In front of scholars, there are countless buildings, mostly made of metal, with a height of less than 30 meters, almost all colors are gold or brown, and even the ground is covered by a golden metal structure.

The city's light source comes from some crystallized creatures. Some of them are like a creature called ... bats, flying around the city while fanning the shiny crystal wings.

What the scholar originally thought was that after the creatures here made the research materials, the origins took the information directly, and then gave some rewards or ignored them. I did not expect to have an ancient city here.

“This is the legendary city! It can make us stronger than it was in the heyday!”

Several hedgehogs wrapped up in excitement and ran to the glittering city, and as they embarked on the golden road, the crystal bats in the sky suddenly swooped down from the air.

"Help me!"

Suddenly, a hedgehog made a scream, only one meter tall, and it was caught in the air by a bat with more than ten meters of wings. The crystal bat quickly grabbed it and flew to the top of the cave.

Scholars also looked at the top of the cave. It found that there were many upside down crystals on the top of the cave, but it was not ordinary crystal, but a variety of... biological sculptures.

The hedgehog that was caught was also left behind. The bat first pressed it on the top of the hole, and it was stuck at the top of the hole. It couldn’t fall apart anyway, and the bat spit out a lot of mucus in the thorn. On the body, the hedgehog does not move very quickly, and the mucus on it slowly solidifies into crystals, and at this time the hedgehog becomes one of the crystals hanging upside down on the top of the cave.

"It turns out that those upside down sculptures are creatures that have been solidified by bats..."

When the scholars looked at the scene, the remaining few hedgehogs were obviously frightened. They were still excited and now they have fled to a building next to the street in horror.

They don't seem to have any weapons, don't you think there is danger here?

Although the scholars are surprised, they don’t care so much. They follow the hedgehogs and walk into the buildings they hide. This is a building of more than 20 meters, made of gold metal.

The appearance is somewhat like a 'tower'.

Although the appearance looks gorgeous, but the inside is empty, the scholar did not find anything like furniture when he came in, only saw the group of hedgehogs shrinking in the corner of the building... Their courage seems to match the body shape very much They are very small.

Scholars waited here for a while, and found that these hedgehogs are too...cracked, and the most daring thing they do is to look a little outside and see that bats are retracting when they fly, and they Also discussed the decision to wait until the outside bat is gone and explore.

Because they don't want to wait for them, scholars still intend to... go out and explore.

After the decision, the scholar went out on his own, but it did not turn off the stealth, because I don't know if the bat has any interest in it, usually it should be no.

There should be no metal creatures here. Scholars have discovered two kinds of creatures until now. One is amorphous and the other is crystalline. In fact, most of the civilized species that it saw before are amorphous, they should all be For cells, the air and gravity are also suitable for them, but their bodies are soft and perhaps most crystalline organisms tend to prey on them.

While thinking about various problems, scholars wandered around the city, and all the buildings here did not have the ‘door’, so it could enter and exit at will.

All the buildings that scholars enter and exit are empty... Whether it is a multi-storey building or a single-storey building with no furniture or anything else, scholars begin to suspect that the city is just a 'scene' from the beginning. There is no substance.

Until... the scholar came to a building.

The building is more than 30 meters high. The golden shell and the shape of a ‘pumpkin’ make it look like a golden pumpkin, and scholars can still feel...

"This reaction..."

The reaction to the life-distorting device was triggered when the scholar built the building, and at the same time, it felt a sense of twisting its emotions from the building.

However, this kind of emotion is rather strange. It is not like the emotions of hypnosis. When feeling this kind of emotion, scholars will feel that they are in the void and are slowly drifting far away...

"There is actually one here..." The scholar was a little surprised, but it quickly began to record the location of the thing and sent it to the robbers...

"this is……"

The scholar is also detecting the true size of the twisting device. If it is the same as before, the golden pumpkin is only the surface, and there is a big structure underground.

Through the detection, the scholars found that the structure of the twisting device in the underground is indeed very large, but there is another important point... it connects all the buildings.

Below this golden pumpkin, there are a large number of structures such as pipes that radiate out like radiation to each building in the entire city.

“Do you say...this whole city is part of a twisting device?”

Scholars suddenly came up with such an idea.

However, when the other buildings were touched, the detector did not respond. Only when the golden pumpkin was touched, the detector responded, and the scholar felt the wonderful feeling.

In any case, let me record it here.

‘Boom! ’

Just as the scholars did this, it suddenly heard the explosion coming from behind, and turned around and saw that there was a thick smoke rising in the distant buildings.

That is... the direction of the city entrance.

The recorded scholar quickly ran towards the direction of the city entrance. When it arrived there, it was found that the golden streets near the entrance were full of various creatures.

Those are the civilized species that they have seen before, including dust crocodile.

Moreover, they all have weapons.

"What the **** are you doing! Why come here!"

The hedgehogs were still hiding in the building, but they seemed angry and angry in it.

"This is ours! The agreement is over! We can't stand you to swallow powerful technology!"

This group of creatures...has come down from above, and the reason for their coming is simple, to seize this empty city.

'boom! ‘I don’t know which creature first fired, an explosion re-emerged, and the creatures here spread quickly. Each group of creatures hid behind the nearby buildings, using buildings as shelters, and they fired at each other.

The bullets and explosions continued to reverberate on the streets. Scholars found that the weapons they used were relatively simple, using bullets and explosives that were not very powerful, so they did not succeed in killing an enemy for a long time. This battle has also evolved into a long war of attrition.

Watching them fight, scholars feel that they seem to be very... primitive, for which scholars feel that they can study the void.

However, they seem to have a relatively high level of research, and scholars think that the dust crocodile research tools they have seen before are still quite powerful.

'boom! ’

The war of attrition was interrupted by a sudden roar, but this was not caused by an explosive thrown by a creature, but an earthquake. (To be continued.)

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