4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1250: start up

"They have been successful."

"They have already got that thing."

"So, it's time to start that thing."

"Can it really contact that thing?"

"That is... sure, with it, we will reverse this war."


‘ booming’

"What's wrong with this? What happened?"

Under the underground of the mirror world, the golden city located here is really trembled at this time. This vibration affects the surrounding cave structure. The crystallized creatures that hang on the top of the cave fall down and smash, and a large number of crystal bats Also frightened and scattered.

And those civilized creatures that can't fly can only scream and flee outside the city, but only a small amount of them do, most of them still hide behind the buildings that used to be bunkers, because the objects that are constantly falling above make them completely I dare not take a step.

"This feeling……"

Scholars stand on the golden avenue, and the twist detectors on it are constantly prompting it, and at the beginning of the earthquake, scholars feel it.

The wonderful twisting energy suddenly spread throughout the city at the moment of the earthquake. Whether it is the golden ground or the surrounding buildings, it can now feel the energy of life twisting anywhere in the city.

I only had the feeling of touching the golden pumpkin before, and now it is spread all over the city.

"This is not an earthquake... This should be the city, this twisting device has to be activated!" The scholar looked at the location of the pumpkin in the city center and couldn't help but say to himself: "Do they want to do something with twisting devices?" ”

Scholars quickly sent the situation here.

'boom! ! ! 'A violent scream accompanied by a lot of creatures screaming, let the scholar turn back and look back. It saw the golden street and the surrounding buildings suddenly smashed up, just like the surging waves generally rise higher and higher. The golden ground was rolled up in the direction of the scholar with all the buildings fixed on the ground.

The civilized species that were still fighting before screamed and grabbed the building to prevent them from falling.

'boom! A similar voice came from other places. The scholar turned around and found that the ground around the city was rolled up, and the golden ground rolled up countless buildings and moved closer to the center.

This makes the city look like a blooming flower, but now the flower is shrinking and slowly merged.

The buildings in the city are all very strong. The ground changes so much. They are also tightly glued to the golden ground. It can be seen that no one building collapses. Therefore, scholars are more convinced that all buildings are twisting devices. a part of.

At this time, the scholar felt that the ground under his feet was also shaking. It immediately ran and headed toward the center of the city...that is, where the golden pumpkin was.

The building behind it was constantly rolled up by the rising ground, and the sound of the bang and the screams of the creatures kept ringing until the scholars ran to where the pumpkins were.

However, the ground under its feet is no longer up.

Because this is the core, scholars can see that all the surrounding grounds like petals are slowly gathering together. Finally, this originally opened city is completely together, and the shape looks from the outside. It is like a huge flower bud.

Everything inside the 'flower bud' is dark, and the bats that emit the light of illumination have long been flying. There are no illuminators here, so the scholars turned on the lights on their bodies, although this would make them no longer transparent. But now it seems to be... no problem.

Scholars can see that above it, the combined ground makes a lot of buildings crowded together, but that is... better combined.

Because the shape of each building makes them fit into the surrounding buildings, and there is no one pressure to the other, all of which are designed.

And those civilized species... I don’t know how they are, they may be squeezed into the building, and they may still be alive. Obviously this starting device doesn’t care much about them.

The tremors around the rumbling let the scholars know that it seems that it has not ended.

What is the city going to do?

The scholar did not make any action, but waited in the same place... It felt... the energy around it seemed to become more and more intense, and the scholars found that his thoughts seemed to drift farther and farther...



Mirror the world on the ground.

The vast and smooth, mirrored ground that reflects the sky and the views of all living things, now has countless cracks.

Every second, these cracks are constantly increasing. Most of the creatures wandering on the mirror plain run away because of fear. A few of them fainted directly in the same place, because these creatures never saw the sky and the surrounding, they are right. The world's cognition comes entirely from the mirror underneath, and they now find their world full of cracks, and strong sensory stimuli make them fall to the ground.

'boom! ! ! ’

After the cracks increased to a certain extent, a more violent explosion echoed in the sky of the mirror world, and the plain formed by the mirror suddenly exploded. A golden, huge flower bud burst out of the bursting ground. , came to the crystal of the world.

Under the light of the stars, it shines with golden brilliance, and it constantly sounds a variety of weird metal collisions, which is only visible inside.

The scene that scholars and the creatures inside can see...

"They are in combination?"

In the eyes of scholars, buildings of various shapes are constantly changing shapes, they are somewhat scattered, integrated with the surrounding buildings, and some become larger and combined with a building opposite it.

Although it doesn't make sense to see these combinations, they are indeed changing rapidly.

“Ah!” The scholar also heard the screams, a civilized creature being squeezed into a meat paste in two changing buildings.

However, scholars are more concerned about the pumpkin next to it. Pumpkin is the only building without any change. Scholars only feel that its energy is getting stronger and stronger. That kind of feeling makes scholars feel uneasy, but it can still Keep yourself.

The continuous changes in the surrounding buildings also give it some insight into the specific shape of their changes...

"This seems to be... a launcher?" (To be continued.)

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