All the structures are constantly decomposed and reconstructed in the eyes of scholars.

The collision of machinery and metal continues to rise, and soon these things no longer look like buildings, they look more and more like a pile of dense mechanical structures.

Scholars don't quite see what these structures have, but they can feel the strange energy flowing among them.

The assembly slowly stopped as time passed, and the last assembly gave the scholar a straight, upward, shiny, golden channel with an opening at the end of the channel to see the sky outside.

This looks like a barrel, and the ammunition inside the barrel is the same thing as the golden pumpkin next to the scholar.

It hasn't changed from start to finish, so stay at the bottom of the pipeline now, as if it were to be launched at any time.

However, it is only the scholars who feel this way. They still don't know what effect these changes have. What is certain is that the entire 'ancient civilized city' has become a huge machine.

"This is incredible! This is the power of ancient civilization! The whole city is a huge installation, although I don't know what it is for, but it belongs to us!"

Suddenly, the scholar heard a voice. It turned to look at it and saw only one... The hedgehog came out from the side of the pumpkin and looked at it with excitement.

It may have been here since the assembly process, and it seems to treat all these changes as a device of ancient civilization... although it is not surprising.

"Who are you? Why are you here!" The hedgehog suddenly stunned when he saw the scholar: "Why are you still alive!"


‘Hey! ! ! What the scholar just wanted to say, suddenly heard a low and loud voice, only to see that the hedgehog had painfully licked its auditory organs and fell to the ground.

Although the scholar did not fall to the ground, it also felt very uncomfortable. At the same time, it also saw that the golden pumpkin gave off quite a dazzling light. It was originally golden and it became more golden.

“Is it really necessary to launch?” When the scholar thought so, the whole machine made up of the city trembled like an earthquake.


In the nearby void, the beetles that are pulling the meteorites, the numerous worms that flew in the void, and the emptiness of the excavation on the ground, all looked at the mirror world at the same time.

"This feeling……"

In the space station formed by the void, the robbers also raised their heads. Although there were walls blocking them, it could not be seen in the direction of the mirror world: "It’s weird feeling..."

"There is something..." The nephew also looked over there: "Fly out."

"Hey? What's wrong with you?" asked the blood fog as they looked at them.

"Shut up, idiots are scared."


Back to the surface of the mirror world, the golden, huge flower-like machinery is still on the mirror plain.

It didn't seem to change anything, and it was also inside it. The golden pumpkin didn't fly out, it was still in the original position, and the scholar and the hedgehog were still in place, they were motionless. It seems to have caught it, it is because...

There was something flying out just now. This thing is... scholar.

To be precise... is its ‘consciousness’.

"What is this? How can I..."

In the eyes of scholars, there are countless stars.

These stars are moving constantly at an extremely fast speed... No, scholars have found that they are moving at a very high speed.

Its speed... seems to be much faster than light, causing it to easily fly from one galaxy to another, and countless stars are moving back at high speed, and scholars are rushing through the air.

And it’s not just a scholar who shuttles here. It also found some other creatures next to it.

They are the civilizations that the scholars saw in the golden city, including the hedgehog. Most of them did not move. They seemed to be in a coma. Only one hedgehog woke up and looked at it in horror.

Scholars also found that they were flying on a ... strange thing at a high speed, accurately a mirror.

The mirror is round, about 30 meters in diameter, and is large enough to carry these creatures and fly at very high speeds, carrying them across the stars.

Of course, scholars don't think that they are really crossing the starry sky, just in a dream, but this feeling seems to be very...real.

This mirror seems to fly with a galaxy as a site. When it reaches a galaxy, scholars can see a large number of tumbling and dazzling stars passing by in front of it, and then the mirror will fly to the next galaxies. .

Although the speed is extremely fast, scholars can see the scenery on the road and see the details of every world in the galaxy. Every place has great differences, just as they are all true.

At the same time, scholars have begun to recall... Why are they here, as if the giant machinery of the previous city was started, and then launched themselves...

"This is the one..."

When passing through another galaxies, the scholars did not see the next galaxies, but a huge black, and the surrounding stars disappeared, as if everything was covered by this darkness, except that it and the creatures boarded. Mirror.

"Ah...!" Suddenly, the scholar heard the sound of his voice, and saw a creature next to it making a fierce cry. The darkness around the creature spread to it and slowly wrapped it.

Then the creature disappeared.

"What is going on?" When scholars came up with this question, they saw other creatures as well. They were all surrounded by a lot of darkness and disappeared.

The same is true of scholars. It finds that darkness has slowly climbed onto oneself, and at the same time, it feels a rather severe pain.

It seems that there is some kind of power to pull it in half, and it understands why the creatures around it will make a scream.

"This is a function to eliminate impurities." However, at this time... a voice appeared in the minds of scholars, and the pain disappeared.

"Implications...?" Because the painful memories of the past have not completely dissipated, scholars have not responded.

"Yes, you, and the creatures are considered to be impurities mixed in it, so it will rule you out, as long as it is not considered impurities, it will be fine."

"That is..."

When the scholar reacted, it saw that the darkness around it had disappeared, and the stars appeared again in front of its eyes, as if everything had been restored.

However, there are only two creatures left on the round mirror now flying, one is a scholar, and the other is... Hedgehog.

I don't know why this hedgehog is fine. It seems to be scared by the scene just now. Now it is in the middle of the round mirror.

Perhaps, the hedgehog is because it is a creature that puts in the void, so it is not considered an impurity. There is indeed this possibility...

With the imagination of scholars, the round mirror took it to fly again and again one galaxies.

This trip lasted for a long time, and it was exactly a thousand seconds.

The round mirror has already flown through quite a few galaxies. Scholars have even seen many wonderful things on this journey, such as huge cylindrical objects, seemingly giant flying objects of creatures, and some huge explosions. And a variety of void landscapes.

But none of these things will affect scholars like the darkness.

Finally, the round mirror stopped.

It does not stop in a certain galaxy, but stops in the void... a wandering world.

The surface of this world is gray-black, and there seems to be nothing special. As the circular mirror slowly descends to the surface of the world, scholars also see the world's surface environment.

"This is... mud?"

Mud... At least it's like a muddy substance that appears in front of scholars... They spread to the farthest point of the scholar's vision. I don't know if the whole world is such an environment, or whether it is in this area.

Looking into the sky, the clouds are densely covered. It seems that there is air in the world, but scholars can't feel it. Whether it is flying in or now, scholars don't feel any environmental information, such as temperature and air.

However, scholars can still feel ... gravity.

In fact, there is always gravity, it is on the round mirror, which makes it stick to the round mirror instead of floating elsewhere.

When the round mirror flew to the world, the gravity did not change. Now the circular mirror landed only one meter away from the ground. I hesitated a little. The scholar jumped from above and landed on the ground.


The soft feeling of the ground and the spattered gray liquid tell the scholar that it seems to be really mud.

Scholars didn't think too much about what the mud and the liquid inside were, but ran in one direction because it saw a thing standing in the mud in the distance, which looked like a branch.

"Where are you going?"

When the scholar ran two steps, the hedgehog yelled at the round mirror: "Why do you want to run out?"

"Of course it is to explore." The scholar said: "Don't you go?"

“Why do you want to explore?” The hedgehog said: “When you stay here, it will definitely send us back!”

"Send us..."

The voice of the scholar has not fallen, and there is a sudden bang from the top of it. (To be continued.)

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