"All the army, listen to my order, all firepower to shoot!"

The war started again, although there was no sound in the void. ●⌒,

However, the creatures who are fighting can always hear the sound of resounding, sometimes the sound they imagine, and sometimes the cry of their companions.

This may be... the last fight.

This is true for the beginning.

If the battle fails, their race, the world and the civilization will be destroyed, and everything will disappear, so at the last moment, they will do their best.

The countless crystallized army is like a big net. Their number makes them like stars. Although the distance is still far away, this crystallized force is no longer moving forward.

In the relatively crystalline army, the swarms are denser in this respect. They are still wrapped in a huge group like smoke, and the newly joined troops... the emerald dragon and the dragon's troops are in the swarm.

Their role is to support firepower, not to charge, in fact, in this battle... the things that will charge are only the same.


Under the shouts of the **** fog, the soldiers of the Emerald Dragon opened the switch of their weapons. The huge arrows flew out from the head and sides of the ship, shuttled between countless flying insects, and finally left. The insects came to the vast void.

The arrow is facing... a dazzling star.

These are not the distant stars, but the barrage that the original army has sprinkled. They are like the tsunami rolled up in the Xinghai, and they are rolling towards the swarm.

The arrow of the Jade Dragon does not hesitate. It rushes to the devastating Xinghai Sea as quickly as possible, and then transforms its body with the curtain of one or more beginnings into the smoke of the void.

This is the war... Like a fireworks war, the swarms and the beginnings are constantly pouring countless barrage on the other side. These barrages are different in form, but their functions are very similar, that is, charging...and then explosion.

The barrage of both sides is constantly colliding, and the brilliance of the center of the battlefield is fleeting, and the numerous bullets collide with each other. Some of the barrage can fly a little farther, but it will not be too far from the battlefield center. .

As for the barrage that can successfully hit the enemy's army... there is neither one. At present, the fate of each barrage is collided with another barrage, and there are no exceptions.

However, this should not last long.

Even with the addition of the Jade Dragon and the Dragon, coupled with the reinforcements that continue to be abandoned from the world, the Inca tussocks can only be tied to the starting forces... a tie.

However, the origin is not full of attacks, and it is true that their troops have not yet reached the attack position, because ... the beginning is not a one-time flight.

They are like a river, forming a long team and marching toward it.

This is mainly because the original troops of the original territory were scattered. They did not gather troops, but directly let the whole troops start moving. This led to some arrivals and some arrivals.

It's just that... they all come together and don't take too long.

The number of starting forces that came to the beginning was about the same as that of the previous attack, with around 200,000, but they are still increasing rapidly.

The troops that flew behind joined the troops that were firing in front of them. After they were in place, they also began to bombard the swarm.

"They are getting more and more..."

The robbers in the space station can clearly see this. The shape of the giant army that is composed of the starting army is slowly increasing. All the troops have flown from the rear and joined the 'net'. edge.

Their firepower has also become more and more fierce. When the number of barrage on the starting side increased, the collision sites of the two sides began to slowly press against the insects.

The distance between the two sides of the troops is more than 30,000 kilometers, and the impact point of the barrage moves from the originally balanced 15,000 kilometers to the direction of the swarm.

And it makes the battles no longer balanced, not only the growing number of starters, but also some huge things.

Those...crystal disks.

The diameter is more than ten kilometers, much larger than the previous one. A total of three crystal discs sailed toward the center of the battlefield.

Faced with countless barrage in front, they were fearless, and most of the flying shots were intercepted from their barrage. Occasionally there were some hits and they were completely dissipated under a shining Shield.

These crystal discs, like the ones that had been dealt with before the robbers, had a shield-like, unsealed protection and were quite sturdy.

The discs blocked a large number of swarms of guns and were getting closer to the swarm, and the robbers suspected they would use tactics similar to the last time.

Although this time is controlled by the Inca group itself, these discs are also larger, and there are countless reinforcements behind them.

When the balance of the battle is tilted, it means that the swarm must adopt new tactics to restore this balance, although on pure firepower the swarm can't compete with the starting army, but...

"If you continue this way, there will be more than one hundred seconds that you will not be able to support it..." The robbers said in the space station: "It is better to use that."

Its words did not receive any response, but the swarm has begun to move.

In a place far from the battlefield, a group of insects began to act. This unit is almost identical to the surrounding void color, and there is no difference.

The latest materials covered by them prevent the origin from detecting them, but the effect is not clear.

The position of this unit was already in place before the battle, and they were behind the starting army.

They began to fly quickly towards the beginning, but as they approached the 6,000-kilometer range, some of the original shooting scenes had suddenly stopped shooting, and they turned to target the hidden forces that were approaching them.

... was discovered.

A large number of bullets flew from the air, and the hidden army of insects exposed their bodies, which were also wiped out under the barrage.

Their dissipation proves that the beginning of the new mode of detection, but the detection distance is not very far, at least the hidden forces need to be closer to be discovered.

The forces at the beginning moved again, and many crystallized aircraft stopped shooting at the insects and turned to the surrounding voids, and a large amount of light was emitted from their surfaces.

The position hit by the light originally seemed to have nothing, but it exploded.

These explosions are also hidden forces from the swarms. There are still a few hidden units, and they are not necessarily close to launch an attack. Some of them are far away and can emit high-speed explosives, but these explosives have all been started. The interception of the territory did not succeed in reaching the target.

However, at least some time can be delayed.

The hidden swarm forces did not flee from the in-situ, but continually launched at the back of the scene, while also launching while approaching the beginning.

This made the beginnings more and more concerned about them, more crystallized aircraft turned to intercept the bullets they fired, and shot in the direction of the bomber, trying to hit the hidden troops.

Because the hidden forces are outside the scope of exploration, they don't know where they are, they can only explore the shooting.

The blood fog looks at the battlefield in the distance through the picture in the mechanical water shovel. It can be seen that many crystallized aircraft are turning to shoot elsewhere. The pressure of the barrage on the side of the insects is also slightly smaller. This situation makes the blood fog immediately. Shouted: "Now, use that thing!"


The sound of the Jade Dragon Guards fell, and several special arrows flew out. They passed through the swarm and flew into the battlefield.

These arrows seem to have their own thoughts, they will avoid the barrage that hits them, and finally, the arrows have successfully hit the protection of their targets...

It was a huge, shimmering shield... the shield of the crystal disc.

The target that the arrow is aiming at is the few crystal discs in the center of the battlefield, and they are like the barrage that most hit the disc, blocked by the huge shield, and then the explosion disappears without a trace. .

However, there were still a small number of arrows that successfully crossed the gap of the shield and flew toward the body of the disc.

Although they soon exploded.

The surface of the disc can emit a myriad of light, which can easily shoot down any object that has been lucky enough to drill through the gap of the shield. This means that it has full protection...?

"Did you make it?"

The blood mist waited for news in the otter, and soon the screen in front of it flashed continuously, and a picture appeared inside.

"Successful." The sound of the robbers came from the picture: "I have successfully loaded that thing into the disc."

“Is it?” The blood fog said: “How can you see the effect?”

"There will be results soon... you see."

After the robbers were finished, the blood fog was also seen on the battlefield. I saw a crystal disc showing an odd movement, and the disc was constantly shooting around.

... shooting without aim.

Some of the bullets it fired flew to the swarm, some flew to their own starting forces, and some hit their own protective shields.

It seems that it is crazy, and it is completely unclear what he is doing.

The beginning seems to be very confused about the behavior of this disc. They did not attack the disc, but let some aircraft fly past it and it seems to be trying to fix it.

"Very good, let's go again!" The blood fog saw this and immediately said: "We want to make them crazy... Shoot!"

"Oh ah!"

The voice of the blood fog just fell, and it heard a scream. It turned around and saw that an emerald dragon boat next to it suddenly turned into countless pieces and sparks... (to be continued.)

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