"Oh ah!"

When the screams sounded, a ship was torn apart in the misty eyes.

It was caused by a fierce explosion, and this explosion did not only happen here, but also around.

A burst of explosion bloomed in the swarm, and the brilliance of the blast engulfed a large number of swarms, and the blast that was located closer to the edge of the worm was more violent.

The Emerald Dragon's vessel is located close to the center, so only one is blasted, but this is enough to cause **** flusters.

This is obvious, just like the insects have hidden forces sneak attack on the beginning, there are hidden troops to attack the insects at the beginning, and the damage caused is much larger.

"This is the mirror mine." The tone of the robbers is still very stable: "Towards the inside, the insects will solve them and continue to launch targets in the distance!"

"Hey! I know!" The blood fog quickly reached the command, and the special arrows flew out again, heading toward the center of the battlefield.

This special arrow has the power to defeat the enemy without piercing the target, mainly because it contains some special things that come from the pompom.

............this time, on the other side............

"What are those? What kind of weapon is it? And..."

"There are so many things you want to know..."

"We want to know everything."

Here is a golden space, whether it is a wall, a floor or a roof, or a creature here... there is only one thing, except that it is not golden.

It is the machine called the scholar...

"So, do you want to torture me? My pain system can be turned off." The scholar looked at a creature in front of him. This creature is golden, and his body is somewhat like an ant creature, but standing upright. The height is more than two meters.

This was a recent incident. Scholars had previously changed the signal of the beginning of the world in the mud world, causing the world of mud to target the starting forces to temporarily be paralyzed.

The origin quickly solved this error. The way to solve the error was to cancel the signal transmission, and the scholar's thoughts returned here with the cancellation of this signal.

When I first came back, the scholars found themselves surrounded, and surrounded by themselves is this golden thing, they said that they are ... the beginning.

Then they caught the scholar in a golden building temporarily constructed in the launching device, and regarded this as a prison, and closed the scholar.

There is nothing in the prison. There are only scholars and a golden beginning. There are many golden beginnings, but only one of them has 'accompanying' scholars, and scholars have not been tied up, but scholars have not arbitrarily attacked these. Circumstance, because it feels useless, it is necessary to find a suitable escape offline...

This beginning has been asking scholars questions. The questions asked are all things that scholars have done before. For example, how do scholars mix in, how to change the signal, and so on. Just asked a recent thing, that is The war has begun. Although the troops at the beginning have a large number of advantages, there is a platform that does not know what attack was hit and mad.

The origin thinks that scholars know the principle of this attack, so I want scholars to answer.

Of course, the scholars also cooperate very well... nothing is said.

Unexpectedly, there is no way for scholars to start from the beginning. They originally wanted to torture scholars, or they opened the scholars to see if there was any memory system, but scholars told the beginning that their memories were not stored here. Opening will only lead to results that are not expected by both parties.

So the beginning of the hesitation, but there is no other way.

It may be that the methods of torture of the civilizations in the original collection are almost the same... that is to create pain, there is no other way than this, and scholars have no problem as long as they are not afraid of pain.

"So, we finally decided to dismantle you." The golden beginnings said to the scholar: "If you continue to show nothing, then we just have to see if you really have no memory system."

"Yes? That's a shame." The scholar said: "I can actually reveal a little bit, you are attacked by a weapon related to ... spirit."

"That kind of thing will swell in your mind, make your brain full... insult your voice, you will soon feel difficult to think and go crazy." The scholar said: "Yes, this weapon is very Like your twisting system, but it's very different..."

"..." The golden beginning did not say anything, just looking at scholars.

"So what is this? If I tell you, you must also promise me some conditions." The scholar said.

"We still decided to dismantle you." After that, the golden beginning turned and went to the exit.

"and many more……"

'boom! When the exit was just opened, the golden beginning seemed to have been hit hard and flew back, and hit the wall behind it.


Next, the scholar saw that there was a donkey with a tail at the door and climbed up.

"You really are here, the little dinosaur head thinks that it is a ugly creature." The scorpion said: "I have solved all the golden idiots outside, now you don't want to slow down, hurry up and move your body out! ”

“How did you get here?” The scholar went to the exit and looked outside. He found that the golden beginnings were lying everywhere, and they all seemed to have been hit hard. Some of the bodies were bent into very... ...curved shape.

The difference between these beginnings and the pompoms seems to have no attacking ability and no protection, so it is very weak. This makes the scholars feel that it can escape if they start to resist.

But the blind man can beat them, but it makes the scholars feel very wonderful.

"Of course I sneaked over!" said the blind man: "Secretly come here with the methods they can't find, and secretly defeated them and found you. Now let's start the task! Look at these idiots in the mirror When we are busy with war, we have to do a lot of things in their homes to make them collapse!"

“Task?” The scholar wondered: “Is it...”

"Yes, blow up all of their devices and that device, no, use their devices to do something, make them all...real idiots! Or mad!" (To be continued.)

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