4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1266: Crazy fear

‘ booming’

Known as the world of mirror world, the brilliance of the explosion has always shimmered around it because of the war.

However, the explosion now does not only appear in the void, but also in their ... world.

"Hurry up and get out of here!"

Scholars and nephews are flying fast, the sky behind them is almost covered by an explosion, and many crystallized aircraft are attacking each other.

To be precise... a group of normal crystallizers are besieging the ‘mad’ aircraft, and the roaring sounds of them are heard even if scholars and scorpions fly far away.

"This is really effective." Looking at this situation, scholars could not help but sigh.

The little nucleator is a rather horrible weapon... creatures that have not specifically studied the power of dreams can hardly fight these things.

"Next, let's go there." The blind man said, "Destroy their devices!"

............... At the same time, on the other side............

"It seems that they have been affected a lot..."

In the battlefield of the void, the fireworks of the barrage are still continuing, but they are weaker than before, mainly because...

There were many madmen in the army of the beginning.

They are all crystallized aircraft that are affected by the small nucleus. These mad vehicles are all shooting and colliding everywhere, which has caused a lot of impact on the starting forces.

This is true even for those aircraft that are completely unaffected by the ‘Little Guardian Arrow’, because if they try to connect with the mad aircraft, they will hear the crazy voice of the little nucleus and the screams of the same kind.

Although the small protectors will not move through the communicator to infect other 'healthy' aircraft, but this will also have a significant effect on the origin, they seem to be very surprised.

The beginning may be thinking about what is going crazy, and soon they turned this surprise into fear, the whole army began to recede, and the crystal discs returned to the big forces.

Including the maddening crystal disc that was made, the beginning of the way to find a way to repair it, that is to abandon one-third of the ... body, then it did not go crazy, but did not carry out any attack but retreated back .

The entire army at the beginning of the country had to retreat. Although they did not retreat, they did not slow down many attacks, but they slowly pulled away the distance from the insects.

So before the barrage flies, the swarm will have more time to react and shoot them down.

But this also led to ... small nucleus weapons to hit them will become more difficult, so the battle returned to the previous ... stalemate state.

Countless bombs continue to explode in the center's battlefield, but if this continues, the beginning will slowly take the lead.


"They...scared." Inside the space station, the robbers looked at the outside and said: "It seems that the use of this thing is better than previously thought."

"Yeah." The blood fog said: "They actually retreated to such a long distance. I was still worried that they would immediately aim at me for a full attack."

"They may not think that this is the effect of the arrow." The robbers said: "They might think that this is something we use a twisting device because there are too many barrage attacks with the arrow, and They all explode in the absence of hits, and they don’t necessarily tell the madness caused by the arrows."

"They think that we use something like a twisting device, and the closer we are, the more we will be affected, so we try to go further..." The robber said: "So... now we can take action. ""

"Hey! Move back all!"

Now, the swarms begin to move slowly backwards like the original, including the ships of the Jade Dragon and the Dragon, and they retreat toward the rear tumbling.

The beginning of the situation enhanced the barrage's offensive, and the large screens of the curtains flew like giant waves, but their troops did not move a little, obviously... they no longer want to approach the insects.

Although they strengthened the firepower, the insects had enough reaction time because of the distance, and the insects intercepted the barrage and flew toward the surface.

Soon, the insects were getting closer and closer to the surface, and the curtains of the beginnings were still falling from the sky, but the number was much less than before, and finally stopped completely.

"They... don't attack?" Although the blood fog knows that this tactic is to retreat back to the surface of the tumbling and then counterattack, but does not know that the start will stop the attack.

"This is just... temporary." The robbers said: "You look at their movements carefully."

"Action?" The blood fog noticed that the crystallization unit in the void seemed to be changing positions. Some aircraft retreated to the opposite place, while others flew to the front.

"It is now... spread out."

The entire swarm spread rapidly on the surface at this time, and all the branches quickly flew in different directions, including the ships of the Jade Dragon and the Dragon, but they were in the middle position and the speed of the spread was slow. .

Some of the slower ships that fly can see...the sky in this ridiculous world.

The strong brilliance tears the sky, and the huge beams of light illuminate one after another. The hit ships or swarms will instantly turn into powder, while those who are not hit can see that the surface hit by the light column will appear. A crystal clear pit.

"This is where it is..." The blood fog remembered very clearly. This was the weapon that was used on the pompom to bomb the ground before the start.

The slight pause just now seems to be that they are changing their weapons.

But because they spread when they changed their weapons, most of the troops were not hit by these rays. The light column could only leave one deep pit after another on the ground, and the troops of the insect group dispersed. Go to the middle of the tumbling and fly backwards.

This is very similar to the tactics that the worms used last time. Take this tumbling person as a shield, but this is a bit different. It is not only a shield, but also a weapon for attack.

There are only a few minor problems.

That is a weapon that requires the opponent to be closer to the distance. Now the distance is too far, and it does not continue to pursue after the insects have escaped. Now it is temporarily...cannot be used.

Originally this tactic was introduced after they pursued, because they had chased the back of the tumbling before the start, so they might not be too prepared.

However, I did not expect that the origin would be caused to the small nucleus... The damage would be scary and lead to not catching up quickly.

In this case, then only...

Let them be more afraid. (To be continued.)

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