4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1267: Distorted distortion

"This thing also makes it infected."

Among the crystals of the jungle, all kinds of strange creatures screamed constantly, and the strangest sounds in it were derived from two creatures.

They communicate in the Emerald Dragon language, and this language has never appeared in this crystal world...the mirror world.

"I don't know what will happen..."

Looking at the huge, high-tower object in front of him, the scholar raised his arm.

This is a life-distorting device that previous scholars have seen and recorded its location, and it is now back here again, and intends to put the small nucleus into it.

Because it's not a creature, the twisting device shouldn't be crazy, but there will always be some effect... What effect is that?

A ball flew out and exploded on the surface of the twisting device.


"It seems that nothing special happens." Scholars have not detected any special reactions in the twisting device here, and the energy inside seems to have not changed.

"Isn't this thing going crazy?" Xunzi also issued a similar question: "If this is the case, then blow it up."


The voice of the scorpion just fell, and the sound of the bang sounded in the distant sky. The scholar turned his head and saw that dozens of crystallized aircraft were flying toward it.

"First hide!" The scholar quickly receded and saw a group of crystal shrubs after a crisp collision.

The scorpion did not move in place, but also cried to the scholar: "You don't have to hide, the mirrors can't be found..."

‘Hey! When it was not finished, a light would descend from the sky, and a small hole in the front of the scorpion was shot...

Then, countless light scatters like raindrops, and they make a lot of holes on the ground, on the crystallized plants, and even on the twisting device.

These rays even covered the crystalline jungle, which caused many of the crystallized creatures to fall through the body.

Those who were hit by light also included scholars... and scorpions.

They were not penetrated, and there was a burnt mark on the position where they were hit, but the attack did not penetrate into the interior.

"Do they... found out? It doesn't seem to be, it's an indiscriminate attack."

Scholars and nephews are watching the sky at this time. The light attacks come from the crystallized aircraft that just flew over. They are now parked above the crystal jungle and gather around the tower-like twisting device.

"Maybe they detected that the twisting device was hit, but we didn't know where we were, so we flew over and cleaned this place, but the weapon used was weak." The scholar said to the blind man: "We still leave here first."

"Oh, these idiot mirrors are so light, I want to stop us from having the ruin of destroying everything here!" The scorpion quickly ran to the scholar and said, "We are next..."


Suddenly, a low voice sounded, and the scholar suddenly felt a rather weird feeling coming from the twisting device.

It looked at the twisting device, and the whole tower-like device was glaring and leaping, as if...the whole burned.

However, this 'flame' burning on the device is white, so it is quite dazzling.

"What seems to have happened... Is it crazy too?"

The scholars and nephews who wanted to leave stopped their steps, and the burning devices made them want to watch it for a while. It seems that something strange happened here.

The crystallizers in the sky are motionless, and they seem to be unable to stop the phenomenon of this phenomenon...

‘Boom! ’

When the burning phenomenon lasted for about 30 seconds, the scholar suddenly felt the ground shake, and a large number of cracks began to spread around the center of the twisting device.

"Does it come out of the ground?" The scholar knows that the twisted device is like a tower-like shape that is only exposed to a part of the earth's surface. It has a 'garlic' shape and a larger body in the ground.

The ground and the cracks that are now shaking are very much like the ones that the main body has to drill out of the ground.

"Fast, let's get out of here first!" The scholar immediately grabbed the scorpion and ran to the distance. As the vibration became more and more intense, a large number of crystal plants fell to the ground in the shaking, and many of them fell like glass. Have to smash.

In countless crystal fragments, the distance distancing device that scholars run is getting farther and farther, because the aircraft with the origin in the sky dare not use the flight to escape, but it runs faster than the crack spreads.

Soon, the scholars ran out of the size range of the entire twisting device, and when the scholar stepped into the safe area, the earth also jerked again.

In the bursting ground and splashing debris, scholars and nephews saw a huge monster rising from the ground. This is like a giant garlic-like object. At the moment when it appeared on the ground, it sent a strong... …signal.

"You **** things that can't be guarded! I want to kill you all! Everything that can't be guarded should be completely eliminated!"

It is better to say that it is a signal... ‘noise’ is more appropriate. It is directly introduced into the thoughts of scholars and nephews, but scholars feel that there is nothing special except for being annoying.

And the scorpion also has a special performance, although this is the ‘sound’ of the small nucleus, but after all, it is not directly in contact with the small nucleus, and it does not really make the creature go crazy.

"Let the idiots ... turn idiots into idiots, very good tactics." For this situation, the scorpion has only one comment.

"... Is this the effect of just throwing it into the twisting device?" Scholars are more concerned about the distortion of the device. Now the twisting device is completely drilled from the ground and is constantly sending small guardians around. Discourse.

However, the only thing it seems to be able to do is that it has no effect on the aircraft in the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, the scholar saw the aircraft at the beginning of the movement move.

They first lowered the height and then placed a large number of ... crystallized variants on the ground. These mutant creatures became a limbed creature at the moment they reached the ground and rushed toward the twisting device.

At the moment of touching the twisting device, the mutant creatures go crazy, they turn their heads to attack other variant creatures, and some fight each other.

"It seems that the contact will be affected..." This situation is more obvious in front of the eyes. Scholars believe that it should be the beginning of the world to use the variant organisms to repair or test the contact twisting device. As a result, they encounter the small device. The impact begins to go crazy.

If it can be affected without contact, the small protector will turn the twisting device directly into an extremely dangerous weapon, but this may also affect himself, so it should be good to have such an effect.

"It seems very effective!" said the blind man: "They can no longer use this kind of thing, then let's pollute everything else!"

"……of course."

After another observation, the scholar and the nephew left here and went to find the location of the next twisting device.

The next position is not difficult to find...because scholars and scorpions have new detection functions. When they leave the jungle cautiously and walk through a crystal stone wasteland, the other twisting device is in front of them. This device is almost the same as before. It is a long tower-like structure on the ground and another large body on the ground.

It’s not that easy to blow it up, but it’s easy to put a small nucleus on it, just...


This twisting device is covered with densely packed troops.

They all look like crystals, and there are countless crystal bodies in the shape of the same on the ground. They look like virtual people...SUVs.

There are also many crystalline organisms standing around these 'Crystal Off-Roads', which look different and may be crystallized.

The sky is common everywhere, shaped like a stone-like irregular crystallizer.

"It's really hard to get close." Scholars and nephews were hiding in a piece of crystal stone at this time, and looked out at the beginning of the army.

Although the hidden ability of scholars and nephews is very strong, scholars believe that the distance is too close to be discovered. The army at the beginning is too dense, and they have no way to pass.

"Since this is the way to use that tactic!" said the scorpion: "It was the previous one. You first maddened the peripheral forces and then sneaked in when they fought each other to solve the twisting device!"

"But..." The scholar was a bit hesitant, because it was possible to be discovered as it was last time, because the bomb of the small nucleator who shot it did not seem to have a hidden function.

"Nothing but, if not, then..."

'Boom! ’

The stone that the scholar and the nephew hid suddenly moved. It was like a big mouth open, and they ate them two...

"This is a trap? Ah? Is it discovered?"

Scholars and nephews feel that they are rapidly sliding down a channel, they simultaneously open the flight device, and then quickly fly in the direction of rolling down.

"It's already locked up, let me here."

Flying to the falling position, looking at the darkness in front of the eyes, the scholar quickly threw a ball, and after the sound of the bang, the scholar's eyes returned to the light.

They are now in the same position as the stone that swallowed them, the stone has been shattered, but...

They are surrounded by a large number of initial forces. (To be continued.)

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