4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1275: understand

They seem to understand...

After the war, some of the more powerful creatures were watching as the observers.

No matter which side, there is such a bystander.

The origin does not like his own bystanders, and has not liked it since very early.

The facts also prove that the onlookers on their own side are not... useful.

The transpiration, this mysterious 'biological' has taught many techniques to the beginning, and also gave them two worlds suitable for the environment. The beginning uses these two worlds plus their own world to perfect their own civilization culture system. '.

However, the beginning is not grateful to the evapoturizer.

They have always suspected the tranfers, guarding them, and usually the ignorance does not manifest this suspicion until ... after the war began.

In this war, the beginnings were hardly helped by the vagrants. The transpires did not communicate with the origins in addition to the situation of some local creatures in the beginning.

Of course, let alone give them direct help in the battle, the beginning is very dissatisfied with this situation, especially when the situation of the other party is not just described by the evaluator, the beginning is even more angry.

Because this is tantamount to deceiving them into a trap, but the beginnings have not completely fallen out with the transpirations, they think they can still win the war.

Until now...

The beginning of the discovery, its enemy is not only the creatures appearing on the surface, but also deeper things.

This was discovered during the beginning of the study.

In the midst of the battle, the beginnings have also been trying to understand what their opponents are. Through research and investigation, they have discovered things about the insects.

And the creatures that are related to the swarm, the creatures have noticed them very early, but there is not much to pay attention to.

Later, I found out that they were very... troublesome things, such as one that can command the swarms while the swarms are smashing, and two dream worlds that have entered them.

However, the beginning of the most concerned, is that ... machinery, it is not a general intelligent machine, it is often referred to as 'scholars', according to the detection of dream energy in the beginning, they found that 'scholar' is controlled remotely of.

There are two ‘will’ of the control scholars.

One is the main controller and the other is not much control, almost just using this mechanical structure to observe the situation.

Because the beginning is very concerned, so this scholar has done more research, and several times the success of the beginning to capture scholars, and some tests on it.

Later, the beginning of the situation to the transpiration ... ... accurately said the transcript of the evaluator, the corps of biology asked questions about these species.

The ecclesiastical creature did not conceal anything. It told the beginning that there were things about these races, but did not mention another conscious thing about the mechanical connection of scholars.

Therefore, the investigation method was adopted in the beginning.

They use a special twisting device to investigate and follow the will of the scholar's brain and search for it.

The beginning of the discovery, it is quite a huge thing.

They have no way to accurately describe them, but in general they are very powerful creatures. At the beginning, this powerful creature must have been supporting these species of insects and their fighting.

Because species like insects have made a lot of things that are unexpected from the beginning, such as infiltrating into the mirror world, peeping into their dream world, driving their troops crazy, etc. I feel that the original races can't do that much.

It is the mysterious and powerful species that support them, they can do these things... The beginning is so thought, although it did not directly attack the beginning, but it has given considerable pressure to the beginning.

Slowly, the beginnings think that this war is no longer possible to win, so they and the faction creatures represent the current situation.

The beginning of the situation is so obvious that it is to let the ecclesiastical creatures... the vagrants support them and help them achieve the battle victory.

However, in addition to letting them complete their tasks, the Order's creatures did not express any help to the origin, which made the beginnings feel angry.

They decided not to be associated with the transpiration, so they made plans to break.

Although it is indeed possible to complete the mission and win back the two worlds that have already been occupied, the origin has chosen another direction, that is, completely out of the vagrant, away from the war and re-development in a distant place.

Since they have decided so, of course, they also have the ability in this area.


"Contacting you, let us learn a lot..." In the caves deep underground, the beginning of the golden appearance is said to scholars.

"We will become stronger." The golden starters stood together. They didn't attack the scholars, but they seemed to calmly say: "Although we have lost a considerable price, we will be born again, later. At some point, we will come back again and continue this unfinished war."

'boom! ’

At the moment they finished, the whole place shook violently, and the top of the cave appeared numerous cracks with the roar of the explosion.

Among these cracks, a large number of worms that grow like vacancies climb out of it, but they are only more than ten centimeters in size, so they are also called ‘mini emptiness 蠊’.

This group of mini-empty scorpions flew down from the top of the cave and surrounded the golden beginnings.

The golden beginnings did not sit still, and bursts of explosions burst out in the swarm, and a large number of mini-empty scorpions instantly turned into debris.

But the amount of these makes these losses negligible. These little cockroaches completely encircle the golden beginnings. When the protection on the origins triggers, they bite wildly and make the protection become more and more continuous. The more bleak.

The reason why the swarms will come here is mainly because scholars, when it is sent here, it sends the location information to the swarm.

Coupled with the fact that the beginnings have been there and have not left quickly, the swarms have enough time to dig here to solve them all.


In the light of the dim lightening, the golden beginnings once again said: "Even if you kill us, there is no way to stop us from leaving."

"Everything is up, we will see you later..."

At the beginning of this sentence, they suddenly made a dazzling brilliance, but in the next second, their protection would be broken.

The mini-empty emptiness did not stop, but rushed up and shredded the golden beginnings completely.

Although this is the end result, scholars feel that the beginning of the situation should be true, do not know how the departure will be used to leave ... and it is not easy to stop them.


'boom! ’

On the ground, the sound of the explosion is still echoing.

The forces formed by the swarms raged on the surface of the mirror world, and most of the things they currently destroy are strange buildings that have just emerged from the ground.

When these buildings appear, they will launch a beam of light and shoot it into the sky. Then the beam of light will be blown up into countless things... it can be said to be dusty.

These dusts are scattered in the kingdom of heaven without any harm, so the swarms usually go to the next one after destroying a building, leaving only a few... the arms responsible for research are here to light dust. research.

But the current discovery only thinks that this is a kind of luminescent substance, and it has no special effect.

And the beginning of the world to get this kind of thing, surely this is what is important.

The swarm does not want to let the beginnings escape. After all, this war is very difficult. The swarm wants to destroy or occupy all the things in the world of the beginning. Before the goal is completed, the swarm will continue to try.

Now, after hearing the news that the beginnings are going to flee, the movements of the swarms have become more rapid, and they want to stop them before the start of the situation.


"Everything is ready."

The movements of the swarms were a little slower because they heard the sound, which echoed throughout the mirror world.

Although it is the language of the Emerald Dragon used, this voice must have been sent from the beginning.

"We have had a terrible war. Although we expect to solve the problem peacefully, it seems to be...it is unlikely."

"But in the end, we still hope to have some simple communication with you and see what you think about the current situation."

The voice did not get a response, the swarms were still destroying various buildings everywhere, and scholars also sent it several times at this time, and the swarm wanted to find out what is important...the meeting place.

But this time I didn't find any important places, and the sound of the beginning is still echoing.

"It seems that you are not willing to communicate with us... then that way, we will remember you forever, remember this war forever!"

At the moment when this sound falls, the world is surrounded by light.

If in the void, if you can see this moment on the floating disk platform, this jewel-like world seems to be brighter than the star at this moment, and it seems to have no harm to the vision.

So the creatures on the platform watched this moment carefully.

In just a short moment, the world disappeared without a trace, and remained in place, only those insect swarms that were still raging in the world in the first few seconds. (To be continued.)

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