4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1276: This is where

"War... is it over?"

This is a ridiculous world. ≧

This world was previously involved in the war, and it was hit hard, and its body was full of huge potholes and cracks.

This also makes the world seem even more ridiculous and...hey.

The robbers, blood fog, scorpions, and... scholars stood on the edge of a huge crack and looked at the void in the sky.

Originally seen in this position, among the twinkling stars, there is such a jewel-like world, but it has now disappeared and disappeared along with all its appendages.

The 'attachment' refers to all the crystallization units, the disc platforms floating around the mirror world, the peak species above, etc. These things are gone.

Things that are not belonging to the attachments of the beginning are left behind, including swarms, robbers, and those that have been 'contaminated' by small protectors.

They did not leave with the mirror world, but they were all left behind. All the information about the mirror world disappeared at this moment.

So they had to regroup in this ridiculous world.

"It's really sad, just like a first-class idiot, just escaped." The blind man said: "They should fight like a warrior."

The blood fog said: "I remember that when I caught you, you fled very quickly."

“Is there such a thing?” said the blind man: “How can I escape from such a powerful life? Even if I escape, there is a very legitimate reason.”

Blood fog smiled: "A legitimate reason? Is that you are an ordinary nephew?"

"You don't want to be embarrassed first." The robbers said: "This escape, it should be that they have already begun to prepare, from the very beginning, we can see it..."

"There are almost no use of the transmissions to fight, and there is no large-scale transmission of their troops. This shows that they are storing energy in storage." The robbers said: "There is enough Energy can only implement this escape plan. After all, there are so many things to transmit."

"Maybe when the insects invaded and abandoned the world, they began to think about the possibility of escaping, so they didn't use the transmission," said the robber.

"How do they...have it been transmitted?" The scholar asked: "They seem to have started something around the world... They seem to use a different delivery method than fixed-point transmission?"

"No, they use fixed-point transmission." The robbers said: "This transmission technology can also be transmitted to unknown areas."

The transmission technology at a fixed location is the transmission that the tranfer teaches to the origin. The characteristic of this transmission technology is that the transmission point must be placed in one place before it can be transmitted here.

All in all, you can't reach places you haven't been to.

This transmission is better than the "sensing transmission" of bus-like creatures. It is very stable, there is no error, and the energy consumed for transmission is also quite low.

However, the beginnings are not so much for this kind of transmission... like, because even if you start to master this kind of transmission technology, there is no way to explore everywhere in the void, you can only use the two worlds that the tranfers have prepared for them. Only.

However, this technology is not completely impossible to go to. In fact, it can be forced to transmit without placing a transmission point.

Forcing a transfer can lead to a result that it will arrive at an unknown location in an instant.

Where is this location? Is it somewhere in the void? Is the interior of a star? Or it is possible to fall into a dangerous virtual environment.

This is a transmission method that completely gambles its own destiny on the unknown, but the beginning is to use this transmission method, because this transmission also means that they will reach a completely unknown place.

This is not to say that it is a swarm, it is difficult for tranpers to find them again.

At least the beginning is what I think.

The buildings they use should be designed to ensure that the transmitted energy covers the entire mirror world so that the entire world is within range.

In addition, using a special method, the things like the insects are separated and not transmitted together, and then forced to start the transmission, and finally they escape to an unknown place.

"It seems that this war is really over, at least these aggressors have been repelled." The robbers said: "But they have not completely defeated them, and all the secrets hidden in them and their mirrors have disappeared. ""

“It seems...” The scholar said: “There is a feeling of regret.”

"Oh, there is no way for this." The blood fog said: "I don't know where they are going, no matter what, I have to go back now and get the body out."

"What?" The blind man shouted: "Then I will kill you before this!"

"If you do, come and try it!"

... In this way, in their chat, this battle of the beginning is also the end of this... Is it? ......

‘ booming’

This is in the void, the other side of the distance.

The intense but harmless brilliance flashed in the void, and finally, with an extremely dazzling brilliance, a huge world... appeared in the glory.

It is as beautiful as a gemstone, and it is surrounded by a large number of crystal discs. Its appearance and clear expression, the world is just the mirror world that has just escaped from the war.

The world has now reached a completely strange place, and the creatures on the platform can only look at the life of the sky with a surprised expression.

As for the beginnings in the mirror world... they are quite surprised.

They are not surprised that they can escape to this position, because this is something they have planned very early, and it is not surprising that they can succeed.

The strange thing is that there is another world next to their world.

The world is less than 10,000 kilometers away from their world. Its surface is densely green, as if there are many... creatures on it.

What makes the starter strange is gravity.

Although the world and the mirror world are generally the same size, they are not so close to each other, and there is no gravitational influence. It is like the world is a illusion, and it is not there at all.

This makes the beginnings feel very suspicious. When they think so, their troops are also moving towards this green world, hoping to find the answer.

It is also expected that this world is suitable for them to raise... civilization. (To be continued.) 8

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