4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1277: Mirror exploration

The wind, slowly blowing over the green ground, the grass that spread all over the earth shook slightly.

On the grass, there is a bronze armor with a gorgeous pattern and a giant blade behind it.

A slight sound came into its ear, and the eyes under the helmet suddenly flashed a glimmer of surprise. It stood up and turned, and saw a figure slowly coming out of the jungle not far from its eyes. .

The appearance of the person is skinny and short, and it seems that its age is close to the end of life. It walks and wobbles, as if it will fall at any time.

Faced with this fragile old man, it is like a big enemy. The giant blade behind the hand is aimed at the old man. An invisible force is transmitted from the edge of the blade. The small animals on the grass around are suddenly frightened and fleeing.

It asked the old man in a loud and low voice: "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see you, Qing Yan." The old man did not do anything in the face of it, just smiled and said: "I didn't expect it, so young has reached the level of this extraordinary class, I no longer need to train again. is you."

“Training?” It was shocked and said quickly: “Have you been... are you training me?”

"Yeah..." The old man said: "When I saw you at first sight, I knew that you are a rare genius on the mainland, so I have been playing your enemy and kicking you off the cliff. Forcing you to separate from the family and using all kinds of parties to create all kinds of hard environments, is to make you work hard and let you grow up."

“Why are you doing this?” it said aloud: “Why train me?”

"You have no father since childhood." The old man said: "You know... why don't you have a father?"

"What? Are you..." It stunned, and the eyes under the helmet were full of incredulity.

The old man continued to smile and said: "Now, you have finally grown to the point I expected. I can now safely deliver the legendary ancestor inheritance to you. From now on, you are..."

'boom! ’

The voice of the old man did not fall, and there was a roar in the woods in the distance. The large birds were soared from there.

"What is that?" Because the conversation was interrupted, they both looked in the direction of the sound, and there was something glimmering between the trees.

"Is it a monster?" It stared at the inter-tree: "According to the sound of the previous one, I am afraid there is a strength close to the extraordinary level..."

"Yes..." the old man said: "But for you now, it is far from fear, isn't it?"

It said angrily: "Listen! I have not fully believed what you said, even if you are really my father, I will not recognize..."

"What is this?" It stopped when it was not finished, because it saw a golden creature in the woods.

"This should be the magic that just caused the noise." The old man said: "It is a species that has never been seen before."

"Oh! Although there are still a lot of accounts between us, I will try my recent cultivation results now!" He said, it shouted, the giant blade in his hand was lifted high, and the footsteps were on the ground. He stepped out of a deep pit and rushed toward the golden canopy with a sweeping momentum.

Then it died.

Before it touched the golden creature, its body exploded with the armor, turned into a broken piece of meat, and the green grass was dyed with another layer of color.

"Ah?" Seeing this scene, the old man stunned.

Then the old man is dead.

The law of death is exactly the same as that of the armor.

“The local creatures are very fragile.” The golden creatures ignored the ground flesh, and it slowly drifted to the center of the grassland, seemingly talking to himself: “But there is wisdom and the value of continuing investigation.”

"This is also a very valuable world, but there are many mysteries." The golden creature floating in the air landed on the ground. It pulled up a grass from the ground and looked at the grass and said: "Now Gravity is in a normal state, but its range is quite small, which means..."

"This means that the world is not for you."

The sudden sound made the golden creature seem to be shocked. It immediately floated to the sky, but at the moment it floated, some grass on the ground appeared strangely different.

These grasses stretched like vines and entangled toward the golden creatures.

However, the elongated grass suddenly bursts one by one before it approaches it, but the vines that these grasses become are still growing up.

Continuous bursts could not stop them, and finally a grass vine successfully wrapped around the body of the golden creature.

As the vines increased their power, the golden creature's body surface showed a faint protection, so that it was not squeezed by this entangled force, but it could not continue to fly upwards and was pulled to the ground.

"What are you? Why can you communicate with us?" The golden creature that was entangled did not panic, and it still kept a calm attitude.

"Because I know that you are the beginning." The grass in front of the golden creature suddenly opened a hole and flew a ball from it.

The ball was covered with green fluff and some flowers on it, almost exactly the same as the grass... This green pompom flew to the front of the golden creature and said to it: "Your plan has failed."

"You...this is impossible, why do you come over with us? We have completely checked it out!"

The golden beginnings look very flustered.

The green pompoms tell it: "It’s not that I followed you here, but you... came to my place and killed me... the creatures I made."

‘Hey! At the moment when the pompoms had just finished, it was like being hit by a heavy blow.

At the same time, the vines that entangled the golden beginnings were also hit several times in a row. These vines broke instantly and the golden beginnings were released.

It was the other two beginnings that rescued it. They were flying from the distant woods.

"We did not succeed in escaping." The beginning of the rescue said to his companions: "The creatures that war with us are still following us... they are still here."

"Our plan will not change. We need to investigate this and look at the specific situation."

The other two starters looked even more calm. They spoke to one place while they were talking, and the beginnings followed.

The three of them floated together into the jungle.

The jungle is full of creatures, and the various sounds are constantly echoing, making it seem very lively and making these beginnings even more alert.

However, no creatures came out to attack them until they floated out of the jungle, and once again came to an empty place, not far from the beginning, a small town appeared.

Most of the town’s buildings are woody, some are stone, there are many creatures with limbs in the town, and there are several weapons in the town’s entrance, which are obviously The guard of the town.

"What is this?" A guard saw the beginning of the float and suddenly called, and the companions around it also looked in this direction.

The appearance of these three beginnings is like an ant that floats up and stands upright, so this creature treats them as...monsters and raises their weapons and rushes them up.

Then, these creatures were quickly solved by the origin.

The three beginnings drifted in along the entrance of the town. The creatures in the town were horrified to escape when they saw the beginning, while others tried to attack, but they were all exploding without being close.

However, the beginning is just to kill the creatures close to them. If the distance is far enough, the beginning will not chase.

Because of this phenomenon, the creatures in the town slowly chose to escape.

When they escaped, the beginnings are exploring this place.

They first floated into a building and found something like a book to carefully observe.

And this should have no useful content for the beginning.

The contents of those books are some very simple things, like everyday life or something.

However, there are also some information, such as their positioning for their own strength, as well as the positioning of the strength of the outside creatures.

Of course, the beginning is not a creature that has been positioned. These positionings are meaningless to the beginning.

Most importantly, the books should not be understood at the beginning.

They really don't understand.

Although I have read a lot of books, there is no one to read books for more than ten seconds. Usually, after a little look at them, throw the book aside and continue to stroll somewhere else.

The town's buildings are almost filled with furniture for living creatures. The beginnings are not interested in these, so they quickly explored the entire town.

At the beginning of the return to the entrance of the town, they noticed that the creatures here have already run out, except for one...or one, always following them.

"Are you finished visiting?"

When the three beginnings wandered around the town, a green fluffy ball followed them all the time, observing every move of the beginning.

Now it has appeared again.

"What are you?" The starters were very alert. This time they did not attack immediately, but they questioned.

"Don't you know?" The green pompom said: "You didn't run because you detected it?"

"It’s just that the position of the escape is not ideal." Pompon said: "So we will meet again."

"……Do not."

A beginning suddenly said: "You can't do this... This war should have ended." (To be continued.)

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