A world as beautiful as a jewel is slowly moving away.

Perhaps it is too far away, knowing that the attack is meaningless, so it does not release any barrage, just quietly drifting into the distance.

Because the stars are getting closer and closer, the dazzling brilliance has almost engulfed the world.

Of course, it hasn't touched the star yet, so it won't collapse. In fact, it won't touch it. It will float from the star and fly far away.

Maybe in the end it can fly out of the galaxy's galaxy and wander in the void.

Does this mean it is over?

Not yet, at least not for this mirror world.

It is still in the process of continuous cracking. The storm composed of crystal dust sweeps the surface over and over again. The cracks in the earth are getting more and more. They are spreading toward the depths of the earth. The stable ground has begun to fluctuate. .

However, some pioneers have drilled on the surface at this time. They use a huge body to resist the violent ground environment and look for any living creatures.

Then swallow them, then take them to the void and leave the collapsed mirror world.

Because there are many interesting kinds among these creatures, Lynn feels that they should be kept and continue to live.

However, the most important are the underground pioneers, who are working underground, and in addition to confirming the location of the distorted devices, a pioneer has found such a place.

"You have come here."

When the Blazers got into the area, Lynn heard such a sentence in the beginning language.

This is like a different area, it is a very open underground space, and there is only one weird creature here.

It is about ten meters in diameter and looks like a silvery liquid, but there is something more visible than it is the wall behind it.

The wall behind it is generally white and soft and looks very elastic.

Lin is the first to see this kind of thing in the mirror world, and the creature like mercury seems to be able to communicate.

"When you come here, you mean that you are the victor of this war." Mercury said to the pioneer: "Finally, the mission has not been completed in time, and now we can only wait for destruction."

"Before destroying, I expect an object that can communicate with me to appear, and you have it." Mercury said: "So, do you want to talk to me?"

After hesitating for a half second, Lin asked him, "What are you?"

This mercury should also be the beginning, but it is different from those that Lin had seen before. The defenders who Lin encountered in the underground have entered a state of madness because of the twisting device. They will not communicate. Only there will be constant attacks.

And this mercury seems to have not been affected, and its size is also larger than the general starting point.

"I am the beginning." Mercury said: "The only one."


"Yes, the only beginning." Mercury said: "I have been in this position all the time, observing the whole war, and many decisions have been made by me, including finally coming here to see if I can finish what they said. task."

"Although it seems that they are urging us to perform the task, but in fact this is what I promised, I control all the system startup here, let the task start the final stage of execution." Mercury moved slightly The body touched the stone behind him: "I use this to control all systems, including the operation of twisting devices, etc."

Immediately after the mercury was finished, he said: "But now I have ruined it internally, so I can't continue to control it, and now the underground environment is rapidly breaking down, and the whole world will not support it."

"This is because of the forced start, you should know that this world is an unfinished tool, and forcing it will only crash it."

"So say," Lin asked the Blazers: "Do you want to kill all the populations you have left here?"

"I don't have a stock." Mercury said: "The beginning has already said, I only have one myself, I am the only one."

"Now since the destruction, I can tell you all this. I also hope that there will be creatures to pass on our story. If you will record these stories and then share them with more creatures, I am eager to have more. Many creatures know it all."

"These things are not quite the same as those you have been exposed to, especially with regard to the beginnings."

Mercury paused and said: "There is no such thing as the beginning of the race. I can't say that there is no such thing. I am the beginning, but the beginning is only one of me, all the creatures you have encountered before, all the creatures that war with you, They are all not the beginning."

“There is no beginning” Lin said: “Is that the case?”

"Yes, there is no such creature, or it was not before I appeared." Mercury said: "You should have discovered this before carefully studying each of our individuals."

"All creatures participating in the war are not the beginnings. They are creatures from various civilizations."

“The beginnings are often mistaken for crystallized creatures, and in most cases they are involved in the war.” Mercury said: “When they are captured, they are considered to be the beginnings.”

"But in reality, crystalline variants belong only to one of the civilized creatures." Mercury said: "They are not rulers. There are countless creatures in the world. They all unite and work under one system. And no creatures are ruling them."

"But there is a ruler in their minds." Mercury said: "That is the beginning, the beginning is a concept, not a real object, it is only in the mind."

“Initial” Lin asked: “Is it something that the species here imagined?”

"No, I am not too sure about the origin of the concept of the beginning, but according to various situations, the beginning is likely to be related to this world of transformation." Mercury said: "According to the concept of the beginning The history can be traced back to two civilizations long and long ago."

"It seems that time is not enough."

boom! At the moment when the sound of the mercury creature fell, the seemingly soft wall behind it suddenly exploded, and a large amount of crystal fragments were shot from inside. The pioneer's head was constantly hit by these fragments and screamed.

Lin also saw that the mercury-like creature was spreading on the ground. It had a lot of debris on it, and it seemed to be very painful.

"My life is coming to an end."

When it said this, the Blazers immediately climbed forward, but when it saw it, it immediately said: "Don't touch me, or I will break down immediately."

Lynn’s Blazers stopped and asked, “Do you want to die?”

"Now I don't want to live anymore." The beginning of the world said: "These sad civilizations will also end with this world. Those who have escaped may slowly forget the concept of the beginning."

"Or, the concept of the beginning may be fixed in their minds forever, then they may continue to develop a similar civilized system, but this has nothing to do with me."

"This semi-finished world will eventually disappear completely. This may be the punishment of the vagrants for me, because I did not agree to them at first, and I still broke with them once, although in the end I promised their mission requirements, but It’s too late.”

As it spoke, Lynn also saw that its body was slowly dispersing, as if it were to dissolve into a pool of water.

But its voice is still very calm.

"You bring this, it will tell you what I wanted to say before." Suddenly it moved a little, and squeezed a piece of globular crystal from the body, and the crystal slowly rolled under the Blazers.

"But there may not be anything you want to know, such as the secrets of this transformed world. These things may always be secret. They are not known to be better."

"I want to remind you that although the mission has failed, it is only for us that the vagrant may perhaps continue the mission."

"I will leave the final beginnings and disappear completely."

During the period of its speech, the vibrations here became more and more fierce, and a piece of stone fell off the top of the cave, as if this place would collapse at any time.

Lin let the Blazers' head stretch out the smaller tentacles, grabbing the crystal ball and throwing it into the Blazers' mouth.

And that mercury is no longer talking, it seems that after that, it is dead.

Indeed, its body is melting.

Although it was called Lin, don't touch it, but Lin still touched it, but it was only through tiny arms, so it didn't know.

It is certainly not really mercury, but a creature made up of special substances. Lin was not the first to see this creature. She was once seen in some places in the void.

Lin can now see that the structure inside it is rapidly turning into a liquid. The main reason is that some important parts of it are crystallized through the shot, which causes it to start a special system to completely liquefy itself. body of.

So now it’s almost time to leave. Lynn cares a little about what he said at the end, that is, the mission will continue.

What does this mean?

What else can transpiration do? To be continued ^


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