4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1289: Special process

The title of the beginning, initially... was only used to describe a group, which can be said to be an organization.

This group is made up of high-level individuals among various civilizations. They share the information and technology of all civilizations and monitor and control all civilizations that do not know their existence.

In some special occasions, they invite some individuals with ‘qualifications’ from other civilizations to join the organization of the beginning, and pass on the concept of ‘starting’ from generation to generation.

The purpose of the organization is simple: to integrate the civilizational techniques of all living things, and to constantly accommodate new technologies, for which we must continue to cultivate civilization.

The start-up organization is a wonderful group, because the entrants come from many different races, but there has never been anything guilty between them, and every member of the organization is wholeheartedly acting for one purpose.

This situation has been going on for a long time, and the start-up organization uses powerful technology to monitor the new civilizations that have been cultivated by them, and then wait for this civilization to develop to a certain extent, and then select some qualified individuals to join the beginning. But this is not an inevitable situation. Some civilizations have never seen qualified people join the beginning.

The creatures in the organization of the beginning have been changing, except for a biologically crystalline variant.

Most of the creatures in the organization barely show up, and the variant creatures are different. They take on many tasks, such as mixing them into other civilizations for direct monitoring, or operating various mechanical weapons, etc. Biologically responsible.

There are also some highly intellectual species in the variant organisms, and discuss other issues related to the cultivation of civilization with other creatures in the organization.

At the same time, variant organisms are also represented as the image of the beginning organization. When the organization needs to show itself, it will let the variant creatures come out, which makes other creatures think that the crystal-morphing creature is the beginning.

Variant creatures are only part of the start-up organization, but they are a more important part.

Up to now, ‘starting land’ can be said to be not just an organization, but a very special integrated civilization, and members of the organization have formed a similar belief.

Every individual who joins the organization of the beginning thinks that he is a special kind of existence. What he has to do all his life is to collect the technical materials of all civilizations.

Therefore, each member makes every effort to cultivate the things of civilization, and learn all these things, all integrated in the current collection of civilized materials.

For a long time, under the constant replacement of the members of the organization, this special idea is still deeply rooted in the thoughts of each member.

Probably the concept of 'starting is a kind of creature', starting from here, there is actually no creature in the beginning, but these members feel that they are such a thing... called the beginning of the world.

Later things, like...Lin knows.

When the resources of the world are lacking, the beginnings begin to try to make a virtual trip, and then encounter the vagrants.

They did not say that this is a special organization composed of many civilized creatures, but directly indicates that they are a creature called the beginning.

Moreover, most of the communication process is carried out by crystal-morphing creatures. The tranpers may indeed treat them as a creature called the beginning.

Moreover, the reason why tranfers come here is not to find them. The main goal of tranfers is to mirror the world itself, but it happens to find the origin in this world.

Later, perhaps the tranpers found out that the beginnings had some value, so they began to teach something about the beginning, and in the process, the evaluators also discovered the truth of the beginning.

There is no beginning. The beginning is just an organization composed of a group of creatures. If there are no various civilizations, this organization will not be...

The transpires did not personally come to observe the world, but sent some other creatures, such as the sect of the sect to teach the beginning.

They teach not only technologies such as transmission, but also the beginning of the beginning to continually discover what is buried deep underground.

These things are very special. Although there are many civilizations in the world, and most of these civilizations dig holes everywhere because of the demand for minerals, they have never been discovered by civilization.

Occasionally some civilizations will find some, but they have not succeeded in understanding them.

These things are the transformation system inside the mirror world. It is... very complicated and can only be discovered by some special methods of the transpiration.

This kind of system has many functions, and the relatively large functions include moving the world's continent or creating changes in the world.

It is said that this transformation system is only half done, but there are already a lot of complicated things. When discovering these things, the organization also found some special techniques, which used this technology to create a powerful 'protective device'. .

This makes them more secure... to control those civilized creatures.

Of course, the capabilities of these systems deep in the ground are not limited to these, but there is a more special technique. Under the guidance of the seroton's sect, the members of a group of start-up organizations have penetrated somewhere underground.

They gathered here, because the sects told them that there is something special here, it is called an aggregate.

It’s just that the name doesn’t know what it is, and the sects tell them that this is a very useful thing, and they want to dig out the whole device.

Because most of the device was buried in the stone, they later excavated the entire device, and at the same time excavated something very strange.

These things are like the crystallization of small pieces. Although crystals are very common in this world, the shapes of these crystals are all the same.

Moreover, they piled up around the device in large quantities, and the group said that the crystals were produced by the device. Later, it allowed the members of the starting group to start the device, and the device continuously produced a large amount of crystals.

Because when they first met the tranfers, they all felt that the transpiration was a very powerful creature, so there was almost no objection to the teachings of the sect.

The number of crystals produced by the device is increasing. In the end, when the members of the entire organization can be divided into one piece, the group organism stops the production, and it does make every member take a piece of crystal.

After this action is completed, the device is activated again.

The members of the beginning are very confused. Because the ecclesiastical creatures tell their information is vague, saying that it is such a way to gather their beliefs.

At the start of the device, members of the entire start-up organization felt that the brain seemed to have been hit hard, but did not cause any harm.

Then, the device creates a special thing. The look of this group looks like a group of mercury, and... it moves freely and interacts with other creatures.

In the process of communicating with it, the members of the beginning found that this group of mercury has a very strong learning ability. It started to understand nothing, but in a short period of time, it completely learned the language of various civilizations and learned all the Civilized materials, it can also be carried out in a certain way with all members... long distance communication.

This is a very special thing, and its appearance has caused all the members of the beginning to start to have a kind of admiration for it.

They slowly admire this group of mercury and think it is the real beginning.

The ecclesiastical creature has not interfered with this kind of thing at this time, because its purpose is to test these devices... can it work perfectly?

However, the creature of the beginning is indeed really produced at this time.

Because that kind of device has a ‘conceptual creation’ or ‘faith creation’ ability.

It examines the general thoughts of the minds of all members of the starting organization and constructs their common ideas as a whole new creature.

Because all members believe in the concept of the beginning, although they do not specifically create a biological form of faith as a target, but this device can still create a similar creature.

This creature is the mass of mercury, which is closer to the concept of 'starting' than any creature in the organization.

The concept of the beginning is also very simple. In general, it is the cultivator and collector of civilization. The mercury produced is recognized by all members. They also think that mercury is more like a perfect starter than them... No, it is Beginning.

When this idea came out, they began to worship Mercury and let Mercury be their leader.

Then, it found that the thinking of these civilized creatures... is not normal.

For a long time, they have lived and acted according to a goal and a model. When different kinds of creatures are mixed together, there are no such phenomena as discrimination and conflict.

Although they are aware of this, they have never conducted an in-depth investigation. Most members believe that it is a great goal to unite all members.

But... Mercury doesn't think so.

The thinking of mercury can be said to be... very different from those of members. In short, it does not act in accordance with a model.

When Mercury ruled the whole beginning, it began to make a lot of changes that were different from the previous ones. Instead of recruiting new members from the general civilization, it let the members of the organization breed their own descendants to inherit the organization. The organization is completely separate from other civilizations.

Other civilizations are entirely used to provide technology to the origin, and there is no more intersection.

At the same time, it also perfected the cultivation system of civilization, and used the new two worlds to completely construct the cultivation process of civilization.

However, it is not entirely done by Mercury itself. It always selects some highly intelligent members to discuss it with it. (To be continued.)

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