Under the continuation of the civilized training system, the development of the beginning has become much faster than before.

In fact, their previous developments were very slow, and at least they had not been in the void for a long time, but under the command of the real ‘mercury’, the beginnings became stronger and stronger.

So the sects also gave them more tasks, such as letting them attack some...the primitive world, but after the attack, they can't stay in that place.

The scope of the activities of the beginning has always been only those three worlds. Under the discussion with various high-intelligence members, Mercury and all the members participating in the meeting think that the tranfers must have any conspiracy, limit their activities, and want to control slowly. After the entire population, after that, the beginning began to become more and more skeptical about the transpiration.

And Mercury has also noticed that the sects of the sect often let them look for things in the depths of the earth. These things have many special functions, and their technical level is not created by the civilization of the world.

Mercury then tried to avoid the ecclesiastical creatures. It decided to study the underground situation quickly. After using the mutant organism to form a huge excavation force, Mercury launched a comprehensive investigation on the ground.

In the course of this investigation, they built a lot of underground bases, and they also discovered all kinds of wonderful things in the underground.

In the course of the research, the organization of the origin has studied the use of many things, but there are also many things that can't be used for research, some are damaged, and some mercury is considered part of a huge object. If you can't find it, you don't know what to do.

However, their actions of excavation and research are very fast, and Mercury believes that the Faculty has not noticed it.

Things that don't know the purpose are usually left aside, and the team will do everything to find out what works and see what you can do.

In fact... can't say that these are useful things, they just know how to start these things, but don't know the specific role.

So... It is a pity that there is very little help for the overall development of the beginning, and in fact there is almost no.

When excavating with the group creatures, the group's creatures can often name and use many things, but the group's creatures may not be able to call them all. If you want to study it yourself, it is obviously not that simple. .

Mercury has therefore produced an idea that the group may want to use them to dig deep into the depths of the ground to learn about the location and function of these things, so it must quickly dig up this kind of thing and study it before the corps knows it.

The ecclesiastical creatures are not always in the mirror world. It occasionally comes over to give some tasks to the beginning of the world. Sometimes it is just purely strolling around and doing nothing.

Mercury decided to dig out all the useful things before it came next time and test it yourself.

Among the various things excavated, the most conspicuous is that a city...a golden city.

It’s not completely golden, it’s mixed with brown, but the important thing is that when it was first discovered, the members of the excavation team confirmed that it was a city, and its structure looked like a golden metal platform. It is full of various buildings.

After the research, they discovered that this is not a building, it is not a city, but a huge ... transmitter.

Where is the transmitter launched? Who receives the signal? The beginning team did not know that Mercury itself was of course... I don’t know.

But they found a way to get the sending device started, after the sending device sent the signal... initially there was no reaction.

But soon they received a response. This reaction came from a tumbling person near the mirror world. It was a ridiculous world. Because the environment was not suitable, there was no civilization there.

But there were some excavation teams, and the excavation forces at the beginning searched for useful mineral resources in that ridiculous world, and built many temporary collection stations there.

These excavation teams discovered a number of huge objects while excavating, and these objects are constantly sending out signals to respond to the transmitters of the mirror world.

These objects are life twisting devices.

The beginning brought these things back, and conducted detailed research, slowly learned that they distort the characteristics of biological thinking and then apply them.

These uses were discovered at the time. They did not find any more use of the twisting device, and it took a long time for the research group of the organization to understand it.

At the same time, they are also studying the transmitter like a city, mainly to understand where it sends letters, and what is sent.

Later they parsed the signals inside, and they found that the signal was probably sent to a certain galaxy in a fairly distant place where the twisting device was sent.

And when it is sent, the galaxy will send a 'return' to the sender.

The reply contains an important message, that is... the absurd world is a place that can be called a 'junction point'.

The twisting device is set to send the target to the junction, but if the junction is subject to greater damage, it will... no longer send the twisting device.

This information is rather vague, what is a larger injury? To what extent?

Because I didn't know, Mercury stopped all excavations in the ridiculous world, and then they didn't do anything there.

However, they did not see any twisting devices coming in, even if they used the sender to send more signals there.

Although there are already a lot of twisting devices that can be used for a lot of purposes, mercury still wants to get a complete twisting device, so they continue to study the transmitter.

Later they delved into it and learned how to 'write' the signal to send in the past.

But the signal you write won't let the twisting device come over there, and it will cause some weird effects.

That would cause some places to suffer... ‘strike’.

For example, if you write a signal that mentions a place or a creature, the source of the twisting device will send a strong... energy, which will directly hit the mentioned area or creature. It has a big impact, usually in a situation where the creature is mad or embarrassed.

Later, they didn't try to send the twisting device there, but Mercury felt that this could definitely be used. (To be continued.)

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