So, the history of this beginning

What Lin knew before was not the same.

Before the last death of Mercury, Lin gave a piece of crystallization, and there was a history of the beginning.

In general, the beginning of the beginning is only the organization of the creatures that have emerged from the two civilizations. Later, this organization is getting bigger and bigger, and there are various civilizations gathered in it, forming a huge body that controls all civilizations in the entire mirror world. power.

This organization is actually similar to the average personality, and the members live a normal life. They also like to enjoy and entertain.

Generally, when various actions are to be carried out, they will conduct discussion at the meeting. Although there is an organizational leader, this role is usually determined by various opinions.

This means that before and after the membership of the organization, the personality has not changed much, exactly the same as the usual personality.

There is only one special thing. After joining this organization, all members will have a belief that collecting information about all civilizations and cultivating new civilizations. This organization has been working hard with this goal and has never changed. .

As for mercury, it is made by a device called a polymer excavated underground. It can be said to be a collection of beliefs in the organization of the origin.

But Lynn feels that mercury is just a very powerful creature, and it is more suitable for collecting and cultivating civilization than any creature in the organization.

And members of the initiating organization also believe that Mercury can lead them, and they let Mercury as their leader to govern the entire organization.

In this way, the relationship between them is actually not complicated. Mercury is only a new generation of leaders. Although its birth is very special, it does not have much special ability.

The strange thing about the start-up organizations is that they have never changed the concept of cultivating and gathering civilized technology. It seems that there is something that affects them to implement this idea.

But from the data, it seems that the members of the organization are not as controlled, because they are all normal in all aspects, but they have not stopped the act of cultivating civilization.

After Mercury became the leader, it did a lot of things, but it did not let the organization break away from the act of cultivating civilization. Instead, it set up many better programs to cultivate civilization.

It has also been digging deep into the mirror world, and finally found out how to start the system inside the mirror world.

The next thing is what Lynn encountered. The sect of the sect represents the evaluator to let the origin attack the pompom and complete a mission.

It is to transfer the various devices inside the mirror world and the entire transformation system to the pompons, letting all of them happen on the pompons.

But this will also lead to the collapse of the mirror world itself, and the tranfers have been able to offer them a whole new world, where the origin can be transferred before the entire world of the mirror world collapses.

This matter, only the mercury as the head of the beginning knows that other members do not know, just know to attack the pompom and complete some tasks.

Then, when the war is about to fail, that is, when the swarm reaches the mirror world, Mercury tells the majority of the members of the organization that the task is specific.

Many members are suddenly very angry. They can't accept the kind of thing that the mirror world will collapse. They like the mirror world and think it is their only home.

It is also believed that this is a plan for the evaluators to further control them.

Later they decided on their own escape plan and decided to kill the sect of the sect.

Next, it was just what happened. After two worlds of mirrors, it was discovered that the mirror world had a project waste point of the transpiration.

Under the persecution of the tranfer, although there is no direct communication on the surface, in fact, the mercury promises the conditions of the transpiration, and then the transpiration will send the mirror world to the position where the pompom is located, let them fight the final battle.

However, the organization of the start has now collapsed.

There are many members of the organization, that is, the one that opened the aircraft. They think that the mirror world will be destroyed and they will all escape.

The group in the ground actually had a lot to escape, but the tranfers started the twisting device and forced them to stay there to complete the final task.

As for mercury itself, it is the main controller of this mission. It controls the systems inside the mirror world underground and launches these systems to attack the pompoms.

However, under the help of the stellar bus, this mission was not successful, because the mirror world was towed away by the stellar bus, and mercury was no way.

Because the mirror world itself couldn't move like a stellar bus, the mirror world finally tore the internal system and torn most of the structures on the ground and underground. The continuous collapse caused them to quickly destroy.

Then, Lin's pioneers met with mercury in the depths of the ground. It told Lin that he had died after all this. Its death was actually deliberate.

But I don't know the specific reason, maybe because I didn't get rid of the vagrant's failure in the end, and the destruction of the mirror world made it not want to live.

There is not much mention of the character of Mercury in this document. Lin knows it only because it has a very similar learning ability. Almost all places are exactly the same as the creatures that Lin originally knew. It can completely imitate one. Creature, and learn its appearance and all habits.

However, it is only one individual, and it was created by strange devices in the ground.

The device called the polymer was later placed, and what new things they used to make were not mentioned in this historical data.

However, it has been said that all kinds of devices excavated underground have been scattered around the world and are being studied continuously, but in this case, most of them are destroyed.

Some were destroyed because of the collapse of the world, and some were intentionally blown up by mercury. It said that they did not want the tranfer to get these things.

Although Lin has deliberately looked for it, she did find a lot of debris left over from these devices. It may not be easy to reshape them.

Moreover, the world has to disappear, and Lin does not have much time to find all kinds of things.

Now, Lin’s main concern is that there is a vast starry sky.

Under this starry sky, the beautiful mirror world is slowly moving away from a lot of flying objects flying around the world, that is Lin's pioneer.

Lin let the pioneers of the action take as much as possible to leave, because there is no way to transfer the things there, so they must be shipped one by one, but there is not much time, so I almost see what to take.

Now the mirror world can be said to be a world full of destruction. The explosives that are boiling in the air, in this place, have caused the Blazers to lose a lot.

Of course, I took a lot of interesting things.

As for the mirror world itself, it is impossible to save it. Lin can only watch it drifting into the ethereal void and protect the pompom to prevent its destruction from spreading here.

Even at the last moment of the upcoming collapse, it looks very dazzling. At the moment when it is destroyed, it should be even more brilliant.

It is a pity that the residents on the pompons have no way to appreciate this scene because they are blocked by the stellar bus.

When the pioneers all left and the mirror world floated under the distant stars, Lin’s thoughts sounded like a burst of sound.

It’s like a small stone falling into the water. Although it sounds insignificant, it looks quite beautiful.

Then, Lin changed her voice to a slightly dull roar, and at the same time, she looked at the growing light of the world, and the world itself has been obscured by the fire.

Instead, there are countless pieces and violent waves, and the Star Bus can clearly feel it and eliminate some of the effects, leaving the ball around itself and the pompom behind it in a safe state.

The world that was tossed to the extreme, disappeared without a trace in the glory of shining.

Then, Lin no longer simulates the sound, so quietly watching the glory of the world slowly dim, dissipated in the stars.

This war should finally end now.

But it doesn't seem to be the same.

At least that mercury is so thought of, it is indicated behind the data, and the transpires will continue to try to let this mission go on. Even if the origin fails and the mirror world is destroyed, they may let the mission go on.

This is to make Lin a little curious, what will the vagrants do to make the task continue? They should have no troops in their own right, or they will not let the origin attack.

In this operation, the vagrants only did very few things, and almost all the inner softness of the entire war was completed by the organization of the beginning.

Although Lin did not directly fight, but the tranfers did a lot less than Lin did, they almost did nothing, except for a little more behind, but still rely on the mirror world itself.

Lin feels that now I should find a way to find the location of the tranfer.

Lin believes that there are many new clues.

However, what is currently being done is to study what has been obtained from the mirror world.

For example, the creatures there, as well as the various interesting devices there, although the study of many biological techniques, but also the technology they use is partly from the underground mirror world transformation system.

Among the more famous ones is the protection technology of the beginning, which is also the excavation from the underground, not the technology of a certain civilization, and Lin feels that this seems to be very useful, so Lynn decided to study it first. To be continued

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