4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1292: Research

"God is obviously fascinating, the heavens are changing, everything is showing up, but I didn't expect to have such a waste!"

In a dark room, it was standing incredulously on the ground, looking at the cubs in his hands, then raised his head and looked at the old man standing in the corner of the room, shaking and said: "It's Potential... really only... second order?"

"...哎." The old man shook his head and said: "After the test, the result is already very clear. No matter how it is cultivated, the strength will only be second-order in its lifetime, and there will be no change."

"Why... no, my son can't have this degree!" It yelled and ran out of the room. It stood under the blue sky and shouted at the cub in the hand: "Is this true? Why is it so unfair to me? If your intention is so, then I will go against the sky in the future! You will give me a weak descendant, and I will one day have to open the sky!"

Under its shouts, the dark clouds that had been densely covered in the sky suddenly spread out, and the beautiful sunshine shone from the sky, giving the earth a warm color.

When he saw it, he laughed and said: "Ha ha ha! God, are you afraid..."

A flashing thing suddenly appeared in the ‘Boom’ sky. Under a violent noise, the object crashed into the ground.

This creature that wants to go against the sky and the house behind it will turn into powder.

And the surface of the shiny object that hit the ground swayed like a wave of water, and a few golden creatures floated from it. These creatures looked around and said, "Why did we go back to this place?"

"I don't know, the reason is being investigated. It may be that the navigation system has failed." Another golden creature said: "But now, going to this place means that we are more likely to live."

“The possibility of being eliminated is also great.” The first golden creature said: “So we must avoid ourselves being destroyed and we must do enough to do it.”

Saying, it flew to a place, and the golden creature behind it flew past.

... these beginnings, I don't know what to do.

Lin has been watching their actions. The golden beginnings are those that escaped by flying. Lin carefully examined these origins and found that they were almost all crystalline variants.

Of course not the kind... cannon ash type, but a kind of highly intellectual kind, but among them are also mixed with some creatures that are not variant creatures.

As Mercury said, the beginning is indeed a mixed biological organization rather than a biological group, except in the individual operating the aircraft, the crystalline variant organisms occupy the majority.

Most of the others should stay in the mirror world... After all, crystal variants are responsible for the most things, including flying aircraft and so on.

Lin had released some of them... Tracking the arms, catching up with the fleeing starters, and then using some illusion-like methods to confuse them, let them wander around here, and do some 'gravitational' with the stellar bus. Guided, these aircraft finally landed on the stellar bus.

It’s just that the way of landing is not very elegant, killing a creature that wants to go against the sky.

Speaking of it... The creatures that Lynn made here are very fond of moving against the sky. I like to challenge some dangerous environments, such as deliberately standing under thunderclouds during thunderstorms, not running away in earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. In the case, I like to go to the lava.

Of course, the result is similar to this one, although it is said that this is not because of challenging the dangerous environment.

This kind of personality is quite interesting, but it is unlikely that such a character will appear in ordinary creatures.

Compared to these creatures, it is interesting to have this aircraft fall without damage, mainly because they have activated the protection system.

The origin of such protection systems is also considered useful, so they protect the system as long as the aircraft is captured by the enemy and will be self-destructive.

However, when Lin's pioneers dug in the mirror world, they discovered the 'prototype' of the protection system. These things are simply a kind of... miniature protection field.

At the time of launch, a large number of tiny particles are arranged around the aircraft to form a 'shield' to block any offensive things.

After the automatic start, you can automatically block all kinds of flying objects. The disadvantage is that you can't attack when the protection starts. It is accurate that you can't attack with explosives or you will blow yourself up.

Lin hasn't fully figured out... how it controls the tiny particles, mainly the relationship between these particles and the controller.

The controller does not release a detectable signal or something. As long as it starts, it will automatically arrange the particles. Lin did not find out how to study this kind of thing in the beginning of the mirror world.

Details of what has been and should have been destroyed, and Lin found the prototype, that thing is very large, and most of it is damaged, it is not easy to reshape one, because some details do not know how to do it.

And the beginnings here should be carried, but they are all very small, and certainly not the same.

The original creation should be new, and the prototypes that have just been discovered have not been improved. Anyway, any one can observe their characteristics.

So Lynn decided to take a closer look at the start-up process of the protection at the beginning of the situation... and then create an identical study for yourself.

Even so, it seems that there is a problem that the beginning of the place is not wearing protection.

"You...the last time the monster!"

Lin observed these two beginnings, and many creatures appeared in front of them.

These creatures are armed with weapons, and they yell at the beginning and wave their weapons to attack.

It’s just that the beginning does not start protection, but avoids them by avoiding them, and then counterattacks them to blow them up one by one.

Still don't look at it, just grab them and study them.

"This is it!"

At the moment when the creatures were solved at the beginning, a large number of pompons appeared around them, and they suddenly sounded... with a surprised sound.

Then it was surrounded by pompoms and completely tied.

In general, the origins in this case will ruin the protective devices they carry, but now they don't.

That's because they didn't have such a device from the beginning, and at the same time, another group of pompons began to detect their aircraft.

Found in the aircraft. (To be continued.)

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