4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1293: Special device

"Look, that's the horror monsters of recent rumors, each of which is quite powerful."

“Why do they appear? Is it related to the recent emergence of God?”

Here is a green world.

Several creatures are hiding in the trees, through the gaps between the trees, watching a group of golden monsters floating on a meadow outside the jungle.

They used to see all kinds of monsters and rushed to cut, but now they are not so impulsive, but calmly stare carefully.

Because they know that the golden things have a very powerful force, they can instantly explode the super-order fighters, so they dare not do it.

"They looted our village and attacked our towns, but we couldn't do anything." A creature clenched its arms, and its sorrowful light flashed its emotions.

"Yeah, maybe only the legendary class can defeat these monsters." Another creature beside it said: "But on this continent, there is nothing like that genius?"

Suddenly, their gaze was drawn to the past, and there was a metal-made machine next to the golden creatures on the grass.

"It seems that you are all here." The six-limbed machine came to a golden beginning and said to them in the language of the beginning: "Although there have been many things before, you can live here."

"The beginnings did not speak, but one of them floated into the eyes of the machinery.

"I will introduce myself first. I am called Tarantula. I am generally called a scholar." The mechanical is also a scholar: "You should know me, right?"

"Of course." The beginning of the situation finally sounded: "In the war, you are the most suspicious one."

"But now, the war is over. Why don't you destroy us and destroy us completely? Instead, let us live here?" The beginning said: "Do you think we are too weak?"

"Of course I want to study you." The scholar said: "It and I are all very interested in your organization. Why do you have such an organization that is affected by the mirror world itself? It is said that there are many Wacky things are still for other reasons."

"What are you going to do next? You will still try to maintain your own organization, or you will start a new life. This is very worthy of attention." The scholar said: "So you will not be eliminated, you will be safe, but you will be safe, but Also pay attention to some rules."

"For example, you can't attack the residents here, and there are"

"Can we leave?" The scholar has not finished, and the beginning of the situation interrupted it: "If you leave, will it be shot down?"

"No." The scholar said: "But you don't have a transmitter on these planes, so you can't go anywhere."

"Good, we understand." The beginning of the situation said: "You can continue to talk about the rules of living here, we will abide by"

"Ah, oh, let's die, the monster!"

The voice did not fall, and several creatures jumped out of the woods. A creature with a huge axe rushed up, and several creatures behind it said: "These monsters are dead! We have one here. Extraordinary second-order warrior!"

They seem to promise to stay here, although probably not very willing.

Listening to the explosion in the jungle, Lin's pompom floated in the air.

The surface of the stellar bus does not have too many structures such as tentacles, so Lin usually handles the surface of the stellar bus by releasing a lot of pompoms or other arms.

Some of the beginnings of the escape were led by Lin to the stellar bus, and Lin intended to let them live here so that they could continue to observe them.

To persuade them to live, the scholars volunteered to show that they wanted to go and try. In fact, it wanted to communicate more with the origin because it was quite interested in the organization of the beginning.

The creatures who participated in the war, except the Inca group, were quite surprised by the fact that the origin was not a creature but an organizational concept. As for the insects, they were more concerned about the process of fighting, and what the opponents of the battle were, they were not very concerned.

Lin is also very interested in the situation in the beginning, so look at their status while studying their things.

At present, they almost understand their protective capabilities. The protective device is divided into two parts. One part is somewhat similar to the gravitational control of bus-like creatures, but it only has control over certain things.

This particular thing is the substance that forms the shield, and after it is consumed, it is supplemented by the second part.

Because it can't be added indefinitely, the protection will be consumed in the process of constant attack. If the attack power is too strong, it will affect the ontology before the supplement.

Lynn thinks this is a very interesting technique, and it can quickly make the same thing, but some of its principles are not clear.

But sometimes you don't need to figure out how the principle works.

This kind of thing is installed in the aircraft of the beginning, but they are not worn by themselves, and their installation is much smaller than the prototype.

Only the protection ability is also reduced. The smaller the protection of the device, the weaker it is. It can't completely replace its own armor. It needs to be used together. It is suitable for armor other than armor, mainly Keep adding this feature, so that it is not damaged like other armor.

In fact, in addition to being a shield, but also as a weapon, Lin thought of a lot of ways to use this kind of thing, and then slowly test it after it is manufactured.

So now we have to continue to study other things, and there are many interesting things found in the underground of the mirror world, including those twisting devices.

Although most of it was destroyed, Lin still let the vagrants bring out a few and conducted a detailed investigation.

The interior of this kind of thing stores quite a lot of energy like fear energy, and through the debugging of the device, these energy can be released.

It can release energy itself, but it can also be released over a long distance by a small device. The released energy can also be controlled within a certain range and will not float to other places.

They can affect the emotions of creatures like fear energy, but they are not specifically the energy of a certain emotion, because it can produce a variety of emotional effects.

In fact, the energy of fear is also not necessarily fear for different creatures, but most creatures feel fear and so call it.

The most different difference between the energy and the fear energy in the twisting device is that they are unconscious, and the device is completely controlling their actions.

At the same time, Lynn also found that these twisting devices are not separate structures, they are like a certain part, can be installed in some places.

It should have been installed underground in the mirror world, but the original is not installed, but it is used alone.

This energy that affects consciousness is not to make the creature go crazy for a while, but to continuously change the biological structure of the creature, to make it mutate, and finally to become another creature.

This is what happened to the wild animals that abandoned the world, and Lin found a very special place. The twisting device does not change the general mechanical procedures.

It is usually a mechanical program setting that does not affect them.

But it will have an impact on smart machinery, the kind of truly conscious machinery, but what is the point of machinery to be conscious?

Even if the program is set very close to the real way of thinking, it won't make the twisting device work. It seems that the distorting device has some wonderful limits on the limitation of intelligence, and the boundary will be affected.

However, it is still unclear exactly where this boundary is. If Lin finds it clear, it will almost distinguish between biological and abiotic.

This is also a very vague concept. Lin found that many civilizations have different definitions of biotics and non-living things, but Lynn feels that this definition is difficult to fix now.

Lynn wants to know how the twisting device is defined

At the same time, I also want to know who the makers of it are, that is, the transformers of the mirror world, who make these things and then abandon them.

Among the creatures that Lynn knew, Lin felt that the water polo was a very suspicious object.

The water polo, that is, the place where the creators should gather, the function of the twisting device is similar to their idea, that is, to transform something else, and the fear energy is also the water polo got here, maybe twisting the energy in the device and they have Related, maybe they are all from unforeseen places.

When I first discovered the twisting device, Lynn felt that this might be related to water polo.

But now Lin thinks it might not be them, because the mirror world is not quite like the style of water polo. The various weird things inside, as well as the whole water polo of the mirror world, don’t seem to do this kind of thing, at least for the water polo. The level of understanding makes Lin think so.

So, what other creatures, such as bus creatures, or other civilizations, if they are made by an unknown creature, will be more interesting.

The transpiration seems to understand the technology in the mirror world.

What are they going to do with those technologies?

Did you want to use the mirror world to attack the pompoms from the beginning? In addition, Lin found that the vagrants did not do anything special for the mirror world, they just let the original digging underground things test test did not do anything else.

In short, many aspects must be investigated, and Lin decided to go back to the abandoned point of the project. To be continued.

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