4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1303: Pipeline exploration

"It seems a little strange feeling. {[<(网)

"What kind of feeling is that?"

"It just feels a bit strange."

The ground is a wet marsh.

The blue-green viscous material floats on the murky swamp, and it is a strange smell for the two creatures.

However, they are not very concerned about the smell, they are more concerned about what is in front of them.

It was a building that looked like stone, but it was damaged, and only a part of the remains remained in the swamp.

"I smelled the smell of food from there. Then we should not go. What should I do? I don't know."

These two creatures are discussing some topics, but their topics are more difficult to understand because they are two... brains.

Where they are, it is also a place called ... engineering waste, the construction of this place is very strange.

In the void, it looks like a huge pipe, the diameter of the pipe can accommodate the 6,000-kilometer diameter...roller.

The total length of the pipeline is 100,000 kilometers, and the thickness is inconsistent. The thinnest place is only a few kilometers, and the thickest may have hundreds of kilometers. How is this strange thing constructed, and how can it be left behind after being abandoned? The... here is a complete mystery.

As for the outer and inner walls of the pipeline, different locations will have different views, gravity, and environment. It is like being divided into many small areas, each of which is independent and some are also wrapped in air. .

For example, the two places where the brains are located are like this. They are located somewhere on the inner wall of the pipe. There is a certain temperature and a lot of water is collected.

So this kind of swamp-like environment was formed, and then there are many stone buildings here, but they are all incomplete...

There are not only brains, but also other creatures. It is accurate to say that many of the creatures on the Star Bus have come to explore this place.

Brain-creating is also a part of the stellar bus, which was puten by Lin at some point in the past and wants to see how they interact with those cultivating creatures.

At the moment, there is no friendly interaction.

And what special reactions do they have with this completely strange environment here? It seems that there is no very special reaction. The two brain-creating people chat while chatting around.

The reason for exploring this is mainly that Lin thought, before moving the pom-pom... check it out here.

Because this abandoned project site once sent the mirror world to the pompom, Lin felt that it was also a suspicious place, and the device called ‘past show’ might not be in this position.

However, this exploration is not necessary. When time arrives, whether or not there is anything detected here, Lin will transfer the pompoms to other places.

But before the next change, Lin decided to explore here first...

The reason for using these creatures is that Lin wants them to go to the new environment to see, and it is mainly that these creatures can also be used for special purposes.

All in all, Lin first does not use his own arms to explore here...

Moreover, the stellar bus itself did not come here.

When it comes, what should the transpirations have? Lin’s action is actually very...hidden, most of the creatures here, vagrants do not know.

At least... Lin believes that the transpiration does not know.

They look more like occasionally appearing here, rather than being specifically assigned to do tasks, such that they should not be guarded, even simmerers will not care about them, these are the use of them. One of the main reasons.

Lin feels that there is some way for tranpers to identify Lin's arms, but for non-Lin's arms, the vagrants don't care.

During this time, Lynn has been trying to study tranpers. Lin believes that they are not tracking and observing Lin in the usual way, for example, they don't use sight or something.

However, they will use some special methods, Lin thinks it may be tracking... some special information, Lin has information.

The transpirations have been investigating Lin for a while, so they will choose Lin as the next transpiration. However, their observation method is only for Lin. All the follow-up observations are only for Lin, as for other creatures, transpiration. All are ignored.

Lin asked questions about the faction creatures, and it also said so.

They hardly study any other creatures, even those who are close to Lin, just look at it a little.

The sect of the sect also said that when they gave information on the pompoms of the beginning, they did not have the idea of ​​deliberately defrauding. They just... they gave some information very casually, so there was no mention of the swarm.

Therefore, Lin let these creatures who are not Lin to investigate, and the transpiration may directly ignore them...

Lin thinks it should be like this. In the end, let’s take a look at it... and, Lin, it seems to be really effective.

In fact, Lin tried before... There are some problems when I send my own arms.

When Lin's own arms are sent here, they will encounter the situation of 'transport eddy currents'.

Simply put, it is here to stay for a while, will be transmitted to a random location, this random location is usually very far away and nothing in the void.

Lin raised that there is a special defense system here, and it is running against Lin... Before, some of Lin’s pompoms and the origins of the mirror world have heard this channel... but this is not the case, this should be Only after that, in order to ... prevent Lin to explore here.

But after putting these ordinary creatures here, they are not affected by random transmission.

So let’s explore them here first...

Now, in addition to making brains, there are many other creatures that have begun to take action. They have explored the abandoned points of engineering.

However, Lin's main concern is to make brains, because they... will run to places where Lin cares, for example, now.

"Do you feel it? Yes, I feel it, it must be that position!" The two brains rushed in the swamp, and Lin had connected their thoughts to the stellar bus through the dream energy, so I could pay attention. Their activities.

The places where they ran were gravitational, probably 6o% in pompoms, so they can run quite fast, the temperature is close to letting the water freeze, which is quite high in the void environment, as to why the ruins of this project will With this kind of environment, that is one of the things to investigate now...

The running all the way made the splash of water splash, and the two brains ran to a huge building.

The building is also stony, looks like a big...factory, with a width of a hundred meters and a height of more than 30 meters.

"I feel that there is something we are looking for! Yes, that is the thing, we have to get that thing! It's too right! That's our thing, what do we want that thing? Don't know."

While sending brainwaves to each other, they ran to the side of the building and climbed up the stone walls of the building.

Here, Lynn can also know that the brain-building blame feels a kind of energy like twisting energy, which is scattered in the building of this strange swamp.

Brain-killing can capture this energy more accurately than other species, so Lynn put them here.

The brains climbed to the spacious top of the building. The building didn't look like an entrance from the outside, so they could only climb around and crawl around.

"I can't open it here! I can't open it here! We can't get it! No, absolutely not!"

They have been there for a long time, and they have not found an entrance. There is no way to make a brain to stay in the building.

... maybe it would be a bad choice to let them go without knowing anything.

However, Lynn does not want to tell them about tasks in advance or to equip them with anything. It is best to let them not know anything to go there.

In this case, the possibility of being noticed is the lowest.

But they really can't do anything like that...

Thinking, Lin turned her attention to the other side.

Here is a group of places where the cultivation creatures are located.

"I have gained the supreme power here... nothing can stop me!"

A creature jumped more than ten meters from the ground and stood on a large rock.

The place where these creatures are located can be called the 'gravel wasteland'. Without oxygen and extremely low gravitation, they can jump freely and the temperature is suitable.

Because of the nature of this place, Lynn changed their breathing organs slightly, which made them think that they have special exercises that they don't need to breathe, plus they are very light, and they are very smug, so they They were not reunited, but separated on the grounds of their own cultivation.

"Now, I have to take a step further and reach the legendary ladder."

Fortunately, these creatures have the idea of ​​exploration. The rapid concern of Lin jumped from the stone and began to run fast.

It also has a large building in the direction of its operation. In fact, there are buildings everywhere, whether inside or outside the pipeline.

These buildings are as badly damaged as if they had suffered any impact. This building is not rocky. It looks white and seems to be made of metal.

The cultivating creature ran over the past and jumped forward, slamming the sword with a sword.

Most of the weapons used in these creatures are swords, because in character setting, they feel that the sword is the most 'cool' weapon, although there are some other but few...

So, Lynn heard the loud sound that it chopped on the building... (To be continued.) 8

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