4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1304: start up

"What the **** is this? Is it a special treasure?"

Among the huge void pipes known as the ruins of the project, Lin is still watching the exploration of the creatures that Lin put on.

Just now, there was a cultivation creature that opened a building to...

The building looked strong, but it wasn't really good. It was easily chopped up by the cultivating creature, and then the creature found something inside.

This thing looks like a worm, it is about two meters, fixed on the ground, and this time it is also cut... not cut.

So cultivation creatures think this must be a great thing.

But Lin couldn’t feel anything special there, maybe it’s just a solid object... and the brains are still on the building.

Lin feels that relying on them may not be able to do much, so Lynn has been testing, that is, let the star bus continue to send small arms such as pompons into the pipeline.

Then carefully sense the detection as they are randomly transmitted, so that you know...how exactly is there for Lynn to transmit randomly.

As long as there is a counter-targeting plan, Lin can let the arms personally go in and explore...

But before that, these creatures can only be shaken here, but there are not many places where they can explore. On the other hand, scholars ask it to try it, and Lin has not passed it.

Scholars are also likely to be randomly sent away... so Lynn tried to assemble some special parts on it to see if it would work.

At the same time, Lynn is preparing for the pompon.

Because there is no progress in the exploration here, the pompoms will also begin to shift... The place where the pompoms have been transferred has been confirmed.

But because of what might happen, Lin prepared a number of places, which have a rich environment that allows the creatures on the pompons to explore.

Then, it is to eliminate the problem of tracking... Obviously, the device of 'Past Show' has used some methods to lock the pompom, so that it can continuously reshape the pompons into the mirror world.

Lin solved the last earthquake in the sea, stabilized it by using the stellar bus, and created the device that caused the sea shock, but now the next incident will happen again.

The past has been to assemble a variety of devices on the pompoms, and then constantly affect the entire pompon... until the transformation is complete.

Lin has now found a key position, that position is on a white ocean.

It is the sea of ​​clouds.

This place is still like the previous ones, flying ethereal creatures everywhere, and here Lin is also relatively less explored, because the search has been going underground, the air is usually alienated, after all, there are few places in the air that can be hidden.

However, Lin still found it, because although there are few explorations, there are still some to explore... Now a pompom floats somewhere in the sea of ​​clouds.

It was calm and the sun was warm and there was no abnormality, but... After a hundred seconds, the pompoms saw a strange view.

A thunderous sound like a thunder suddenly blasted in the air, and then a huge ... crack, showing in the air out of the air, and disappeared immediately.

This scene lasted for more than a second, and then the surrounding calmed down. Only those Yunhai creatures that were scared by the sound and still at large could represent what had happened here.

This is also a kind of transmission.

It is a transmission method that Lynn has not seen, but the ‘energy’ used is the same.

At the moment when it appeared here, Lin could feel the clear transmission energy here, but after disappearing, it would not leave any traces, and there was no feeling at all.

So there is no way to find it except to happen by passing by.

Lin knows that there is such a thing, and that is because it was seen once during the exploration. This is already the second time I have seen it.

There was no sound before, but a crack appeared in the air, but now it made a lot of noise, so you can notice it from far away.

Before I saw it, Lin did not confirm whether there was a direct correlation between this crack and the pompon transformation, and now Lin knows.

This is the main connection, as long as the crack appears, there will be a ... device in a corner of the world of pompoms.

Or a creature like a crystal, in short, something that can transform a pom-pom, and then start to work.

This is mainly because there was no way for this crack to be detected... it was detected.

How it relates to those remodeling devices, there is no way to feel it directly, it looks more like a weird phenomenon.

However, Lin now knows how to feel the connection with the remodeling device, which is also because... in the data, I found more information about the device of the 'past show'.

The past manifestation is to re-exhibit the mirror world by means of this secret transmission of cracks, because it does not want to be discovered throughout the process of presentation.

The mirror world may be deliberately destroyed by something, so hide yourself during the assembly process to prevent the device from being destroyed.

Therefore, the assembly process is very secret. This crack will not only leave a trace of transmission, but each time it appears at a different location, there is no law at all... but there must be a regular rule, that is, before After the device is destroyed, it will come out and assemble the next one.

So, just after it appeared... somewhere in the pompon has assembled a device and started to affect the pompon.

Then, Lin is trying to take advantage of this opportunity...


At this moment, the pompoms are surrounded by strong light.

In fact, this kind of light can only be seen by the creatures that carry organs, and the general creatures can't see them. This is the 'transmission shield' carried by Lin.

Whenever a device is manufactured, the 'past show' will tentatively focus on the target until it believes that the next time a new device should be manufactured, or if the device is destroyed, it will receive the message and reposition the velvet. The ball, and then open the gap on the pompon.

Before it opens the gap, it is shielded first, and then the transmission is the most... insurance practice. After it has just been turned on, it usually ends all links to the pompom, so that you can not be tracked, so Lin can also reverse Come and use it, then set off. (To be continued.)

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