4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1310: Close relative

Is this the radish?

This is above the ... star bus.

Lin is here to pay attention to the exploration of various creatures, including the scholars.

Recently, scholars sent a biological data called 'three-legged column', just some cell information, and then Lin found that the nuclear information of this 'three-legged column' is very similar to the radish that Lin knows.

It was discovered by Lin on the moon, and then raised in the meteorite area with three genders.

They are still living in the meteorite area and continue to lie between the meteorites, and the meteorite area is quite far from the effluent's engineering waste pipeline, even if it is a light flight of a hundred thousand years.

However, the similarity of the nuclear information between the two allows them to reproduce each other. Although not the same species, it is very 'intimate'.

Just like the relationship between the dragon and the jade dragon, the three-legged column can be said to be a subspecies of radish. Why is there a radish in the pipeline? Lin thinks there are many reasons.

Because Lin did not monitor every radish in the Shishi District, they might have gone to the abandoned pipeline for some reason. Another reason is that... the radish-like creature that Lin knew came from the abandoned pipeline.

This is not impossible, because radishes were originally created by the creators on the moon, and they themselves may be creator creations, and then the nuclear information of the creator's creations comes from various species of the void.

But after all, the distance is so far, and if the isolation is too long, their nuclear information will not be so similar, so Lin feels that this is still very valuable for investigation...

Moreover, the things that these radishes do are very strange. The three-legged column has a device that can detonate the mine, and it attacks it and the dust crocodile. This is also a very strange place.

They are not wild animals, but creatures with combat capabilities, what are they creatures? Or are they having higher intelligence to fight for themselves?

The student did not dissect the three-legged column. It felt that if it was done too much, it might attract other three-legged columns. After all, although I didn’t know the reason, the other three-legged columns left at the time. The scholar decided not to They are attracted back.

And this is a good opportunity, the scholar took advantage of this opportunity and it also wants to look at the building, so that it will leave with the dust crocodile.

After arriving in the building, scholars encountered many more strange things, such as... some weird creatures.

Scholars are now dealing with these creatures.


'boom! Under a bang, a creature was shot and flew out, hit the wall heavily, and fell to the ground.

"This is the tenth one." The scholar looked at this creature like a dead body and breathed a sigh of relief.

Too many, this kind of thing... Scholars temporarily call this creature 'sand bones'. They look like dead bodies, and they actually seem to be dead bodies.

At least scholars don't know what they are. This name mainly represents their characteristics. The appearance of 'Shabon' seems to be a layer of dry matter, but it is actually a layer of sand sticking together, while in the sand, It is a skeleton with six limbs.

The skeleton is not a metal, nor a skeleton of a cell organism. It is a relatively soft substance. There is no current and a control system that scholars can distinguish. Therefore, scholars do not know how it is moved.

Although the ‘Sha Bon’ seems to have a head, in fact, the head is also a group of sand. There is nothing in it. This thing is much weird compared to the previous ‘three-legged column’.

It can be regarded as a scholar... Common sense outside the creatures, is it not a creature is not good to say ... When they see them move, the scholar feels like seeing a toy without any control system.

This can slightly trigger the fear of scholars.

Coupled with their actions, it is even more likely to cause scholars' fears.

Because ‘Shabon’ does not attack directly, they usually lie on the ground and move to the scholars after the scholar approaches the range of two meters or so.

Although they are quite...weak, no attack ability can hurt scholars, but this weird sound and their own weird construction can scare scholars.

Simply speaking, just like watching a horror movie, it is obvious that the things in the movie can't hurt yourself, but they are afraid.

Therefore, scholars have always followed the dust crocodile.

The dust crocodile seems to be a lot calmer. It completely ignores the sand bone. Even if the sand bone will pounce on it occasionally, it will directly hit the sand bone by impact.

As long as it hits it a little bit, it won't climb anymore, so scholars also believe that this kind of thing must be a living system with similar common creatures, but it can't be detected now.

Following the dust crocodile, the scholar went to the depths of the building. In addition to the sand bones all over the earth, there are... white metal floors, tables falling on the ground and some mechanical wrecks.

These mechanical wreckage scholars feel that they are all part of the dust crocodile, but the damage is quite serious, and it is no longer visible.

The most weird thing is these sand bones. Why are they here? Why are you lying on the ground? Why are you attacking?

Scholars think this is really weird...

The dust crocodile is familiar with everything, and does not take a look at any place. It takes the scholar to a certain room in the building.

This room looks like a ... specimen room.

There are transparent jars everywhere, the jars are filled with liquid, and there are things like cell biology inside.

This is quite similar to the specimen room of the imaginary people, and it can almost be said to be exactly the same.

Usually the specimens are very expensive, but the dust crocodile does not respect them at all. When the scholars move all the way in the room, they always slam the tanks and sprinkle the liquid and internal organs inside. All.

Then, the dust crocodile will slightly observe the internal organs spilled on the ground, and then move on regardless of it.

Scholars have also examined these internal organs, some of which are really internal organs, and some of them seem to be models.

Although this room is full of internal organs, scholars feel that it is better because there are no sand bones that will blame.

Finally, the dust crocodile broke up dozens of cans of specimens, and the dust crocodile seemed to have finally found a visceral that satisfied it.

It ate the viscera and swallowed it directly into the chest of the machine.

After a burst of karaoke, the scholar heard a very...standard sound from the mouth of the dust crocodile. (To be continued.)

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