4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1311: Learn more

It is still very...herent.

Scholars are walking along a corridor in a hemispherical building with a mechanical dust crocodile.

The corridor is long and has been going down. Scholars feel as if they want to go deep into the ground.

There are many doors on both sides of the corridor, all of which are tightly closed. No one is open, but some have cracks on the door, so scholars can see that it is suitable for dust crocodile... furniture.

So, here is a place like an underground dormitory.

However, what scholars care about is that there are also many 'sand bones' like dry bodies.

Most of them use six limbs to squat on the wall, and some are like big worms. When scholars pass by, they sometimes have no action, and sometimes they blame and rush.

Although there have been a lot of encounters along the way, scholars are always scared by the strange screams from time to time, so quite ... tired of such things.

However, fortunately, most of them have rushed to the dust crocodile, because the dust crocodile took the scholar to the front, it has now stood up, and the mechanically constructed body has been completely repaired.

The way to fix it is to combine your upper body with another damaged lower body. Before that, it just dragged the whole body and crawled. Before the dust crocodile found a device to repair it in the room where the specimen was everywhere... After that, I can stand up and move with my lower body.

At the same time, it can also speak some ... words.

Unlike the previous buzz that was mechanically stuck, the dust crocodile now speaks very much like a creature talking, its voice is low and loud.

And scholars can understand a part.

The dust crocodile in front stopped and turned to look at the room next to it, and said to the scholar: "The area of ​​life, me."

The reason why scholars can understand is that... the dust crocodile uses the standard...dust crocodile language. For this kind of dust crocodile language, the origin is recorded, because the dust crocodile living in the mirror world is also the same kind. Language.

The scholar just received a copy of this information, so it can understand the words of the dust crocodile.

The mechanical voice of the previous one did not know what language it was, perhaps the language that the dust crocodile had in the absence of normal communication.

Maybe the voice system before it was damaged, but because it found a visceral relationship there, it was fixed, and now the language used by the dust crocodile is normal.

After the internal organs have been used, they are spit out by the dust crocodile. It is obvious that the dust crocodile is not pronounced with the internal organs. The scholar believes that the pronunciation system in the dust crocodile reads the data in the internal organs, and then the dust crocodile can pronounce it, and the internal organs are also A brain-like organ.

However, although scholars can now understand the dust crocodile, but they do not understand it, they can only understand some words.

I don't know why, is it because the language information is wrong, or is it because of other reasons? But even if it is part of a word, it can also know what the dust crocodile should describe.


The door of the room was pushed open by the dust crocodile, and it was accurately pushed down.

The threshold of metal ignited a piece of smoke on the ground, and the strange screams sounded in the room, and three sand bones screamed out from inside.

Then the dust crocodile hit the ground one by one.

The dust crocodile has a long limb, which is true compared to the crocodile, so the dust crocodile often uses the forelimb to attack.

The dust crocodile entered the room, and the scholars followed the space of more than ten meters in diameter. The ground here is full of a lot of things like... advertising paper.

The scholar looked at it. This is a ‘paper’ with a length and width of about 30 centimeters. It is painted with two dust crocodile holding weapons. On one side is a mechanical dust crocodile and the other is a flesh-and-blood crocodile.

They seem to have a good relationship, they are fighting side by side, and there is a lot of text below, scholars can see, this is... related to the propaganda of war.

In addition, there are other pictures. The scholars saw another picture of a lot of sand bones. These sand bones all lie on the ground and feel like a mass production of the factory. There is also a dust crocodile holding a sand bone.

There is no text in the whole picture, but scholars feel that this is indeed like the product promotion of the factory. Is it that the sand bone is produced?

If this thing is produced in the virtual world, there must be no people to buy it, because the sand bones are too much like... the bodies of the dry people.

This is one of the reasons why scholars are easily scared by them. However, the technique of making sand bones is very interesting to scholars. If they are made by dust crocodile, how does the dust crocodile make this kind of thing move?

And why are they here... screaming and attacking close objects?

Scholars continue to look at other pictures. There are also propaganda about wars, weapons such as chariots, and some advertisements such as food.

In the end, the scholar put his eyes on the dust crocodile. When the dust crocodile came in, he ran to the corner of the room and continued to play with one thing.

That thing looks like a metal ball, and there is a support column at the bottom. The dust crocodile is very violent when it is playing... It is also violently shot a few times, and even squats.

Then, the one-meter-long metal ball finally reacted, and it started to move... its way of moving was to rotate in place.

‘嘀嘀’ When the metal ball turned, the scholar suddenly noticed that the whole room was dark, and one side of the room showed a picture.

A golden square appeared in the picture, and a loud sound sounded: "Abandon! No longer used!"

This box... Yes, the scholar remembers that when the square was touched, the mechanical dust crocodile next to it moved...

At this time, the picture changed rapidly, and a mechanical dust crocodile appeared next to the golden square. The square touched the dust crocodile slightly, and the dust crocodile fell to the ground.

Then, a... flesh-and-dust crocodile came over. It grabbed the square and directly pinched the square into pieces. Then the mechanical dust crocodile stood up from the ground and cheered with the flesh-and-dust crocodile.

Looking at this picture, it seems that the square has the ability to control mechanical dust crocodile...

In this image, it means... The flesh-and-blood crocodile has destroyed the box, or ‘no longer used,’ so they are happy to get along with the mechanical dust crocodile.

In fact, the scholar did not previously associate the box with the mechanical dust crocodile, so it did not take the square at the time.

'boom! The scholar suddenly heard a voice, and turned to see the mechanical dust crocodile is slamming the metal ball that plays the image.

After a few consecutive strokes, the image displayed on the wall changed to something else.


This is the theme of this video, which depicts the content of the image in a low voice.

"Chariot... Attack... Bombing... Falling..."

In the picture, countless chariots and heavily armed dust crocodile soldiers are moving, and a large map appears from time to time, and through the intermittent understanding of words, scholars can probably know what is being said inside.

The dust crocodile probably lives in a big place...

It is unclear how big it is, because there is no size on it, but from a certain time, the ‘the country’ of the dust crocodile has begun to be invaded.

The invaders first hit the fringe, and the dust crocodile also sent troops to block, but the news of failure soon came.

In the image, you can see that the large areas belonging to the dust crocodile are blackened one by one, which is the area where their war failed.

The enemy is very powerful, and the army of the dust crocodile has been defeated again and again. There are few shots about the dust crocodile enemy in the image, but only a few have been seen... Scholars have seen a large black aircraft, and there are large intensive Flying objects, then the 'three-legged column' that I have seen before, they are all the enemy of the dust crocodile.

Where is the enemy coming from, what is the reason for the attack? totally no idea.

Dust crocodile has been investigating this aspect, but the image shows that they have no clue what to investigate, mainly because the enemy never communicates with them.

The dust crocodile finally concentrated its strength and stuck to the remaining few areas. It may be because the troops were heavily concentrated, and the speed of the destruction of these areas was not as fast as before.

Their enemies do not seem to use any weapons of mass destruction, but use a large number of ... small-scale weapons.

So before on the street, scholars can see things that are full of maiming and wounding everywhere. The scene of being completely shattered is rare. It seems that these enemy forces seem to want to solve the dust crocodile troops one by one. Instead of destroying them all at once.

There are also some dust crocodile in the image of the ... meeting.

In the conference room, there are usually flesh-and-dust crocodile and mechanical dust crocodile. In addition to this, there are some other creatures, mechanical and... other types.

They seem to be 'foreign creatures' living near the dust crocodile kingdom, and they have also suffered similar enemy attacks.

All the biological conditions are not ideal, their national conditions are quite miserable, their own operations are retreating, and they cannot support other countries.

Therefore, the dust crocodile gathered together the creatures of the nearby countries to hold a meeting and decided to come up with a common plan to solve this horrible enemy.

That is to start a special weapon.

Scholars just understand the word, the name of the weapon is called 'solidified bloom'.

A name that feels weird.

However, the name is not the focus, mainly the effect of the weapon, this weapon can all the enemy forces ... solidified, but there is such a shortcoming, it will also solidify the friendly forces.

In short, it is like pressing the 'pause' to stop the war.

This doesn't seem to solve any problems, but the dust crocodile has a plan after the suspension, they have a way...

Can wake up faster than the enemy. (~^~)

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