4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1315: Underground passage

"Ah, wow!"

Accompanied by a screaming voice, an odd thing rushed toward the scholar.

Because of the situation in front of the scene, scholars can't help but retreat a few steps to stabilize the mood.

To say that the former sand bone is like a dead body, then this thing is like a carrion.

It also has six limbs, and its shape is more than two meters long. It is much larger than the sand bone. It looks like a rotten imaginary.

The whole body was hung with a soft substance like minced meat, and it was covered with dark red liquid. It ran fast on the ground with six limbs like hands and legs, and it looked rather disgusting.

Even the body of scholars on the stellar bus, the stomach has a nausea reaction of gastric tumbling.

Fortunately, this thing has no smell of carrion, and scholars who set their emotions raise their hands and aim at the target.


After the sound, the body of this thing exploded, and it fell to the ground, and the scholars were relieved.

Looking at the carrion on the ground, the scholar decided to hold back the feeling of nausea and study what these things are.

Slightly check it out and the result comes out.

This thing is made of the same material as the sand bone. It has a skeleton of six limbs inside. It is more than twice as big as the sand bone, and it covers the whole body and does not use sand like sand bone. It is a soft substance like rotten meat.

Of course, this is not really rotten meat, it is just like it, but it is still not clear what role this kind of rotten meat plays.

To scare the people, the effect is very good.

In short, the scholars decided to call this kind of thing the carrion bone first. The carrion bone should be the same as the sand bone. It is a series of products, because the body shape may be responsible for other things, and it also mutates like sand bone.

The reasons for the mutation are not clear. Scholars think it is likely that the enemy of the dust crocodile is doing it. They may control the sand bone series of machinery and threaten them to wake up the dust crocodile.

At present, scholars can only think of this possibility.

Then, the scholar looked to the other side, the situation of the mechanical dust crocodile is much worse than it, the dust crocodile is facing the two carrion bones alone.

However, the dust crocodile obviously has no fear of this kind of thing, and these two have no way to hurt the dust crocodile. Soon, one of the two is interrupted by the dust crocodile and the other is pulled. Broken his limbs and fell to the ground and could not climb.

Although the dust crocodile is mechanical, it does not have any weapons on it, and all of them use the unarmed fighting method.

The dust crocodile used to look at the carrion bones. He did not look at the two eyes that were beaten by it. It greeted the scholars and let the scholars follow it to the depths.

This place should be the underground passage leading to the solidification bloom device, but it seems to be more like a station below the place.

There are advertising papers, weapons, and some empty bottles scattered around the ground, looking at things like canned food, and a lot of accessories, clothing and the like.

Scholars believe that there may have been many people escaping from hiding here. These are the things they have fallen.

In addition to this, many things like the table are also poured everywhere. It can be seen that the layout here is similar to the following stations.

The underground of the virtual world is full of train stations. Although scholars have not really seen it, when they used to wander, they often read the information of their own world, so they know very well.

However, scholars do not see transportation such as trains here. It may be a place to rest, not a parking spot.

Here, like other places, you can't see any residents, whether they are dead or alive.

Only the carrion bones are everywhere here. They are just like the sand bones. It is about three meters away from a certain distance and will scream and attack.

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles have deliberately avoided their range of reaction and quickly moved deep into the channel.

Moving along the dark passages to the depths, there are fewer and fewer things scattered around, but scholars see more and more carrion bones.

It feels like it is their nest.

It was quite fragmented before, but now it is getting more and more dense, it seems that it is not easy to circumvent them.

"Ah!" Suddenly a scream rang, and a carrion bone next to the scholar rushed over. The scholar immediately raised his hand, and with a bang, the high-speed warhead softened the carrion and the soft skin. The internal skeleton was pierced together, and the carrion bone fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah!" At the moment when the carrion fell to the ground, the scholar heard a cry again. The scholar immediately turned his head and looked at the strange direction. When he turned his head, he found that there were several carrion bones around him. It rushed over.

“Are you awake?” The scholar was shocked. It immediately receded, but found that the dust crocodile was thrown to the ground by a group of carrion bones. The attack of these carrion bones was to forcefully tear off every part of the target. The body is squeaky as they pull, as if they are going to fall apart at any time.


The scholar quickly aimed at every carrion bone shot. The bullet penetrated the spine of each carrion bone. When they fell, the carrion bones that had not been played by the scholars let the dust crocodile escape to the distance.

These things know how to be scared? It was quite surprising to see this scholar. It was originally thought that the carrion bone and the sand bone were the same, but an automatic reaction procedure drove them to move, so only a simple action of attacking the approach object was made.

But now, scholars feel that their procedures seem to be more complicated than originally thought, at least the carrion bone may be more complicated than the sand bone.

The mechanical dust crocodile that got out of the way stood up. It and the scholars saw a group of carrion bones gathered in the distance together. They seemed to be ready to attack, and they all rushed to the side to make a charge.

They used to only react to the proximity, but now they all become united and cooperative, because they are too numerous, so both the dust crocodile and the scholar feel a little trouble.

"Explosion." The scholar pointed to the carrion bone group in front. It said a simple word to the dust crocodile. The dust crocodile quickly understood it and said to the scholar: "No."

At the same time, it refers to the top.

The scholar looked up and found that the top of the channel was covered with a lot of cracks. The meaning of the dust crocodile is also obvious, that is, the explosion may cause it to collapse.

But is it necessary to solve the carrion bone one by one?

"Wait." The next words of the dust crocodile kept the scholars in the process of being in motion for nearly a hundred seconds. During this period, scholars discovered that the carrion bones did not attack.

They slowly spread out, and then slammed on the ground one by one, back to the state of motion that was not moving before.

"Action." Then, the mechanical dust crocodile took action with the scholar.

Their collective actions seem to be cyclical and will not move for a while.

However, they are still very dense, and scholars and dust crocodile carefully shuttle between a large number of carrion bones and move deeper into the channel.

Finally, scholars saw the enemy.

It and the dust crocodile first heard the sound of the explosion, so they quickly hid in a nearby store.

There are shops on both sides of the underground passage, some are restaurants, some are selling other things, and when they are hiding, they see a lot of light shining outside.

A large group of three-legged columns appeared in the passage.

These three-legged columns are illuminated everywhere with the bright light spots as flashlights. Their way of passing is very high-profile, and there is no escape.

Therefore, the three-legged column caused many carrion bones to attack them along the way, but these fleshy bones will be crushed in a flash.

This also means that the three-legged column does not care about the possibility of collapse of this passage.

The scholars counted their number, and there were a total of twenty legs. They walked slowly outside the door of the store where the scholars and dust crocodile were hiding. No one wanted to check in.

Why are they here? And seeing how they will fight with carrion, it means that the anomalies of such things as carrion are not made by them?

After the three-legged column was gone, the scholar and the dust crocodile left the store and continued to walk deep into the passage.

It’s much easier to walk this time, because they are walking the road with the three-legged column. The carrion bones on the road are all cleaned up, and only some wreckage can be seen.

Following the wreckage of these carrion bones, scholars and dust crocodile finally came to where they wanted to go.

They are at the crossroads in front of them, and the sides of the intersection are open, but the direction of the forward direction is blocked by a large number of stones.

The dust crocodile is the position where the device that blocks the solidification bloom in this direction blocked by the stone.

This is the only way to get there. This road is blocked and there is no way to go.

Moreover, these stones are said to be gravel but they are all very large. It is necessary for large construction machinery to be able to carry them. The power of the dust crocodile itself cannot enter.

However, the reason why scholars came here is because it has the possibility to go in, because there are still a few centimeters of miniature scholars in the body of scholars.

This size may be able to drill through the cracks in the rock.

But scholars don't know if they can drill to the end, and it's quite dangerous here. There may be three-legged columns. If you just throw the mechanical body here to control the mini type, the mechanical body may be lost.

“How, in the past?” The mechanical dust crocodile said to the scholar: “It’s impossible, it’s hard.”

The "should" scholar is planning to say something to the mechanical dust crocodile, but it stopped.

Because it saw a dust crocodile behind the mechanical dust crocodile. To be continued

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