Almost sure.

This interference... is very strong.

Lin is on the stellar bus, watching the journey of scholars and various creatures.

Nothing special was found in brain-building and cultivation creatures. They only saw that the building did not see anything else, but scholars, there are many special things.

It has been fully proved that the engineering waste pipeline is a creature that lives there and is the same creature as the mirror world.

Dust crocodile, and other creatures living in other countries near the dust crocodile, also appear in the mirror world, the residents of this place obviously have a special connection with the mirror world.

But the most special ones are those invaders.

Among them, one of the radishes was used, that is, the three-legged column as a branch, and the special thing is not limited to this. Lin found that there has always been something that interferes with the connection between scholars and scholars.

Including the scholar's connection to the ontology, and Lin's observation of the scholars, they use the "slightly interfere" approach, which feels like it is slowly cutting off the connection line, rather than a one-time tear.

Lin believes that this is also the enemy of the dust crocodile.


"you are……"

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile are now in a state of surprise because they saw a dusty crocodile with flesh and blood.

The dust crocodile opened a door from the ground, and came out. When the scholar came here, he noticed that there was a door on the ground, but he did not expect a dust crocodile inside.

The dust crocodile looked at the mechanical dust crocodile and the scholar, and said to them: "Danger, move, follow." Then he returned.

This is what it means to represent scholars and mechanical dust crocodile, so they both quickly walked to the doorway on the ground and climbed down the ladder... inside.

After climbing into it, the scholar found that this is a room with a diameter of more than ten meters. There is a large number of ... cans in the corner of the room, and the other corner is a sphere of mechanical crocodile used to play the image for scholars. .

There is another place where there are a lot of weapons.

This dust crocodile seems to be quite...what if these things are collected by it, although I don't know how useful those jars and image spheres are.

Without waiting for the scholars to speak, the mechanical dust crocodile began to talk to the dust crocodile, and they quickly talked about it.

The scholar did not interject, just listened to it, and it was generally understandable. This dust crocodile is obviously one of the sharp dust crocodilees that wake up.

Unlike other companions, it wakes up late, but most importantly, it finds a way to live.

As the scholars thought, this dust crocodile... is killing the three-legged column as food.

The jars in the corner of the room are all filled with three-legged meat. The dust crocodile said that although it tried to track the three-legged column many times, it never found out how they ate, so they simply hunted three legs. The column is gone.

As long as you understand the three-legged column, they are not difficult to deal with. Their biggest weakness is that they will not contact their companions from a distance, that is to say, the three-legged column does not have something like ‘intercom.’

If you encounter a few three-legged legs and quickly solve them, don't worry about other three-legged legs coming back for revenge.

The three-legged column itself is not strong, so they are still very good to deal with.

That's it, this elite has hit a lot of stored food.

The mechanical dust crocodile expressed quite a surprise for this, which means that it has another companion.

Scholars are a bit strange about this. This elite dust crocodile is here... hunting for so long, actually did not encounter this mechanical dust crocodile, it is reasonable to say that their two living positions are not far away.

Maybe it just happened to be missed.

Next, they discussed the issue of scholars, that is, there are switches about scholars who want to approach the 'solidified bloom'.

The elite dust crocodile said that it also wants to be close. Now it is only close to it that it is possible to understand what is going on, but there are too many stones here and it is impossible to enter.

So, it gives a ... proposal, that is to start a large underground engineering machine, use that engineering machine to dig through the broken stone here.

It's just that the place is very dangerous. It can't be started before, but if there is mechanical dust crocodile and scholars, it is possible.

After a little discussion, the three of them decided to do so.

Scholars believe that it is still not necessary to use ... mini, but it is more appropriate to go straight in. Some scholars have tried to detect it and found that the gravel inside is quite...tense, almost no gap, maybe the mini scholars are not inside. Good to continue.

But the most important thing is that the mini type may not do a lot of things. For example, if the device that solidifies bloom may have some large things to operate, it is difficult for a mini scholar to do it.

As a result, scholars temporarily abandoned the idea of ​​using a mini-study to drill in, and it went with the elite dust crocodile and mechanical dust crocodile to start the journey of large engineering machines.

This journey... is not very far.

Because according to the elite, the engineering machine is also placed somewhere in this underground passage.

A place called ‘assembly factory’, that place is only a few roads away.

They set off quickly.

On the way to action, scholars have once again seen a large number of ... carrion bones, these things are simply everywhere, scholars feel that a factory is unlikely to make so much, these things may have a way of self-proliferation.

If there is a way to prevent proliferation, they will not be so much... Scholars think it may be what the original factory is still making.

But now, regardless of this, with the elite dust crocodile all the way around these carrion bones, scholars and mechanical dust crocodile quickly arrived at the place called the assembly plant.

Just like the name, this is a large underground factory that originally seemed to be used to make a large object. There are huge parts everywhere, as well as various giant robotic arms that operate parts.

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles have found the factory's operating room under the leadership of the elite, they are assembled according to the operating instructions.

It all went well, and scholars saw a huge object being slowly assembled.

But scholars have also discovered a problem, that is... dangerous?

Before the elite said that there are a lot of dangers here, but they did not encounter any danger here, those carrion bones ... should not be considered dangerous.

The scholar decided to talk about this problem with the mechanical dust crocodile, because it feels this elite... there is something weird. (To be continued.)

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