4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1343: Detonate and prevent detonation

"Destroy those weapons? Why do they destroy these weapons? How do you know?"

In the city of dust crocodile, three creatures are looking at the top of a building on the street below.

A large number of three-legged columns transport all kinds of weapons and ammunition to the location of the square, and now the transport operation is nearing the end.

After the last group of three-legged legs dragged several missiles into the square, the transportation seemed to have been completed, and no other three-legged column brought more things.

Have they already moved all the weapons in the underground weapons warehouse? It looks a lot like it, and all kinds of weapons fill the entire square.

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile looked at the situation in the square with surprise and doubtful emotions, because these three-legged columns are indeed like the beginnings, they seem to want to destroy the weapons.

"They started the weapons with timing functions." The beginning is like this: "Maybe there will be a big explosion, we must leave."

According to the beginning, the scholar also paid careful attention to it. It did see a lot of three-legged columns debugging some missiles.

These missiles are special. When the three-legged column is poked on the outer casing, a three-dimensional picture will pop up, and then the three-legged column will be adjusted on the screen.

"It's right..." The mechanical dust crocodile said the same thing: "Those things that are abominable are indeed the missile's ... timed explosion function, they want to blow up all the weapons here!"

"Blow up? Why is it?" Scholars feel that this behavior is too... wasted, and it is very strange.

"I don't know!" The mechanical dust crocodile said angrily: "They are a group of crazy creatures, always doing weird actions, now we have to stop them!"

"...I don't think this is a good idea." The scholar looked at the following. The densely packed legs on the street are obviously not what they can deal with, and the pile of weapons can explode at any time. Far from talking.

"If you want to go, let's go." The mechanical dust crocodile stood on the edge of the building and looked down and said: "They are so many gathered here, this is a good opportunity..."

"Do you think..." Scholars have already guessed the idea of ​​mechanical dust crocodile.

"...Yes, for our race, I am willing to give everything." The mechanical dust crocodile said: "I can jump and start a missile at the fastest speed, then blow up the whole pile of weapons, so that they also Will be killed a lot."

"..." The scholar did not say anything, but it was amazed that this mechanical dust crocodile was so loyal to the dust crocodile kingdom.

Before I learned about the various incidents between mechanical dust crocodile and dust crocodile, scholars felt that mechanical dust crocodile and dust crocodile were actually... very different.

But the appearance of this mechanical dust crocodile is quite special.

"Let's leave soon. The farther you go, the better. I don't want to spread to you..." The mechanical dust crocodile stepped on the edge and looked down the street below. The mechanical dust crocodile unfolded its arm.

The "waiting" scholar just wanted to stop it, and the mechanical dust crocodile jumped upstairs and jumped to the bottom.

Scholars have discovered that the flames of the mechanical dust crocodile have emerged from the back. It seems to be a propulsion device that allows the mechanical dust crocodile to fly in the air and head toward the square.

However, the flight was very...obvious, and the three-legged column on the street immediately noticed it.

However, they did not present any attacks at present, which allowed the mechanical dust crocodile to quickly approach the square and land on the weapons stacked in the square.

The mechanical dust crocodile did not hesitate. It quickly jumped to the nearest missile and adjusted the operation screen.

‘Hey! ’

At this time, the attack on the three-legged column arrived, and a light hit the head of the mechanical dust crocodile, which printed a black mark on it.

But the mechanical dust crocodile's hand did not stop, it continued to adjust the content popped up on the screen.

"...it will succeed if it doesn't work well." In the building, scholars and the beginnings are watching the square. Scholars thought that the mechanical dust crocodile would be caught immediately, so they didn't plan to escape, but now it may really want to Escape here.

Thinking, the scholar quickly ran to the edge of the building. It looked at the beginning and said: "Are you not running?"

"Wait a minute! What are you doing?" The cultivation creature, still stuck to his hands and feet, shouted: "What dangers will happen here? If you want to run, you must bring me! Don't leave me!"

"You don't need to run away." The beginning said: "It can't succeed."

“Yes?” The scholar turned around and saw that the mechanical dust crocodile was now caught by a large group of three-legged columns that shot a metal rope from a hole in the head and tightened it tightly. Entangled.

Although it struggled hard, it was dragged out of the square by the three-legged column and left on the ground.

"Sure enough, it still can't be successful?" Although the scholar said so, it feels that the mechanical dust crocodile can fly to the square. It is incredible.

If those missiles are started in a simpler way, it’s not necessary to blow them up now.

And now...the scholar doesn’t know what to do, is he going to save it? But it is unlikely to be...

“Would you like to save it?” At this moment, the beginning suddenly said to the scholar: “Do you think that it has the value of salvation?”

The scholar has not answered yet, and the beginning of the situation continues: "It has the value of salvation, no, it should be said that the explosion of this weapon has ... the value of being blocked, for me."

“Do you want to stop the explosion?” the scholar questioned: “Why?”

"I think they know a lot, those...three-legged columns." The beginning of the situation said: "In short, I decided to give it a try, then let me hand over that thing."

In the latter sentence, the beginning is to say to the cultivation of creatures, and the cultivation of creatures is amazed. It says: "What are you talking about?"

"You control the things in the skeleton series." The beginning said: "I want to use them to attack the three-legged column."

The cultivation creature was shocked: "My army has been destroyed by you, and there is still an army, I..."

"I think there is still." The beginning of the scene floated to the eyes of the cultivation creatures and said: "Hurry up... hand it over, otherwise you can only cut you."

"I... I know." The practising creature looked like a reluctant look and spit out a little...something from the mouth.

The scholar looked at this thing with amazement. It looked like a small screw, only about a centimeter long. Isn't the cultivation creature using this control skeleton series?

"Very good." The beginning of the smashed this 'screw' and placed it in his mouth, although scholars and practitioners felt that this behavior was very disgusting, but the beginnings did not care.

It floated to the edge of the roof and didn't do anything special, but after more than ten seconds, the scholar saw... the surrounding buildings were strange.

A lot of sand bones appeared.

They climbed out of the windows of the surrounding buildings, and seemed to be summoned, neatly and intensively crawling down the walls of the building.

A similar situation is seen in the streets in the distance, and many larger figures than the sand bones come from distant streets.

They are all... carrion bones.

The scholars were quite surprised. The main reason was that the number of these things was not so much. They seemed to be all hidden in the building. Now they all came out.

Moreover, they all attacked the three-legged column on the street.

The first attack was the sand bones. They jumped off the building, screamed into the group of three-legged columns, and then... they were immediately pierced by the light of the three-legged column and fell to the ground without moving. .

Although these things are long and scary, they are also weak. It is also a fact that countless sand bones are constantly jumping off the building, and after they fall into the group of three-legged columns, they will soon be shot through or If you can smash it, even if you can pounce on the three-legged column, you can't open the armor of the three-legged column.

However, they at least attracted the attention of the three-legged column, and the carrion bones coming from afar played this point. They smashed into the three-legged column group with a huge body shape. Because of the weight, they can hit. Fly a few three-legged columns.

But it is hard to say if there is any injury to the target.

Their only advantage is that they are much more than the three-legged column. Each building contains a huge amount of sand bone, which has far exceeded the number of residents inside. Obviously they only hide after solidification. Into these buildings.

Although I don’t know the reason, it may be caused by Chongdu, but now it is just being used by the origin.

Scholars are a bit strange. There are so many skeleton series things here, but the cultivation creatures have not commanded them to save themselves.

The large number of skeleton series completely attracted the three-legged columns, and they constantly attacked the emerging skeleton. The scholar noticed that the three-legged columns on the square were scattered to deal with the skeleton series that emerged from the surrounding area. It seems that this is also the opportunity to wait in the beginning.

"You can observe here, but you can join us."

After the original sentence was dropped, it floated from the top of the building and quickly reached the position where the square was located.

Scholars have not gone, but continue to watch curiously here because it wants to know how the beginnings will stop these things from exploding.

Then a lot of weapons are not likely to be carried away unless they can be transmitted.

Scholars have noticed that the beginnings did not move those weapons, but flew to the mechanical dust crocodile.

The three-legged column did not kill the mechanical dust crocodile, but tied it to the side and left it alone. Now I put it in the beginning and said something to it.

Then the mechanical dust crocodile quickly climbed onto the heap of weapons and found a missile to open the control screen and adjust it there.

These missiles seem to be unable to be controlled from a distance, and they need to be debugged at close range. In any case, the three-legged column did not notice them, and all walked away.

After adjusting for more than ten seconds, the mechanical dust crocodile suddenly shouted: "I succeeded!" (~^~)

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