4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1344: Fly to a distant place

"Do you want to blow up?"

When I heard the scream of the mechanical dust crocodile, the scholars who responded quickly tried to run, but the scholar quickly thought that it would not blow.

Because the beginning is to stop the explosion, it should not let the mechanical dust crocodile detonate the missile.

What is the mechanical dust crocodile just debugging?

The scholar once again looked over the square, and it found that... the missile that the mechanical dust crocodile adjusted flew up.

The missile first floated like a balloon...the height of more than ten meters, and then a raging flame from the tail blasted over the city's buildings and quickly disappeared into the scholar's field of vision. The farthest point.

Curious missiles...

In this case, they are starting missiles to let the missiles fly away instead of bombing the missiles, but what about the missiles flying away? Fly to another place to blow up or land safely?

Because I saw the scene that just floated slowly, the scholars felt that the missile was really safe to land.

In any case, their behavior has been noticed by the three-legged column, and some three-legged columns began to run over here.

The mechanical dust crocodile is already debugging the second missile, and soon the missile flew into the air as before and then flew into the distance.

However, the body of the mechanical dust crocodile is once again tied by the ropes that are shot out of the three-legged column. These three-legged columns should be somewhat different from those previously seen by scholars. At least the scholars did not have such ropes on their bodies.

This time, the mechanical dust crocodile was not easily caught. The ropes broke open one after another, and the beginnings drifted to the side of the mechanical dust crocodile. Then it stretched out a hand and grabbed the mechanical dust crocodile, taking it from the square... ... floated up.

They seem to suddenly become...cooperating, but those three-legged columns are not going to let them go, and the three-legged legs are flying from the ground.

They used three legs as...the propellers, which flew up on the ground and chased them in the air. Scholars felt that the legs of the three-legged column should not be able to turn, so they might shrink their legs to the body before the leggears were rotated. s position.

And they are flying very fast. These three-legged columns seem to be intended to capture the starter and mechanical dust crocodile. They don't use any long-range attacks, but they rush straight up and shoot ropes at them.

‘嘭’ and these ropes were taken together with the three-legged legs, and they had no way to get close to the beginning.

However, more three-legged columns quickly caught up. The three-legged columns on the street also solved most of the skeleton series. Because the pressure was getting lighter, they also noticed the air, one by one. Fly to chase the beginning.

The beginning of the situation speeds up the flight speed and moves all the way in one direction...that is, the direction of the roof where the scholar is located.

"They actually brought them all over..." The scholar saw the large three-legged column brought by the beginning. It immediately planned to turn and jump away from the edge of the building, but the scholar heard the voice of the beginning: "Fast! Conveyor!"

"Transportation device..." The scholar turned his head and glanced at the circular device on the ground. It was a bit hesitant, but it still had no choice to escape directly from it, but turned and ran to the conveyor.

At the same time, the starter also took the mechanical dust crocodile to the position of the conveyor, they all disappeared at the same time.

"Wait a minute!" and the cultivation creature on the side was shocked: "Take me away! Don't leave me, ah!"

But its shouting didn’t make any sense, and soon it was surrounded by a large number of three-legged columns...

And on the ... scholars, they have now reached the original place.

"It's back again..."

The scholar looked around and there was a piece of metal on the ground, surrounded by white walls, which is clearly the place where the main control room of the institute is.

It’s just that there are no three-legged columns here, and only the fragments of the systems that are destroyed by the three-legged columns are left here.

“It’s safe...” The mechanical dust crocodile is sighing. “I didn’t expect to be able to escape. It’s good here... those three-legged legs have been withdrawn. They should not know that we are back here. ""

"I don't know." The beginning of the situation said: "Probably don't know, if we know, we have no way to escape."

"Are you supposed to explain..." The scholar asked the beginning: "What are you doing just now? Why do you want two missiles to fly away?"

"That is because..." The mechanical dust crocodile said: "I want to start something..."

"Start something?"

"Let me explain." The beginning of the situation said: "The reason why the three-legged column wants to blow up those weapons is mainly because they do not want to... these weapons are used."

"Of course, use what you want to attack, use these weapons to attack, but use these weapons to do something special," said the beginning.

“Special things?” the scholar said: “How do you know so much?”

"This is the information we just investigated." The beginning of the situation said: "My friends and I have always kept in touch. When I was here and you were exploring... they explored elsewhere. ”

“Is it?” the scholar said: “What is that special thing?”

“It’s a kind of contact plan.” The beginning of the situation said: “You know that dust crocodile has many beliefs... Most of the beliefs are imaginary.”

“I know this.” The scholar said: “The dust crocodile often imagines himself a very powerful... God, then pursues it with this ‘God’ and tries to gain the same power as it.”

"Yes, these are their imaginations, they are 'set' themselves, but some beliefs are... really." The beginning said: "There is a **** who once gave the dust crocodile a response."


"It is said that a group of dust crocodile got the instruction of this **** when they explored in the distance. God gave them some powerful power to make the lost expedition safely return. Later, it contacted the expedition and gave it to They show more peculiar power."

"Then, these dust crocodiles began to promote this legend of the gods, and let this **** have a lot of ... believers, it may be the only **** who is not chased by the dust crocodile." The beginning of the world said: "This is us Recently discovered information."

"Yes? That **** is really special. I think it might be some other race here than a real god, but what does this have to do with the current situation?" said the scholar.

"This **** slowly did not contact the dust crocodile slowly, because it said to enter 'sleeping'...but it was not completely forgotten." The beginning said: "It gave...dust crocodile some contact it the way."

"This contact is to go... bombard it with a missile."

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