4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1345: Weird tree

‘ booming’

A squad-flying missile flew over the city with a whistling sound. It swept across the edge of the city and flew farther away. [

No creature knows where it will fly.

However, some creatures know that there are legends about the destination of this missile.

It is also a legend about 'God'. In the dust crocodile language, there is actually no such word as 'God'. Since the history of the dust crocodile, they have imagined the 'natural phenomenon' they cannot explain as a powerful... creature, then Decided that this is the next time...the creature.

There is only one god, it is not used to be slain... Its legend is a long time ago, the dust crocodile was very popular at that time for adventure activities.

They are constantly trying to travel to places that they could not go to. Outside their homeland, they are the kingdoms of other intelligent creatures. If they go out of these countries, they will go to places with abnormal environmental conditions.

There is no oxygen in these places, the temperature is very high or very low, and there are many changes in gravity, just like going to the void, and at that time, there are many dust crocodiles trying to go to these unknown places to find... wealth.

Therefore, even if there are countless dust crocodile deaths in a changing environment, there are still countless dust crocodilees to continue to explore.

Legend has it that there was a team that created special armor at the time, enabling them to travel farther than other teams.

However, because the team could not find food and lost their way, they could not return. During the journey, the armor worn by these dust crocodile was slowly damaged. They could only continue to wander in the wilderness... Waiting death.

In the end, the team went to such a place in confusion.

This place is called...the most beautiful place, but it is said that the environment there is actually not very beautiful, it is a vast, wasteland covered with sand.

The crocodile's aesthetics are similar to those of the imaginary people. They all like shiny things, probably because they live in a world without stars, and dust crocodiles are more likes light.

So how does this ridiculous scene make them like it? That's mainly because...they are filled with oxygen that suits them, so they can take off their armor and fix them here.

And the gravitation is very low, it can make them run briskly, the temperature is also very suitable... Of course, the most important thing is... This expedition heard a... ‘sound’.

They followed the sound and finally found a huge... tree in this gravel wasteland.

Although the world of dust crocodile does not have this kind of creature, there are many similar plant species. The dust crocodile also thinks that this is a kind of plant-like creature, but it looks a bit special... No, it is quite special except shape Besides, it doesn't have a place like a plant.

It is more like... a boiling monster.

It is as high as a hundred meters, and the surface is like high temperature and light like flowing lava. But this group of hot liquid does not spread out, but gathers together. When the dust crocodile first saw it, the first time I feel the fear, they want to hurry away from the lava tree, but...

The dust crocodile is now, the ‘sound’ is coming from it.

After receiving the words of it, the dust crocodile are very curious, they also try to communicate with this tree.

However, the tree itself does not answer their words, but rather speaks a variety of words as if they are self-talking, but the dust crocodile is obtained in the tree's self-talking... Guidelines.

From the tree's words, they knew that there were some cell-like creatures nearby, and the dust crocodile succeeded in capturing these creatures, so they finally filled their stomachs.

Then, the dust crocodile got more guidance in the tree's words. For example, the tree told them to repair some damage on the armor that they didn't notice at all.

They also told these dust crocodiles that they can find some special ‘treasures’ here.

These treasures are some shiny ores that dust crocodile can use to sell at very high prices.

Finally, the tree tells the dust crocodile... How should they go back, it means that as long as they follow some of the 'phenomenons' in the sky, they can successfully find the way back.

The peculiar thing is that from the beginning to the end, the tree never answered any questions about the crocodile. Although the dust crocodile is constantly trying to communicate with it, it ignores it, but tells it to himself. Dust crocodile all kinds of things.

Finally, the dust crocodile left the tree, and according to the guidelines of the tree, they successfully returned to the country of the dust crocodile, because the treasures they brought also made them a famous expedition.

However, this matter is not over yet. After the dust crocodile returns, they are surprised... The ‘sound’ of the tree is still echoing in the thoughts.

However, this sound is not as irritating as the unguarded sound. In fact, the dust crocodile likes this sound very much. This sound gives them a sense of security.

Moreover, the sound of this tree is indeed good for them, it constantly guides these dust crocodile, mainly about their social affairs.

This made the position of these dust crocodile soar. Finally, the dust crocodile in this expedition climbed into the high-level position of the dust crocodile society. They no longer engaged in risky work, but lived comfortably in the city. .

Therefore, these dust crocodilees are very grateful to the tree, they worship it, and promote a kind of doctrine, and set up a church.

This may be regarded as the true and only religious group in the history of the dust crocodile. Before the dust crocodile did not admire anything, the size of the sect was not very large, and the doctrinal propaganda was not very extensive...

However, the influence of this church is very deep, because their core members are high-level, and some even enter the military...

In particular, the Order itself did not have any special impact, because they also worship an object, there are no special rules, and there is nothing special to do. Later, the members of the Order are recruiting more members. The meaning is not very large, and there is no continued collection, but a certain amount.

The only thing their members are looking for is when the tree can guide it and let it climb to a higher position.

In this way, although the church is small in scale, it has continued. Only when a group of members leave old will they recruit new entrants, and the tree has been guiding them.

In fact, it is not always guided, but it will take a long time to communicate with them a little, but also... prove that the tree has been there.

They continued until some time... At that time, the tree suddenly said that it was going to sleep, and then it would stop all guidance on the dust crocodile.

The members of the sects at the time expressed great shock, and some of them even wanted to go to the tree to see what was going on.

In fact, there are not many dust crocodilees looking for this tree. Some hear rumors, some want to find treasures, and some are members of the ecclesiastical group who want to see this legendary tree.

However, none of them succeeded in finding trees, they are lost in the wilderness...

Then there was no dust crocodile to go.

Until now they have ignited the idea of ​​wanting to go, but now members of the ecclesias are enjoying a comfortable life, they also ... do not want to take risks, so they have been hesitating.

The tree also said that they don't have to come, but if there is a major crisis in the future, the dust crocodile can wake it up.

The tree gave the dust crocodile a ... coordinates, which means that if you want to wake it up, you don't need to come in person, just enter this coordinate into the missile and shoot the missile. However, the number of shots required is a little... …many.

Because some dust crocodile Christians were military at the time, although they were so strange why they had to shoot missiles in the past, they recorded the plan. In the end, no dust crocodile went to find the tree, and the tree did not sound. Then it sounded again.

It seems to be completely sleepy.

Because life is still so comfortable, the dust crocodile believers are not very concerned, but this church has continued, and the legend of the tree has never been interrupted.

During the period, although there were various events such as the size conflicts of other races, the dust crocodile did not wake up the tree, because the number of missiles that the tree required to shoot could almost give the treasury of the dust crocodile... air.

Therefore, the tree has never been awakened.

till the end.

The major events were really born. When the aggressors rolled over the country of the crocodile, when the dust crocodile was in horror, the members of the ecclesiasm also remembered the promise of the tree.

At that time, the dust crocodile customized a lot of ‘final tricks’.

In addition to the solidified blooms known to all crocodiles, there are other options, such as the most powerful missiles in the country... and all the invaders, and then rebuilt by a handful of dust crocodilees protected in the 'safety fortress' civilization.

Or it is a method of making a large spaceship to escape.

Awakening the sleeping tree was one of the plans at the time, but this program was not supported because a large number of missiles were shot at the tree, and the dust crocodile that was planned at that time had only a few believers, and the non-believers’ dust crocodile I don't trust the success of this program. They feel that even if they really wake up a weird tree... it doesn't help.

In the end, all the schemes were rejected. Most of the other schemes were not enough. Well, the dust crocodile only used the scheme of solidification bloom. Although the solidification bloom is still in the test, it is the relatively best solution. .

As for the tree, it is not forgotten.

The dust crocodile in the army at that time entered the coordinates of the tree in some of the missiles. (To be continued.) 8

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