4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1360: solidification

"What the **** is it? Where did it come from?"

This is a place called the 'Command House'. Please search for the most complete! The fastest update

The leader of the dust crocodile is staying with a large group of dust crocodile operating in front of the three-dimensional picture. In the picture, they can see that a crystal-shaped aircraft is flying over the city.

The aircraft blocked a wave of attacks from frozen missiles.

"It came from heaven... but we don't know where it was before!" an operator responded.

"Forget it!" the commander said: "Hurry up and blow them all together! Use a conventional missile to blow the fly, and freeze it to aim at that god!"

"To understanding!"


The explosion of the ‘Boom’ sky has become more intense, and the continuous explosion of light has made the city bright and white again and again.

The protection of the crystallized aircraft was in turmoil. It intercepted the missiles that flew from time to time, but even so, there were still some... The leaking bullets ran around and slammed into the **** of the lava.

In the violent chill, the figure of this **** is no longer as bright as before, its color seems to be getting more and more... bleak, it is like the lava that is slowly cooling, but now there is more More missiles are flying here.

It seems that everything is about to end...

"God! Tell me! There is not much time left!" The most nervous creature here is the beginning of the world except for the elite.

With excitement and panic in its tone, it shouted at God: "This is the last of our race... Hope! We must find the transformer!"

"Your hopes... I also have my hopes... I have to bite them! I want to solve them!" And the lava **** does not seem to be going to reply, but to continue its previous expansion and then explode.

The lava blocks that are sputtered will fly far and far away, which makes scholars feel that there may be some kind of thrust to let the lava block fly, but they do not necessarily hit the target, and some fall within the building. Some of them will cause a blast, which will cause the smoke to rise.

"God!" said the beginning: "Please tell us soon... we must know! We must..."

‘Booming ......... The sky has come up with a bang, and I saw that the starting spacecraft in the sky is carrying a strong coke.

It seemed to be blown up and swayed down the sky. At this time, several missiles flew from the sky at high speed, heading straight toward God.

"I must bite them! No one can stop me!" God's words were full of anger, and it expanded again, but its anger was also at this moment... hit the strong chill.

After the bombing of this bombing, scholars can clearly see that this lava god... is not like lava.

It looks more like a huge stone, the shiny orange on the surface has turned grey, and the speed of its slow movement has stopped.

And the sound of biting that has been resounding... has become much weaker.

"I want to bite... I... they will know... when the bite will still come... no one can avoid... know... no one can avoid... bite!"

‘Boom’ and another missile flew in, the voice of the lava **** disappeared completely, and it completely became... a solid object like a stone, motionless.

"God! No, this is impossible! Why does God not move! God! Answer me quickly! Answer me!" The sharpness suddenly erupted quite a frightening call, but no matter how it was called, God did not follow.

"........." And the beginning is still floating there, it looked at the crashed aircraft in the distance, and then looked at the coagulated god... without saying a word.

"How is this? My guidance... Is it so lost?" The mechanical dust crocodile is also shocked, but it is obviously not as big as the other two, perhaps because it has been very A big blow.

"I didn't expect to be defeated like this..." The only thing that didn't suffer much was the scholar, but the scholars also felt very surprised. No matter how fried it was, it was all right, and it was easy to melt the building... God, it would be extreme. Among the low temperatures... becomes this solidified state.

Although it is like a normal reaction, scholars feel very abnormal...

If there is an opportunity, it must be a good study of what constitutes this god.

However, there may not be a chance now.

"You! Don't move!"

There was a voice coming from the scholars, and I turned around and looked at the large group of dust crocodile soldiers, and many chariots appeared.

They surrounded the solidified gods and scholars, and one soldier said: "Now you have been considered an extremely suspicious object, you must go back with us! Otherwise we will shoot, do not resist anything!"

"..." No one creature answered them.

The soldiers did not care so much, they quickly stepped forward and took out... something like awkwardness.

The mechanical dust crocodile and the elite did not have any resistance. They were caught by the soldiers at once, and the scholars decided to observe the situation first, so there was no resistance.

The origins were floating in the sky, so the following group of soldiers had to yell underneath: "You! Hurry up, or you will shoot!"

"..." The beginning of the movement, but in the opposite direction is the sky.

"It has to run! Open fire! Open fire!"

In a series of shooting sounds, the beginning is still flying farther and farther, and finally disappears under the dark sky.

"Damn! Hurry up and take the aircraft to catch it!"

Some soldiers quickly left, and the remaining soldiers were escorted by scholars to return to the original road.

When returning, the scholar has turned his head and looked at that...God, is it really so motionless? Or will it move again?

Maybe it’s not necessary to blow it up...

As I thought about it, the scholars were also sent to the car that bailed the crocodile, and finally the vehicle took them to a building that looked very luxurious.

There are luxurious gardens and halls as before, but this time they didn't go to the upper floors, but they were all placed in the basement.

Scholars are surprised that these dust crocodiles do not seem to have prisons or detention centers. They are used to shut them down, and they are especially locked in the basement of luxury buildings.

But this is also good, although there is nothing in the basement, but it is very clean, and no other criminals are mixed here.

"God will wake up."

At the moment of being locked in, the scholars listened to the elite. (To be continued.)


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