4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1361: Race and faith

The sky is dark.

But the earth is shining.

Here is a lake... but it's not water, it's a sticky... something that glows orange.

It looks a bit like magma, and it also exudes high temperatures.

A golden figure slowly descended from the sky and floated on the lava lake.

It was not such a lava lake, but a vast sandy land. The earth was covered by gray gravel, and a huge, tree-shaped object stood in the center of the sand.

Yes... This is where God is, and now everything has changed a lot. The vast sand has become a high-temperature lake, and the giant tree called God has long since left.

Because there is no way to protect that...God, there is no way to know the position of the reformer. The final choice of the beginning is to come here, where God originally was.

Maybe... what else can be found here.

............ At the same time, on the other side............

"Where do we want to transport it to it? It seems to be said to be thrown into the abandoned missile and thrown far and far away. What? Don't take it for research? It may be because it is too dangerous."

Here is the city of dust crocodile, this once again invaded the city once again ushered in their victory.

However, this time the residents did not cheer. They have not forgotten the huge lava gods melting the buildings in their cities. Although the problem has been solved for a while, the fear is still there.

The giant **** of lava became a solidified statue under the frozen missile. Around this statue, a large number of soldiers and chariots were guarding here, and the sound of flying aircraft was occasionally heard in the sky.

Although the **** of lava was frozen, the dust crocodile still feared that it might wake up. The troops strictly guarded the already solidified **** under the command of the commander and planned to solve it with a simple solution.

That is to throw it into the void, this is the most common solution.

This world is different from the world of imaginary people. There is no sea where garbage can be placed, and there are various ethnic groups around. For dust crocodile, the living space here is very crowded, and even discarding waste is a difficult matter.

So they invented the abandonment missiles, and when the waste piled up too much, they put the waste on the missile and launched it.

Because it is a special pipe-like space, the waste that is emitted is unlikely to be turned into a meteorite and then returned. It is also a good solution.

"...It turns out that they are going to deal with it like this?"

This is a dark underground space. In the empty room, scholars and two other dust crocodile are staying here.

However, although it seems that there is nothing here, but you can find something to find, for example, the scholar just found a switch.

When the switch is turned on, one of the walls here becomes a screen for displaying images, and it can receive news from outside.

As a result, scholars have seen reports of the overall incident.

The military announced that the crisis of the lava gods has been lifted. Of course, they have not announced that this is a **** with a dusty crocodile belief. It is just a wild creature of unknown origin.

And the solution was announced, that is, it was mounted on abandoning missiles and shot with other wastes. The dust crocodile did not seem to study the idea of ​​this god.

They should be interested to know what constitutes this thing. Scholars would like to know.

But the dust crocodile just wants to throw it out.

"No! If they do this, it will cause God's anger!" And the scholars watched the news with a sharp voice saying to the screen: "They don't understand! It's all..."

“Is God always like this?” the scholar asked.

"What?" Elite doubts: "What does it mean all the time?"

"That is... you seem to have communicated with God very early." The scholar said: "Is it saying "bite killing" at the beginning, or did it later say?"

"It's... right!" Elite said: "It was said when it was communicating with you. God has been communicating with me all the time, but it didn't say... bite and kill, and the way of speaking is also very... ... calm, it only suddenly became like this at the beginning of the conversation with you!"

"This is very strange..." Scholars believe that if God does not become like this, perhaps it will tell the things of the starter.

"Is it what you did to God? No, no one can do anything to God!" Elite said: "No matter what... it is God!"

"What is your relationship with God?" Suddenly, the picture on the wall disappeared and flashed again, and the face of the leader and its problems appeared together in the picture.

"Commander!" Elite said: "Immediately stop your move to throw God out, you must let it recover and apologize to it, so that it may not fall anger on our entire race!"

"I am asking you questions, not to listen to your orders." The commander said: "You must tell me all the details about it, and the plot to let it attack the invaders? It is said that they can use cans to let you Betray the compatriots..."

"It's not attacking here!" Elite said: "It's just passing by here, it's going to a place, but our city is just within its scope of action, hurry up and let it wake up!"

“Wake it up?” the commander asked, “How do you wake up?”

"Of course, heating can make it wake up." Jingrui said: "Hey, are you willing to listen to what I said?"

"Of course." The commander said: "I will follow what you said, so that it is always in a low temperature environment, so that it will never wake up!"

"No! You can't do this!" shouted sharply: "This way it will be angry! If it has no way to go to that place! It will... ruin everything here!"

"Then tell me everything you know." The leader said: "You just said, how can we believe in you, say everything you know... we can think about it."

Elite and hesitantly said: "...but God said that only believers can know."

The commander said: "Then we will only continue to implement the previous plan!"

"No! I tell you!" Elite quickly said: "The purpose of God's action..."

"God told me that it had an agreement with another...God, that God would give it something, but this agreement has never been realized, so it decided to take it for yourself."

"... is that the case?" asked the commander. "It is to get something, so it wears our buildings all the way."

"...Yes, but it won't hurt us!" Elite said: "Please let it continue to get things."

"So what is it going to take?" asked the commander: "What is it worth to let it do...?"

"I don't know, it didn't tell me..." Elite said: "But that is a very important thing."

"Well, it seems that you don't know what useful information." The leader said: "Or what you have concealed, no matter what, we will not wake up with that monster with this information."

After that, its picture disappeared.

"Wait a minute!" Jingrui immediately called: "You can't do this! You can't!"

"........." But there is no response on the screen.

“Do you really only know how much?” The scholar asked at the elite at this time: “God just told you these... ambiguous information, saying that it is going to get something?”

"Yes." Elite said: "It didn't tell too much... but it also said that it must get there, and now there is no way."

"It will definitely be angry... our race... will be completely destroyed."

“Do you really love your race?” Originally, I stayed in the corner, and the mechanical dust crocodile, who had no snoring, suddenly said.

"Of course..." Elitely looked at the mechanical dust crocodile: "No matter what I did, I loved my race, but... I also believe in my god!"

“Is it?” The mechanical dust crocodile said: “Like I used to be?”

"You? Your emotions are just transferred." Elite said: "Don't confuse me with you."

"..." The mechanical dust crocodile is silent, and scholars have the feeling that it will be angry, but when scholars think so, it says: "Take action."

"Get in action, use your actions to prove that you love this race and prove that you believe in God!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "Like it was before you escaped, act!"

"...What's wrong with you?" the scholar asked the mechanical dust crocodile.

"I just want to see... how crazy these beliefs and loves of flesh-and-blood creatures are." Mechanical dust crocodile.

"Action..." Elastic look at the mechanical dust crocodile and scholars, it stood up from the ground: "Yes, for my **** and the whole dust crocodile race... I must act! Since they are not willing to wake God I will wake it up in person!"

Scholars have found that this elite... seems to be very easy to get up, maybe it is also the reason why it has been working on the three-legged column in a ruined city to kill the same kind but not to collapse.

"I am going to save my race and help my god!" Excited shouts, it ran to the door of the room and slammed into the door...


The door... does not move at all.

The elite has already rolled to the ground, and it is painfully slamming into the hit.

"Before you didn't seem to be like this..." Although the door is much thicker than the previous one, the scholars feel that it will not fall to the ground.

"Time... time is up." Jingrui said very painfully: "The time of the drug... time." (~^~)

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