"Get ready! The launch time can no longer be postponed! The activity response is detected! This thing is slowly rejuvenating!"

On the streets of the city of dust crocodile, a large number of ... transport vehicles are moving.

These vehicles line up and carry huge parts to the location where the **** of the lava that is solidified is located.

The commander has issued an order to quickly send out the coagulated god, but this **** is too large, and it is quite heavy. It is difficult to transport.

Therefore, the commander decided to transport the missile's parts directly to God's location and assemble it into a deserted missile.

This is much easier than shipping it back.

Now that the assembly forces have moved, they transport a large number of parts to God's position and quickly assemble them.

"The action they assemble seems to be very fast."

And somewhere, scholars are also paying attention to this assembly process.

Here is a dark space, exactly within a certain room of a building. From the window of this room, you can see the ongoing assembly work in the distant streets.

Now God can't see what it is, because its body is covered in a solid metal shell by the dust crocodile, so it looks more like a huge missile.

But it's not finished yet, like the engine and some other work is not done well, the dust crocodile troops are accelerating efforts.

"They feel the wrath of God. They feel that they will be bitten, they fear, they act."

In this room, in addition to scholars, elite and mechanical dust crocodile, the two brains are also here, and they can come here because of their relationship.

The brain-building blame helped them to repel one after another to hunt down their troops. Later, they made brains and even used brain waves to make those troops hallucinate and lure them.

Scholars have also been able to sneak into this position.

This location is very close to where God is, and the residents in the building have long since evacuated, so they can hide in the building and set the next battle plan.

However, compared with the fixed combat plan, scholars want to know what these two brains are related to God, but it has been asked many times on the way, and the brains have not answered it seriously.

"Now, we are ready to act!" Jingrui looked at the window very seriously and said: "If you wait until they are assembled, launch God and it will be finished, you must obstruct the assembly!"

"What are you going to do?" the scholar asked.

"The engines they use should be the new 'explosive power engine'." Elite said: "If this engine detonates, the power is very powerful and should be able to wake God because it just just fell asleep and needs to wake up... ...the energy is not as much as it used to be."

"Are you going to detonate the engine?" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "It will definitely kill a lot of crocodiles."

"This is nothing." Elite said: "The soldiers are killed, but the entire race can be saved!"

"But what should I do after it wakes up?" The scholar asked: "The commander will continue to attack it."

"The stock of frozen missiles is very small." Jingrui said: "These things have been discontinued very early... Before the launch was only the rest of the previous ones... This is why the commander should send it out so quickly, if God again When they wake up, they can't stop it."

"Look, this is the transport truck for that engine!"

Elite pointed to a large truck-like vehicle that had been driven on the street: "Now I have to act...", and then look at the scholars and mechanical dust crocodile, and the two brains behind it: "You will help me... is it?"

"Of course..." The mechanical dust crocodile said: "In any case, here is my... the place of birth, I will guard it, and I will also seek guidance from God."

"I...will." Scholars also promised that scholars believe that it does have this choice now, and that it would have liked to understand this...God.

"Respond to its call! Follow the path of killing! Go! Challenge your limits! Go ahead and let them know, what is the real bite!"

The brainwaves that make the brain motivate the elite, the creatures who are watching the presence, and they call out loudly: "Good... then let's get started!"

‘Hey! At the same time, the sharp and fierce attack on the window, the entire window suddenly shattered, and at the moment when the debris was flying, the elite jumped to the street outside.

"You..." The scholar looked at the elite who had jumped from more than ten meters and landed safely. He could not help but question: "Is there still..."

"Yes, I am embarrassed to stare at you. In fact, I still have a bottle of medicine to strengthen my physical strength." Jingrui said: "But this is really the last bottle, let us start acting!"

"..." The scholar did not say anything. It went out of the window together with the mechanical dust crocodile and two brain-creating geeks. Although some of the ways to reach the ground were to climb and fly, they all stood firmly in the street. on.

"They are those fugitives!" The soldiers on the streets immediately found them, and in a flash, a large number of weapons were aimed.

"Accept bite!" The two brains rushed out, and the strong brain waves spread. The weapons in the hands of these soldiers suddenly fell on the ground, and they trembled in place.

"Go forward! Target transporter!" Elite yelled and ran to the driveway, and more soldiers gathered around.

They did not fire, but ran to this side.

"You don't want to stop the road!" Severely punched out, it directly flew a soldier in front and knocked down several soldiers in the back.

Then the elite slammed up and used the strength of the limbs to knock the soldiers around.

Scholars feel that this does not seem to require them to help.

"How could it be so powerful! If you move us again, it will open fire!" The soldiers around them saw the situation and raised their weapons, and the brains that made the brains reverberated let them throw the weapons again.

Scholars feel that making brains has become more powerful than before, and may be related to God.

Elitely flew a few soldiers who had not completely dropped their weapons. After clearing the obstacles, they rushed all the way forward. Under the cooperation of elite and brain-building, no soldiers could approach them.

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile do not need to do anything, just... just follow it.

"That's there! We want to destroy it!" A large truck appeared in front of it, and the elite immediately speeded up the run, and jumped forward, grabbed the rear of the car, and then climbed over the container along the rear of the car.

When the scholar saw it, he immediately opened his own flying device. With a roar, it flew from the ground and landed on the truck.

The mechanical dust crocodile also flew in the same way, and the last two brain-creating geeks also ran quickly and climbed up.

"Great, we are all there!" A sharp look at the surroundings, while the truck has stopped, surrounded by a large number of guards, there are several chariots in the distance are aiming here.

"...What should I do now?" The scholar asked the elite.

"You have been surrounded!" a soldier shouted underneath: "Hurry up and surrender, otherwise!"

"I will act first..." Elite to the scholars, they whispered: "I will go to the cab, then open the container back, so you can get into the container, but there is a problem... I ran over You have to survive this period."

"This is no problem." The scholar looked at the soldiers around and said: "They will definitely not attack here with heavy weapons, and there are them... they can use the brain waves to interfere with the soldiers." The scholars looked at the brains.

"Insufficient energy. Need to eat. Can't interfere. Can't stop. But can support. You can live."

"... is it? In short, you can stand up." Elite said: "So I will..."

"You can't go down! This is the last time!" the soldier below shouted: "The commander has said that he can kill!"

"For God!" Jing suddenly screamed, and it ran wildly on the container, and the gunshots around it rang at the same moment. The storm-like bullets flew in and hit the truck and made countless screams. .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The front of the truck, followed by a heavy punch on the front of the car, the roof was instantly pulled out of a hole, and the elite also jumped into this hole.

Scholars believe that the one that is elite to eat is definitely not a normal medicine... No, it should not be called medicine at all, but something with strange power.

The scholar's body is also squeaking, countless warheads are hit on it and flew out, the brilliant sparks are constantly flashing, but no single warhead can hurt its important parts.

Although the mechanical dust crocodile was shot through some places, scholars saw that it was not as big as it was. As for the two brains... The thick dust covered by them seemed to help them block all attacks.

That is definitely not the general dust, but the dust of God.


Suddenly, the container at the foot of the scholar opened inward, and the scholar at the foot of the foot suddenly fell into the container with three other creatures.

"This is the engine?" After falling into the container, the first thing the scholar saw was a large...pipe-like thing that almost filled the space, but there were still a few of them squeezed in.

"So sit still! Now let's go to God!"

The roar of the truck started, accompanied by the sharp shouts... (to be continued.)

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