
The sound of roaring echoed over the city of the dust crocodile.

That's because... a truck is flying over the city.

In general, trucks can't fly, but this is not a normal truck, but a truck... used to throw away waste.

"Ah! No way to adjust! There is no way to go back!"

The sound of sharp horror echoed in the truck, mainly because the truck was started sharply.

It was originally intended to drive the truck to where God is, and then detonate the engine to wake God, but the problem is that after it started the truck, the truck flew up from the ground and flew over the city. .

Scholars can also see this through an image in a crowded truck container. The truck is now flying at high speed above the city, farther and farther away from where God is.

"Why is this happening! Why do you fly away?" And there seems to be no clue about this. Scholars can't see how it works, so there is no way to give any advice.

"Are you wrong when you started it!" The mechanical dust crocodile said with anger: "Why is this mistake!"

"I used to drive this kind of car before, I wouldn't make a mistake!" Elite said: "And this kind of car wouldn't fly... Why is this happening!"

... at the same time, the other side...

Here is a place called the Command Room, where a large number of dust crocodiles and ... commanders also look at the trucks that are flying outside.

"Command! The exile has progressed very smoothly!" A dust crocodile looking at the picture of the flying truck said to the commander: "If there are no mistakes, they will fly into the outer sea of ​​stars."

"Very good..." The commander said: "This should be no problem, it is really troublesome... Come on, the **** will throw it out soon!"

After the command was issued, the commander raised his hand and held a small porous ball in his hand. He poked the hole slightly and a stereoscopic image popped out.

Among the images, there is a lot of information about... ‘God’.

The commander is not a believer, but as a leader, it certainly understands the things of God. It is not very detailed. It is not completely unclear what the traitor said before. Of course, it is impossible to wake up the lava god. .

Just because some people are not at ease, the commander went to investigate the information about God. For this legend of God, almost all said that there are believers about how God guides them.

However, there are also some ... special reports, such as these believers sometimes get the reward of God and gain considerable power.

This believer is also known as the 'agent of God' and shows in the information that the agent has the ability to awaken God.

The commander believes that this elite traitor is the agent of God, and ... this agent has a legend, that is, when they die, they will 'infect' other dust crocodile nearby, so that the original unbelief Suddenly all of them became believers in God.

It is said that there have been similar things in history. After the investigation was conducted, it believed that this traitor must be an agent.

So it came up with a way, in fact, the same way as God, it decided to throw this elite and its companions all.

Keeping them away from the city is the best way... It is best to let them drift into the void in the distance and then smash them.

Although most of the information about the gods in the past looked like fantasy, the **** of lava appeared in the city to convince the commander... These things can't be underestimated.

At the same time, the commander also speculated that the elite action target, it believes that the elite may next try to wake up God, and the method of awakening God should be an explosion.

Therefore, the commander designed a trap, which is the car.

It believes that the most likely target of elite attack is to transport the engine of the engine, because it is much easier to **** the engine than to grab the control of the missile.

And the engine can be adjusted on the spot to start, so the elite to wake up God will definitely go to grab the transport.

The commander created a ... fake transport vehicle. In fact, the vehicle has a flight function. When they get on the bus, the vehicle takes them out and finally flies outside the ... pipe.

Jingrui did not find this trap at all. It thought that this car was the engine of the engine, so it jumped up.

After they jumped up, the commander also ordered the soldiers to shoot. It found that this elite was not simply shot, and was able to drive after being hit by countless bullet holes.

This allows the commander to confirm that elite is the agent's identity, so this agent must be thrown out with God.

After that, the commander also decided to solve all the believers in the dust crocodile about the god, but it is better to solve them now.

It is best to throw them all out, but it is not just as simple as throwing them out. After they are thrown out, these agents will be blown up. For God, the commander decides to monitor and then destroy it.

If you find a way, it's best. If you can't find a way, you should have enough time to prepare for the possible return.

Although the commander feels that God cannot return, because it obviously does not fly, and climbs so slowly...

In this way, the commander felt that it had carried out a comprehensive plan, while the other side...


"Where are we going to fly?"

"do not know……"

"It seems that I have already flown out of the city, and I have to fly very far..."

Scholars are still in the van and watch the trucks flying fast.

In the past, after careful inspection, it was discovered that the truck was not a truck, but an aircraft disguised, but no matter how it was adjusted, it would not turn back.

The system inside is completely set up and there is no possibility of returning.

“Can we fly to the outer starry sea?” The mechanical dust crocodile issued this question: “Maybe there is such a possibility.”

"No matter what, we will not have a chance to wake up God, we have failed..." Jingrui said: "Next, we may have to face the wrath of God... I mean our race."

"You have always said God's anger..." The scholar said: "What is it like? Does it tell you?"

"I don't know...just that would be terrible, terrible than those invaders, and might be able to destroy our city in a flash..." (To be continued.)

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