4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1366: Boiling world


This is a space that is rolling.

Scholars, and mechanical dust crocodiles, and two brain-creating geeks are in this space, and continue to endure this tumbling.

"Ah!" With the screams of mechanical dust crocodile, they continually slammed into the inner wall of the container. Although scholars are not dizzy or hurt, they will feel very unhappy.

It has been thinking about how to let the roll stop, but after watching the screen by chance, the scholar suddenly felt that this is somewhat unlikely.

Because the dust that had been pushing the truck had long since left, and they were still rolling because they were on a steep slope.

Obviously the dust pushed them here, and then it left irresponsibly, letting the truck roll down the **** quickly, then

boom! The scroll stopped under a strong impact, and suddenly there was lighting, and the bright and incomparable container became dark.

It seems that the lighting function has been damaged, of course, the picture is not displayed, but scholars can still see the light.

A crack more than one meter wide appeared on the wall in front of the scholar's eyes, and some orange-red light shone through the cracks, accompanied by hot waves and muddy air.

This air obviously does not contain oxygen, or a common gas that can make cell organisms survive. Scholars believe that these gases should be highly toxic to dust crocodile or brain-making monsters.

"We hit it! We are going crazy! We must be crazy!"

The scholar's thoughts quickly changed. When the gas pervaded the entire container, the two brains that had turned to the ground because of the tumbling suddenly turned around. They screamed and screamed as they waved strong brain waves. Up, with the sound of squeaking, the crack on the wall was knocked out by a brain.

The two brain-creating geeks ran out of the cave one after another, and the scholars did not even have time to say.

However, compared to saying, etc., scholars want to know where these two things come so much to force the walls of this container to collide. Maybe they start from the encounter with God, it is not an ordinary brain-making.

"What is going on here?" The mechanical dust crocodile climbed up from the ground at this time. It obviously didn't look bad. So the scholar just looked at it and walked from the hole that the brain smashed. Go out.

"It's really here."

The scholar's feet stepped on the black ground, and what they saw at first sight was the **** they rolled down before.

The rolling of the truck left a trace on the slope, and the black matter on the ground was rolled up. The scholars found that the ground was not purely black, but also mixed with many orange and bright red colors, and also exuded Shimmering.

This is also the reason why there is no stellar illumination here, but it is still bright.

The air here is very complicated. In short, it is not suitable for multi-cellular organisms. The air temperature is high enough to evaporate water, and the surface can be described as hot.

But it is not a big problem for scholars and mechanical dust crocodile.

Gravity is the 08 of the pompom. It seems that there is nothing special. After a little inspection of the environment, the scholar turned his head and looked back, and they could see the truck they were riding.

The truck hit a pointed stone on the ground, which caused the truck to bend to one side and also caused a crack on the other side.

“Where is it here?” The mechanical dust crocodile also drilled out of the hole. It looked around and said, “Is this the surface of the big tumbling person?”

"Should be right." The scholar said that he ran quickly in the direction of the front of the car. When he reached the front of the car, the scholar saw the elite through the transparent window.

The elite is now dry, as if the water has disappeared. Simply put, it has become a dry body.

Although the scholar was scared by the sand bones like the corpse, but now see the elite dry corpse, it has only a touch of sadness.

Perhaps it is a bit sad to think that this creature that has been working hard for its own faith is so dead.

However, there is no way to do this. Although the cab is said to be separated from the container, their air is intercommunicated. If the container leaks, the cab will also be affected.

As a cell creature, the effect of that quirky drug has long since disappeared, and it is obviously impossible to live in this environment.

But even with that weird drug, scholars doubt whether it can live here.

But at least the brains should be or, after the scholars just came out, they didn't see them, and they didn't know where to go.

They can run very far and also indicate that they have an environment that can withstand this.

So what should I do next?

"What do we do?" The mechanical dust crocodile also came here to see the elite dry corpse and said the same thing.

"Explore here," said the scholar.

“It’s no use to explore,” said the mechanical dust crocodile. “What can we find here? This place looks rather ridiculous.”

"Not necessarily." The scholar said: "And maybe you can find the material, as long as the truck is modified, we may be able to fly back."

"Yeah! We may" mechanical dust crocodile spirit hit it up in an instant, but it quickly lost its way to the ground: "But going back, it is estimated that it will be caught."

"No, you can live in a country of other races," the scholar said.

"Yes!" The mechanical dust crocodile once again had the spirit: "I heard that there is a place where machinery and residents can live in peace! Yes, you can go there to live! Then let's try to fix it!"

"That's it, then let's go shopping around."

Although it doesn't matter if you don't go back to scholars, because it also wants to explore it, it still comforts the mechanical dust crocodile.

So they began to explore the ridiculous land.

But where should I go first?

This question is very worthy of hesitation.

The mechanical dust crocodile means that it doesn't go anywhere. It is going to check the truck's system here to see if it can be adjusted.

However, scholars still want to explore, so it tells the mechanical dust crocodile that he will come back after a while and walk in a certain direction.

This direction is the direction of the **** where they roll down. The scholar climbed up the slope, mainly to see if they could find the dust group that pushed them down.

Is that a creature or something?

There is this world

Maybe also a creature. To be continued.

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