4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1367: Singular phenomenon

The hot wind blew slowly over the vast plains, black dust covered the earth, and countless flashes of light mixed in the dust, looking like unfinished Mars, bringing this hot world Bright.

A figure is moving slowly here.

"There are a lot of distances left."

The scholar looked up and saw that his vision was always upward, but it was blocked by a large piece of dust. There is no starry sky here. It seems that the sky is always cloudy, but because the light source comes from the ground, it is still very bright.

"These things are really weird."

The scholar lowered his body and grabbed a piece of dust on the ground. The black particles were mixed with some orange-red light. These were like the ashes that were not completely extinguished. But under the test of scholars, it found that these things were never seen. Substance.

The parts that emit light have a very high temperature, like a small flame, a little touch, it will instantly become dim, become black, dusty things, the temperature will be much lower.

It's only a relatively low level. In general, it is still very hot, at least able to cook cell-like organisms.

Scholars have never seen this substance before, but scholars have detected some similarities between these substances and solidified mushrooms, and perhaps they are not necessarily related.

But no matter what, which side is a brand new thing, scholars can only collect samples first, and then conduct research later.

Thinking, the scholar confirmed his position.

It is now more than ten kilometers away from the truck. On the way, it did not see anything like a creature, nor did it find anything special.

It seems that the whole piece of land is covered by ashes, and the sky occasionally blows up a strong haze storm, and the strong hot wind can roll up the dust around the surface, making the surrounding area dark and dark.

But there is nothing special about it. Scholars can't find any creatures or interesting things that can be found, so they can only continue on.

The dropout suddenly received a signal.

It raised his hand and uploaded the sound of a mechanical dust crocodile in its hand: "I know how to fix this car, we might fly back! Come back soon!"

The sound of the mechanical dust crocodile is very exciting. It seems that it really found a way. Scholars think it seems a bit too fast. If it is really easy to fly back, the time that drifted over should be able to find a way to fly back. .

"Good." However, the scholar should still sneak back.

On the way back, scholars also saw the environment that was familiar before.

At present, the scenery it has seen has always been such a large expanse of gray ash plains, occasionally seeing some large stone protrusions, or seeing some hills and other terrain.

But nothing special, what is it?

When the scholar went back to the tenth step, it saw the same scenery that had not been seen before. Is that a bubble?

A transparent bubble about a dozen meters in diameter is located on a hill not far from the scholar's right side.

Scholars have seen this mountain before, and at that time there must have been no such bubble, it suddenly popped up.

what is this? Works of a certain creature?

If the former scholars must have felt that such an environment is not biological, but now it is different, even if there is no dust pushing the truck before, it will feel that there is no, there may be creatures coming out anywhere in the void.

Therefore, the scholar slowly and step by step toward the small hill with suspicion.

Climbing up the hills made up of high-temperature dust, the scholar reached out and gently touched the transparent and thin surface of the bubble.

Then stretched in.

Is this really a bubble?

Scholars suddenly came up with this idea because its hand penetrated the bubble.

Although it looks exactly the same as the bubbles in the water, the scholar did not expect to pass through, it thought it was a very flexible thing.

But since you can go through it, it means

Scholars should first examine the surface layer of the bubble. It finds that the surface layer of the bubble is made up of a relatively thin layer of material, some of which is glued, and it is very cold.

No, it can't be said to be cold. It is better to say that normal temperature is very normal for cell biology.

The inside and outside of the bubble can be said to be in two completely different environments, the extreme cool inside, and the high temperature purgatory outside, all seems to be because this layer of transparent and thin material separates the temperature of both sides. What?

Further investigation is necessary.

When the scholar thought so, the whole bubble made such a sound, it blasted open, the cool airflow spread out, and then disappeared without a trace.

"How?" The scholar has some doubts, because now the bubble in front of it disappears, and only the dust that is floating proves that the bubble was still here.

Therefore, the scholar climbed to the top of the hill and tried to dig it on the top of the mountain, but nothing was excavated except for the high temperature dust.

How did the bubble just come from?

Scholars can only leave this hill with this doubtful idea and continue to go back in this direction. The scholar did not encounter any strange things until it returned to the position of the truck.

The truck is still here, the body has accumulated a lot of dust because of the surrounding sand, it is still in a state of being cracked and lying there.

When a scholar wants to ask about a mechanical dust crocodile, it looks at the front of the car but stunned.

Because there is nothing at the front of the car.

“Where are you?” The scholar walked over and found that the bottom of the front of the car was opened, revealing the complex mechanical parts inside, which seemed to indicate that the mechanical dust crocodile had been repaired here.

But now the mechanical dust crocodile is gone, and one more thing is that when the scholar looks at the window, he finds that the cab inside the car is also empty.

The elite corpses inside are gone.

It is good to understand that the mechanical dust crocodile is gone, because there may be any situation in this strange and hot world, but why are the dead bodies gone?

Do you still have to go with the corpse when you leave here? Thinking of the scholars looking at the surrounding ground, it quickly found clues on the ground.

Because the ground is soft dust, it is easy to leave footprints. Scholars see a lot of mechanical dust crocodile footprints around the car, but it also sees some other footprints.

No, this can't be said to be a footprint. It looks like a hole left on the ground with a sharp spear. These holes are more than ten centimeters in diameter. There are many holes around the mechanical dust crocodile footprints.

But the problem is that regardless of the footprints or the holes that don't extend into the distance, they all gather around the truck.

And this doesn't know how the corpse is missing.

I can't contact. The scholar tried to contact the mechanical dust crocodile, which had a mechanical dust crocodile in its hand to its communication device, which was actually a porous ball.

However, it seems that there is no response, whether it is to contact the mechanical dust crocodile, or to track the location of the mechanical dust crocodile.

It seems that there are quite a few strange things in this world.

Then I have to take a step and take a step.

The scholar who had produced this idea began to move his own pace, but it took a step and turned its head again.

It looked at the truck lying on the ground, then ran to the front of the truck and pulled the door of the cab.

Closed very tight

It seems that the mechanical dust crocodile is to open the bottom of the truck to repair, but did not try to enter the cab, which is a bit strange, even more strange is that the corpse was actually lost in the cab of the secret room.

And the footprints that have not left around, let the scholars come up with a picture that they are all cleaned up by a large number of small creatures.

If the little creature digs in the car and eats the corpse, it does not need to open the door, but the scholar did not find any holes in the car.

Moreover, scholars believe that living creatures here should eat special substances and will not love cell biology.


When the scholar thought about it, it heard a voice.

When the scholar turned his head and looked at it, it found that something exploded in the distance, and a huge amount of smoke rose on the ground.

Scholars decided to look at the past.

Speeding up the pace and moving forward, the scholar is getting closer and closer to the location of the explosion, but before he ran to the explosion point, he heard a familiar voice.

"Why is it so bad, we need you, you can't just blast! Yes, it really needs you, why are you doing this? Do you remember? There are countless creatures waiting for you in the world. Kill it!"

When approaching, the scholar saw two gray figures.

Brain-cressing, two brain-covered monsters covered in thick dust are standing next to the explosion point, and as usual, discussing some weird topics.

"I feel a smell. Charred smell. No, it's another smell. What smells besides the charred smell?"

“What are you doing here?” The scholar stepped forward and asked directly to the brain-creating.

"No! It's not true!" The two brain-thirsty turned and looked at it, as if they were scared and screaming and rushing away.

"Hey! Wait!"

The voice of the scholars did not stop them from thinking that these two things are crazy? But they seem to be crazy.

Now, the smoke of the explosion point is slowly dissipating, and the scholars have seen what is in the explosion point.

That is a lot of metal fragments, although most of them are broken, they can still be distinguished.

Scholars feel that these fragments are from the dust crocodile, that is to say, this explosion is

Carry the missile of God. ^

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