4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1371: coincidence?

"They are..."

The air here still contains heat waves. On the hot surface, scholars are moving forward step by step...

Its purpose is to find some of the creatures here, which may have created wonderful bubbles and attacked the wild...the **** of lava.

Scholars believe that it seems to have found these creatures now.

At this time, the scholar is hiding behind a 'hand palm stone' in the state of clenching fists. There is a ship composed of rocks... more than 30 meters away.

Around the ship, there is a group of creatures.

They are covered in thick shells, they should be wearing armor. They are more than a meter tall. Compared with scholars, they are small in size. They look like a kind of six-limb creature.

They stand on both limbs, grasping things on both limbs, and the other two limbs are like... wings, extending in the position of the shoulder.

Whether it is on the wings or in other parts of the body, it is covered with a layer of armor like a mixture of rock and metal.

Their shape reminds scholars of a biological demon.

The demon is a kind of ‘fictional creature. It is the imaginary thing of a biological race, ‘Moss, made by Lynn in the dream world.

It can be said that the devil is an imaginary creature... and Lin has created this imaginary creature and allowed them to live on a red-red tumbling person who has participated in wars against creatures such as brain spirits. They are still living there, and they regard the brave as their king.

Scholars also know these things... It has also previously studied material about ‘devil’, because it is an incredible thing for scholars to create a creature that is completely imaginary.

So scholars also have a deep memory of the devil's form, and the creatures that appear here make it immediately think of the devil.

Just happen to look like it? What is the connection?

To say the connection, the scholar can really think of one thing, that is... the three-legged column.

The three-legged column is a radish-like creature, but it also appears in the pipeline here. The original radish-like creature lived in the meteorite area, and the red tumbling of the devil's life was also near the meteorite area.

However, scholars feel that it is a coincidence. After all, there are still some reasons for the three-legged column to appear here, but the purely artificial imagination of the demon is impossible to appear in other places in the void.

Unless they have encountered something, such as taking a Void bus here, but scholars have never heard of such a thing.

Lynn has created something called a 'news player' on the pompom, which plays various news events anytime and anywhere, and if you pass it, you can learn a lot.

There is no such thing as a demon leaving the tumbling person they live in...

But no matter what, anyway, observations still have to continue...

Scholars have found that... they are really like demons.

The pair of wings on the shoulders of these creatures are not ornaments, they have joints on the armor of the wings, so their wings can telescopically flap and fly into midair.

Of course, there are many kinds of demons on the side of Lin, but among the demons, the most basic type is the kind of hands and feet and wings.

During the scholar's observation, these ‘devil’ have already done a lot of flying moves, and they are still doing it now.

They have been flying from the ground to the deck of the ship, then flew down from the deck, and they held something on the ground each time they flew down.

Observing their actions, scholars are also keeping in touch with ... elites, and scholars have just sent the appearance of these creatures to the past.


Scholars soon received an elite contact.

"They are ancient creatures!"

“Ancient creatures?” scholars questioned elitely: “Is it a civilized creature before your civilization?”

"No, it is a kind of civilization creature with us at the same time." The sharp voice said: "We used to have war with many races when we were developing. They are creatures that have fought with us, the language they use. And our...the ancient dust crocodile language is almost exactly the same."

"Just, this creature disappeared in the late part of the war. It is inferred that they fled to other places. In short, they did not develop with us..." Elite said: "Only a few of their materials are left, but Their appearance is almost unchanged, just like you sent it."

"Yes? Then they shouldn't be demons..."

"What is the devil?"

"...nothing, let's wait for it." The scholar turned off the contact and continued to look at the 'devil'. Although I don't know the specific time, the dust crocodile should have passed thousands of years of pompoms. The time when the devil was made was far less than that.

So are they just a group of creatures that look like demons? But they are like demons, so it's still called a demon for a while.

Now, the group... The demon put a lot of things like small stones on the ground, piled up into a hill more than a meter high, and then they all flew up the boat and didn't come down again.

Then the ship made a bang, it started... started.

However, the ship did not go to the distance, but in the direction of the scholar, the scholar did not move... It quietly stayed behind the palm stone, watching the ship drive past it, toward it. The place to go.

"It came to you." After the scholar sent a message to the elite, it quickly followed.

Perhaps because the invisible mode has been kept, the ship did not notice the scholars who followed, and it started at a relatively slow speed in the palm of the hand.

It was not until the location of the elite that the ship stopped.

Elite is still in the bubble of the 'hand hold' of the palm stone, seeing the ship stop in front of it, the elite said to the scholar a little nervously: "They are coming... but I think they should not have to Killed my thoughts, so I can ask them about God."

During the passage of this passage, there were several on the ship... The devil flew down, they fell by the fine bubble, one poked the bubble with one hand, and the other took out a piece... It is like slate, and we draw with finger, and it seems to be writing.

"Who are you?" Elite yelled out at this time, using the ancient dust crocodile language.

Scholars can understand, because not long ago, scholars got the information of the ancient crocodile language... Of course, Lin gave it, but the specific source should be from the beginning.

Scholars think so, so it is also somewhat amazed. In the beginning, there are even ancient crocodile languages. Is the development pattern of the dust crocodile in the mirror world exactly the same as the pipe dust crocodile?

"Your life is complete and normal." A demon is also open, its voice is very... crisp: "And the age has gone backwards a lot, returning to the early stages, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the second life. ""

It replied sharply with his hand on the slate, but it gave the elite more doubts: "I want to ask you... What do you want to do? Why should you put me here?"

"Give you a chance to survive." The devil said: "You stay outside, maybe you can't wake up forever."

"Because the climate here won't change too much, even though that's what we are trying to do." Another demons said: "But you may not be able to wait that long."

"...you..." said sharply: "Why do you want to do this?"

"Observation, record." The devil said: "According to our investigation of you, you are the creature that our ancestors have encountered."

“Our ancestors lived in very distant places.” Another demon said: “So it is a miracle that you appear here.”

"The miracle needs to be observed and recorded. You have already been recorded. You will continue to record in the future. You will continue to live and provide us with records. We are very interested in you." The devil finished and put a piece in his hand. The slate was put into the bubble: "This is a recent record, you can appreciate it."

"..." Elite did not answer.

"I don't plan to react? It's normal, then let's leave first, and record again next time." The demons are ready to take off from the ground.

"Wait a minute!" shouted sharply: "What is the relationship between you and God! What the world is here!"

The demon movement that was preparing to take off suddenly stopped. A demon said to the elite: "Your intelligence can really give you the ability to understand, so we suggest that you follow us."

Elite question: "Follow you?"

"This is a steaming bubble." The devil pokeed a bubble: "You can't leave it, so you need another set of plans to take the plan."

"Take the plan! Take it! Take it!"

The devil in the presence almost said the same sentence. Only the last demon had an action. It spread its wings and flew on the boat.

After a few tens of seconds, it flew off the boat and took something like a stone.

It flew before the bubble and put the stone into the bubble.

"This..." said the sharp words, the stone suddenly moved, it moved to the elite side, and then suddenly opened, completely wrapped in the elite.

After wrapping the elite, the stone began to slowly deform... it formed a shape that fits the elite body. Scholars have been watching it from a distance. It thinks this should be... armor.

In the end, the original 'stone' formed an armor with almost the same style as the devil on the elite, and it looks a bit like a mixture of rock and metal.

"Very good, you can follow us to move... Take out the life bubble." (To be continued.)

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