4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1372: From afar

"The place you came from is where our ancestors used to be."


"Our ancestors used to stay in that place for a while, then left there, and away from you. It is said that our ancestors had a terrible war with your ancestors."

"But, for a long time, we don't remember the hatred at that time, so you don't need to care about this... you need to care about it now."

"Why are you here now? We are very interested in this, so we decided to observe you, you are also a creature with enough intelligence, so all this is very convenient."


Scholars are following a ship and listening to conversations from the ship. The rappers are mainly elite, and those who are now called demons.

The demons seem to be very good at talking. They have always been communicating with elites, and the elites are able to hear their voices because they bring scholars to their mini-scholars.

In the process of their communication, the devil slowly talked about their ancestors... and also solved their ethnicity.

"Our ancestors left their world in some way. The first world was called 'pipeline' by them. It was a big world." The devil's voice echoed in the scholar's hearing: "They left. The method is still an unsolved mystery. Although there are many sayings, there is no detailed record..."

"Why are you leaving?" Elite said: "Is it because of war with us?"

"No, that's an old one..." The devil paused and said: "The ancient prophecy shows in the prophecy that the ‘pipeline’ world will suffer a catastrophe.”


"This is the conclusion of our ancestors to study the civilization of the past." The devil said: "The civilization living in the pipeline world will suffer a violent blow. In this blow, all civilizations will disappear... ..."

"Is that earthquake catastrophe?" Jingrui said: "But our history does not seem to record any major disasters..."

"It's not a phenomenon like 'earthquake', but a group of ... extinct people, they are a group of creatures." The devil said: "The prophecy of the ancestors shows that even if it develops, their strength will be better than the existing ones. The civilization is a little stronger."

"Then, they can destroy all the civilizations in the pipeline little by little." The devil said: "We can't confirm whether this prediction is true now, but because of this, our ancestors left the 'pipeline' and set off. Looking for a different world."

"Prophecy...the extermination..." Elite said: "Did you know at that time?"

"Your statement is to say that the prophecy has been achieved?" The devil asked: "Is the extinction really appearing?"

"..." Elite did not answer, but continued: "I don't want to discuss this. Can you continue to say your business?"

"Yes, we are very willing to share this history with creatures that understand us." The devil said: "After all, this situation is very difficult to meet."

"Our ancestors went to the second world in which they lived. The world is very...good, they have been breeding there for a long time." The devil said: "They are developing more and more civilizations." grow."

“Is it here?” Jingruo asked: “But it seems that it is not very beautiful.”

“Not here.” The devil said: “This is what we call the ‘melting zone.’”

"What does it mean?"

"It came close to us by chance." Elite said: "This is the 'melting zone'. According to the records, it was originally a black, huge... evil sphere."

"It wants to hit us." The devil said: "It appears from a distance, to approach our beautiful world, we didn't have any way at the beginning."

"Bump..." Elite said: "You mean this...the sphere, want to hit the world you live in?"

“Yes...” the devil said: “In the beginning we thought that the civilization of development would be destroyed, and our beautiful world would disappear.”

"We only use the last resort. We use all the weapons to fight it." The devil said: "Use everything to destroy it... No, it is impossible to destroy such a huge object, we just want to change its trajectory. Don't directly hit our world."

"Why don't you escape?" Elite said: "It's like you used to flee the 'pipeline'."

"We have no way to escape. The way we fled has already... there is no record, so we can't leave, and there is no removal in the vicinity. We can only defend our world." The devil said: "We will all the weapons It was launched here."

"Then, it's incredible that we succeeded, although the explosion caused by these weapons seems to be a little bit...but it has retreated." The devil said: "This is going to crash into our world, it moves directly backwards." ""

"We don't know what the principle is, but at the time...we did think we were successful, we celebrated the victory..." The devil said: "But then we discovered that we were wrong."

"How long has the world not retreated, it has come to us again." The devil said: "So we used the original method to make weapons and bombard them."

"In the successive bombings, it has retreated a lot..." The devil said: "We can continue to live a safe life for a while..."

“But we soon discovered that this is a cyclical one.”

"It is approaching again... we can only bomb again."

"This kind of battle has been going on for a long time, and our weapons are developing stronger and stronger. We always thought that the weapon is not strong enough, and we can't completely blow it away."

"So we have created a very powerful weapon, and a few of these weapons will destroy our civilization."

"But when we throw thousands of such weapons at it, we can only let it back a little."

"Then, it continues to move forward..."

"This cycle continues this way. Every time we have to prepare a huge amount of weapons to protect our world... from impact."

"This has been going on... for a long time."

"Is there... for so long?" The listening scholar was also amazed. It heard the devil's time description. If it was translated, there were already hundreds of pompoms.

They continue to bombard the tumbling man's hundreds of years of pompoms? (To be continued.)

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