4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1373: Assembly point

"In order to push this world to the void, we will not return, we have been working hard."

"But no matter how many times it was bombed, it would not be too far away... every time the bombing can only temporarily maintain peace for a while."

"We have almost hollowed out all the resources in our world to make weapons... for bombing, but it makes no sense."

“Finally, we realized that this will continue, and our civilization will be destroyed sooner or later.”

“So we took a new approach, and that’s going to the world to see why it works in this way... find a way to stop it.”

"So... have you been here?"

"...Yes, so we set off, we are close to this world that has been bombarded by us..."

"It looks like it was very different when we first saw it. It is no longer dark, but it is covered with cracks and a dark red glow. We think this is caused by bombing, so we named it here. For the 'melt zone'."

"Then, we landed in this hot world, we use the latest technology, let us live here, and find out why it is so."

"But this task is very difficult. We are still working hard...to try to reverse its behavior."

"Now, we have done a lot, you can visit these things as a rare creature that can communicate with us."

Devils and elite exchanges have continued, and their ships are slowly advancing on the dark red ground.

Scholars have followed this ship. To be precise, it is now under the stern. If it is not done, the speed of the ship can be smashed.

As the ship sailed, scholars saw many scenes that had not been seen before, such as the stone forests, the rivers and lakes flowing through the magma, and some strange creatures.

Scholars are now looking at a group of creatures, some of them like... birds, fanning wings that are more than two meters wide, flying in the muddy sky.

"We call them flash wings." The demons on the ship are also discussing the creatures in the air, and scholars believe that they may now look at the sky on the deck.

“Like most of the creatures here, they feed on 'melting polymers'.”

“What is ‘melting polymer’?” asked sharply with a doubtful voice.

“A special substance produced only here.” The devil said: “It is produced by a few creatures, but it is required by all living things. This substance is also the key to the ecological composition here.”

"When we first came to this world, we never thought that there might be creatures in such a world." The devil said: "But we are wrong, the world's biological prosperity can even be compared with our world... and We are now slowly learning about the ecological composition here."

"Why do you want to understand this?" Elitely questioned: "Your mission is not... to prevent it from colliding?"

"You will know soon." The devil said: "Exactly... we are here."

When the voice fell, the scholar found that the ship suddenly became dark, because the ship entered a tunnel.

When the scholar adjusts to the night vision mode, he can see the surrounding rocky tunnel wall. Suddenly, with the sound of ‘咚’, the whole tunnel lights up.

“It was detected that the exploration team returned and began to supplement the vitamins.”

There was such a sound echoing in the tunnel, and scholars also saw many bubbles of different sizes appearing on the surrounding walls.

The bubbles swelled quickly and merged with the bubbles next to them, and they swelled bigger and bigger until the entire ship and the entire tunnel were wrapped.

Scholars who have been wrapped up feel that the surrounding moments have become much cooler...

"This bubble is amazing." The elite on the boat said: "They can completely separate the high temperature."

“The vibrating bubble is one of our cutting-edge inventions.” The devil said: “This invention allows us to construct a space where temperature and air are stable anywhere, let us... go on.”

The demons flew from the boat to the ground one by one, and the elite was climbed from above.

The scholar also jumped from the stern, it is still invisible, and the demons did not find it.

I saw the devil with an elite walk to the tunnel wall on the right side of the ship. The devil touched a stone on the tunnel wall with his hand...

"Welcome back." With a sound, the entrance to the tunnel opened an entrance that allowed them to pass, and the devil and elite went in.

The scholars hesitated a little and followed them into the door.

"Here is..." At the moment of entering, the sharp and surprised voice rang, and the scholars understood why it was so surprised.

Because they appeared in front of... a town.

Here is a wider space. Scholars estimate that the diameter may be more than one kilometer. Under the roof of the tens of meters, there are various buildings everywhere.

Most of these buildings are hemispherical and are all made of rock, at least they look like their skin is rock, and there are many demons coming in and out of these buildings.

Most of the demons here don't wear armor, but they all carry helmets and the like, so scholars still can't see their faces, but looking at the body, they are very similar to...the devil of Lin.

"Are you back? It is said that a miracle was discovered? Is it the creature? I want to see a report on it."

Many demons gathered and sent questions to the elite team, and their questions were answered. Each demon was assigned a slate that recorded the elite situation.

Scholars really don't know why they want to write records on... slate, and it seems to be engraved.

However, the devils that came to ask were only a few. Most of the demons just continued to do their own things when they looked at it a little, so they could move on quickly with an elite team.

“This is our living area.” With an exquisite demon walking along the side, he said: “We have created a space where temperature and air are stable, and live here to breed edible food.”

"I..." Elite is still looking at the surroundings with some worry, it seems that I still don't know what to do for a while.

"So, take you to our biological collection office." The devil said: "This is also the project we have been studying."

As the saying goes, the devil walks with a subtle structure that is attached to the rock wall, and the scholars follow them.

After entering the building, the scholars found that there is a long corridor in the building, which seems to extend to a deep place. The two sides of the corridor are transparent walls, and you can see some creatures in the wall.

Simply put, it's a lot like a zoo.

"This is a creature we have discovered recently." The devil walked to the beginning of the corridor with an elite, and introduced the creatures in the wall.

Behind the transparent wall is a space of more than ten meters in length and width, inside which is... a burning ball.

"It's called a flame ball." The devil said: "On some molten lakes, you can find out that their ecology is still a mystery."

"Isn't this a fire?" Jing Jing stared at the burning ball inside: "Or... creature?"

“We didn’t believe that anything here was a creature,” the devil said. “But now it’s different. Our ‘identified group’ can quickly distinguish between creatures.”

"Look at this side next." The devil went to the other side and introduced to the elite: "This creature is...differentiated dust."

Differentiating dust?

The scholar saw the creature inside, the kind of dust that he had seen before.

"They are a very common creature that excels at breaking down any dead creatures." The devil said: "The various habits about them have a very complicated explanation. Do you want to listen?"

When the devil finished, the elite suddenly yelled: "That is...God!" and then ran away.

"Don't move here at high speed." The demon saw it and immediately chased it.

Together they came under a transparent wall behind the transparent wall that is familiar to both scholars and elites...God.

It is more than 30 meters, although it is a small individual, but it also occupies a huge space here, but it is now in a state of solidification, motionless.

"Why do you call it 'God'?" The devil asked Elite: "You mentioned before, are you willing to answer this question?"

"It... is my god!" Elite said: "Why is it... will it be here?"

“This is one of the species that produces 'melting polymers'.” The devil said: “We usually call it a giant melting column. They usually live on plain terrain and gather together in groups of ten or so, but they are born. The process is a bit special."

"It is God!" Elite asked the devil: "Why are you going to catch it here? Is it not talking to you?"

"Speak?" The devil said: "The giant pillars will not communicate with us. Have you ever communicated with them?"

"It..." said sharply: "It used to be in our world."

"This is... it deserves our attention." The devil said: "Actually, we always want to ask you, where did you come from? Why come here?"

"I..." Elite seems to have responded: "Yes! What will I come here? And why are you here again? You are not saying that you are far from the 'pipeline'?"

"This is a fact." The devil said: "The pipeline is an ancient legend for us."

"But..." said the elite: "This place... just outside the pipeline!" (To be continued.)

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