4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1374: Melt birth

"This is impossible... Why is this world near the 'pipeline'?"

After a long time of getting along, the devil and the elite have made this clear... this situation.

"This world, this meltdown is very close to our world, not near the pipeline, we don't know where the pipeline is..."

The demons were quite shocked because they didn't seem to notice at all that the tumbling was outside the pipe.

Maybe it's because the air here is too turbid, the sky is always awkward, and the reason for the starry sky is not seen at all, but...even they should be aware of it, or the world is just coming to the pipeline, so no Come to the reaction.

"But, that's how I came here..." Elite said something about God, and things that got on the truck and flew here.

This made the devil feel more surprised, so it quickly took out a slate.

"This is impossible. We are still in constant contact with the command post of our world... If it is already far away, we will not be able to keep in touch near the 'pipeline'." Said on the slate: "From the melting base, request a reply."

"Received." A voice rang from the slate: "Is there any problem with melting the base?"

The devil said: "Request to confirm the distance of the 'melt zone'."

"Received request, confirming... The location of the 'melting zone' is in... to stay for a long time, the demon rabbit... It is close to 1% from the last confirmation." The slate's voice said: "Is there any problem?"

"...no problem." After the demon collected the slate, he said to the elite: "The world is still in its original position...and it has not gone anywhere."

"But..." said sharply: "How come I came here?"

"I don't know, I may have encountered some unknown events." The devil said: "We will start the aircraft to investigate later, but it is not the time."

“Why not?” Elite said: “I really want to know what is going on, and God...”

"Because we have detected that a 'hurricane' is approaching." The devil said: "You can't do anything for the time being... Now you can continue to look at the creatures here..."

"But, do you really have any communication with God?" Elite said: "It has powerful power and wisdom, and will guide all creatures who are willing to believe in it!"

"We have never communicated with the giant smelt." The devil said: "I have never found out what they have... Wisdom, just like other creatures, they are ordinary."

"But, they appear somewhere else, a temperature is normal for us, it is not ordinary, maybe you think of it as a special thing for this reason and worship it." Devil said.

"We don't worship it because it looks special!" Elite said: "It really can communicate with us!"

"...but you are not communicating with it now." The devil said that he also began to walk away: "Let me take you to see somewhere else."

"But...God..." Although the elite still wants to stay here, it still went with the devil.

Scholars, like usual, sneak behind them.

There is only one demon with an elite, and the other demons on the ship are scattered in the previous base... but there are still a lot of demons walking around in the corridors, they seem to be visiting here too.

Although scholars are invisible, they still pay attention to avoiding them to avoid being discovered, but scholars feel that there is not much problem in being discovered.

Because these demons seem to be very hospitable.

"Look here."

"Is this a missile?"

The devil took an elite and walked under a transparent wall. There was no creature in the wall, but a missile that was more than ten meters long.

"It's one of the weapons we used to bomb the world." When the devil was talking, the wall suddenly flashed and appeared on the wall...images.

In the image, I saw a missile swooping down from the sky, below the missile... a huge city.

When the missile exploded, it instantly turned into a glory, and all the buildings in the city were suddenly crushed by great power, and the earth became another color.

It is like the color of the world's surface.

The scholar looked at the picture. It felt that the missile should be of the same kind as the Type 78 bomb, but its power is much larger.

Some of the horror that the elite also looked at, the dust crocodile should have something similar, but they did not make it so powerful.

"We have been developing the power of weapons in order to blast the world." The devil said: "As you can see, the power of this weapon can instantly destroy the vast city."

"But they have no way to do anything to harm the world. We have been bombarding it for a long time with this powerful weapon... for a long time."

It’s been a long time for hundreds of pompoms, and it’s about that.

"However, seeing more and more scars in this world, we think our attacks are effective." The devil said: "So we continue to bomb, when we come here, we also carry a lot of this Weapons, trying to destroy the world completely..."

"Destroy?" Elite asked: "Does that affect your world?"

"Of course, this needs to be coordinated. We will destroy it in the farthest distance of the world." The devil said: "But this is an old plan. After we came here, we discovered that this plan is not Suitable for."

“Not suitable? Why?”

"Before the giant lava." The devil said: "The creature you call... God, they were born from the explosion."

"What?" Elitely surprised: "The kind of explosion... will they be born in the explosion?"

"Yes..." the devil said: "After we came here, we discovered that our missiles will inspire a special substance on the surface when it detonates."

"This special substance will gather and finally form a giant melting column...that is, God." The devil said: "And they are the most foods here... food, not direct food, but in general They are the basic producers."

"The creatures such as the giant lava column maintain the entire ecology here."

"In addition to the giant lava column, there are several similar creatures, and they all... depend on the explosion." (~^~)

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