4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1375: hurricane

"All along, we are thinking about various methods, such as using weapons that are drilled deep into the earth, aiming at a position and continuously bombing..."

"But for a long time, we have used almost all methods, and it doesn't make any sense, and we have found that what we have done has created a whole new world in this world."

“‘Fluid polymer’ is a special substance that is found in every creature here...”

“It’s like brain cells, they need to have this substance to act and think.”

"We haven't researched the principles it produces. Usually, after a violent explosion on the surface here, there will be a creature carrying a 'melting polymer', such as a giant smelt, then through indirect or direct Ways, they pass these substances to all creatures."

“We are currently discovering a thousand creatures in this world, but we think there will be more.”

Here is the base of the ... demons.

The demon is looking at a variety of creatures with his elite, and introduces many things to it.

Because of their communication, scholars also understand the specific situation of demons. They came to this place in order to prevent this world from getting closer to their world...

The devil built several bases here, and continued to study the environment here, and thus came to the conclusion that all the creatures were born because of their continued bombing.

"But, what is the birth of the creature here, and how does it relate to your world?" Elite asked the demon.

"We are also looking for this answer." The devil said: "We believe that it continues to approach our world for repeated purposes, for this purpose."

"There may be some kind of highly intelligent creatures living somewhere in the world, in order to cultivate their ecology, and continue to make such a move... We originally thought so." The devil said: "But this statement There are also many mistakes. Why do they not make their own explosions, but need to rely on our bombing?"

"We are always looking for... the reason it is close to us, and finally, we..."


When the devil was still talking, there was a sound around it...

"Detected that the hurricane 'red light' is approaching, detecting the hurricane 'red light', approaching, please all members to escape from the safe area."

"What is this?" asked sharply in surprise.

"The hurricane is approaching, much faster than predicted." The devil said: "This is a safe area, you don't need to move, but I have to deal with it, you are waiting here for a while."

"You have to deal with... hurricane?"

"Yes, you can use the images here to observe the situation outside." Then the devil quickly went in the direction of the exit. The same was true of all the demons that were originally visited here. They all ran out and finally The whole place is... only the elite and hidden scholars are left.

Therefore, scholars feel that there is no need to hide now. Although there may be a surveillance system here, it still shows its figure, and it has taken a shot behind the elite.

"Ah!" The sharp starter turned his head and saw the scholar sighed with relief: "It turned out to be you, have you followed us?"

"Yeah." The scholar said: "What are you going to do next?"

"What to do... I don't know what to do." Elite said: "I might want them to take me to find those... in the wild, I don't believe they will not communicate with me at all."

"Is it..." The scholar said: "Do you have any opinion on their civilization..."

"I think it's too...peculiar, this kind of thing, I can't believe it completely." Jingrui said and walked away: "In short, let's see how they deal with it... Hurricane."

As a result, the elite and the scholars came together before they saw the position of the image, which is now playing outside.

"This is... hurricane?"

In the picture, scholars and elites can see that the base of the demon base is a huge rock mountain. They used to come in from the tunnel at the foot of the mountain.

Around the base of the mountain, the airflow seems to be quite fierce, countless debris swirling in the air, and the black dust on the ground is also rising by the wind.

The main source of the violent air current is the distance from the base mountain, where there is a huge ... tornado.

Its height is about a hundred meters or more. The violent cyclone contains countless dust and debris, and a large amount of orange-red radiance is also contained in it, which makes it look like a huge fire vortex.

“Is this the 'red light'? This is the largest type of vortex we have ever seen. It must be destroyed, or lured to somewhere else. Ready! It is coming!”

There are some other sounds in the picture. The scholars saw many ships of demons appearing from the foot of the base mountain, and more than a dozen aircrafts were flying on the top of the mountain.

They seem to be prepared for war, lined up in neat queues facing the tornado ahead.

According to the devil, scholars feel that this tornado may not be a natural phenomenon, but a whirlwind creature.

As the tornado 'red light' approached, the dust around it became more and more fierce, and the light became darker. When it approached a distance of about one kilometer, the ships arranged on the ground suddenly moved. stand up.

There are a total of ten ships, and their whole body is constantly shining red and driving away. This seems to be a lure tactic. Scholars have found that... the tornado did indeed turn with the movement of the ship and chased them past.

But this only lasted for a few seconds. I don't know why. The tornado suddenly stopped chasing the ship, but continued to turn back to the original direction.

"Inducing failure! Use the freezing expulsion method!" As the tornado continued to approach, more than a dozen aircraft in the sky moved, and a large number of missiles flew toward the target, flew into the core of the tornado against the violent whirlwind...

'Boom' actually has no sound, but scholars can see a violent explosion in the tornado. A missile exploded in succession. Although it cannot be seen, scholars believe that the missile should have a freezing function, similar to the dust crocodile. .

However, after the missile explosion, the huge tornado still did not stop, but the speed was getting faster and faster.

"The expulsion is invalid! Expulsion is invalid! Destroy directly!"

At this point, the tornado is close to the 300-meter range. The strong wind makes the picture dim, and soon the picture disappears completely. Only the devil's shout can be heard.

"Take action! Attack with all strength! No! Ah, ah! It... oh... ah..."

The shouts are getting more and more blurred, and then like the picture... completely disappeared.

"...what happened? They didn't... didn't beat the hurricane?"

'boom! At the moment when the elite words were just said, the whole place was like an earthquake, and the bright lights were extinguished instantly. The whole place was in the darkness.

No, it's not completely dark. There are many creatures that glow here. Scholars can see that many of the creatures here are maddening and constantly hitting the transparent walls in front of them.

"It seems that the situation is very bad..." The scholar said to the elite: "We should probably leave here."

"The base was attacked! The base was attacked! All members acted immediately, using all means to restore the security of the base, and all members acted immediately!"

The sound of the alarm is constantly echoing, and the creatures here are getting more and more crazy, but it seems that the wall is strong enough, so there is no phenomenon of being knocked open.

"In short, let's go!"

Scholars said that they ran to the direction of the exit, and the elite saw it. When they reached the exit, the scholars were preparing to reach out and open the door. As a result, the door was first slammed by 嘭.

A demon ran into the door and ran in. It hit the scholar directly and was then bounced back to the ground.

"Are you OK?"

The sharp view immediately came up and asked.

"Help... I want to..."

The demon looks very strange. It doesn't wear any armor, and there are many spots on its skin that are constantly flashing.

"Ah!" Suddenly, it screamed, and the whole body blasted openly, turning it into a liquid with orange-red light on the ground.

"This is... what happened?" The intimidated and eagerly stepped back a lot of steps, and the scholars examined the liquids a little. It found that the liquid was very hot, but it quickly cooled and solidified into something like Stone-like things.

"It should be an attack against this..." The scholar looked outside the door and found that there were large groups of demons flying around, almost all of them were covered with glittering spots. Bright and then blasted.

It looks like they are being parasitized by something, and finally they are blown up by parasites.

Maybe it's the creatures here, but by the way, the creatures here can't have the parasitic ability to target cell biology.

So, this may be the weapon that is used specifically for the devil.

As for who is using it, then I don’t know... Scholars think that, like the devil, there are... some kind of high-smart creatures plan to attack them.

It may be done by a tornado outside, if it is really a creature... but such a huge thing is unlikely to use the “despicable” measure of parasitic.

Or something else, attacking with the arrival of a tornado.

“Ah!” The scholar found that a large group of screaming demons flew over here, and immediately closed the door, and the successive crashes appeared on the door.

The scholar turned to the elite and said: "We should probably find another way to leave." (~^~)

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