4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1377: Cryogenic organism

"Cryogenic biological culture... are they doing this?"

Here is... a room like a basement.

Because the ground somehow was blown up by a hole, scholars went to this place.

There is a lot of ... slate everywhere in this place, and all the materials written on the slate are about low temperature organisms, which record the growth records of many kinds of low temperature organisms, activities and so on.

These creatures are all types that need to be at a temperature around the freezing point...

“It’s weird, why are they cultivating low temperature creatures here?”

Obviously, the habits of these creatures are very different from the outside environment. Are these creatures used for eating?

There is no reason in the slate, just to record the growth process of these creatures, scholars feel that ... should not be as simple as eating.

These species are quite rich. From the record point of view, it seems that the devil is trying to cultivate diverse species...

Scholars feel that this may have other reasons.

"This is really weird." Jingrui also looked at a stone road next to the scholar: "I found that these slate is not an ordinary slate, the words on it will move!"

"...I also found out." If you scrape it on the slate with your hand, you can change the words that seem to be engraved. This is what the scholars have just discovered. These slate actually have complicated mechanical devices... These 'devil' things are really strange.

However, this is not very important... the scholars pay attention to the above.

"They seem to transport the cultured cryogenics to ... outside." The scholar looked at the contents of the slate and said: "...It seems that the outside of the 'live bubbles' are the ones they use to hold the low temperature creatures."

"Like the one I stayed before?"

"In addition to yours, there are a lot of nearby..." The scholar said: "They have placed vitamins in many places outside, and regularly put some low-temperature creatures into the vitamins."

"Why are they doing this?"

"There is no explanation here... in short..."

'boom! The words of the scholars did not fall, and there was a loud noise from the top, and a large number of pieces fell from above.

"What is that!" The sharp screamed at the top, and the scholar looked up and saw a big hole in the roof, and there were a lot of small creatures flickering in from there.

“These things seem to be called... fine dust eddies?” Scholars have noticed that these small creatures are actually a whirlwind of several centimeters in diameter.

They look quite a mini, a lot of tiny dust around the core of the flash, it seems difficult to imagine that they are creatures, but also with the huge hurricane outside is ... the same kind.

"Is the explosion made by them? We'd better run away!" Jingrui said, he ran to the door. It pushed the door open and ran out.

"Wait a minute!" The scholars immediately chased them up, and soon they all ran to the aisle outside the door.

Scholars did not come in from here before, so all the things they showed before were all unfamiliar. Scholars noticed that the area above it is very similar, both sides are transparent walls, and behind the walls there are various kinds of... Creatures, and there is still a lot of water.

The creatures behind the wall all floated in the water, and they did not move, obviously they have already died...

Because they are all low-temperature creatures, scholars have seen them on slate, and the reason for them is obvious now, because it is quite hot here.

Those waters are not water, they should be ice, they were originally kept in a space filled with ice.

Only after the temperature has risen here, the ice melts, causing the death of these low temperature organisms.

Scholars have always been wondering... Why do the devils need to raise low temperature creatures?

All the way forward, the scholars found that there were rooms around the low-temperature creatures everywhere, but no one is still alive now.

They are partly cell biology, and some are of other types, but they all like low temperatures.

“Where is this?” After a corner in front, the scholars and elites found that the road in front of them became much more spacious, and the walls on both sides changed from a transparent feeding compartment to a white metal.

At the end of the road there is an arch that looks like a rock, and there is a sign ‘contact between’ on the door.

“Where is this?” Looked at the doorway ahead in confusion: “What is... ‘between contact’?”

"Of course, I have to go in and see it." The scholar went under the arch, and it tried to push it. A sound immediately rang: "I found an unauthorized intruder, started the attack system, started..."

'boom! Suddenly a burst of explosion came from the upper level, and the words of this door suddenly became: "The startup failed... the system... closed."

"It seems... because something is blown up, so it can be opened." The scholar pushed it again and again, and the arches burst into a booming sound and were pushed to the sides by scholars.

The scenery in the room is also displayed in front of them.

"There are so many... monitoring screens."

This is the first sight they see, and the surrounding walls are full of three-dimensional images that appear to show the situation in the demon base.

Now the situation in the base can be said to be... terrible, the ruined buildings and the devil's body can be seen everywhere in the picture. Between them, there are some huge creatures wandering, and the light from these creatures is illuminated. Originally caught in the dark base.

You can also see a few living demons hiding in some corners, and some running away in horror among the wandering creatures in the hall.

"They seem to have ran out." The scholars noticed that these creatures were originally creatures held in the exhibition area, but these creatures had no interest in the surrounding demons... whether they were dead or alive, they ran around It’s clear that I’m looking for a way to leave.

Although the base seems to be completely paralyzed, even including the defense system of the door of this room, these images are very clear.

As the scholars look at the pictures, they walk toward the depths of the room. This place looks like a room like a surveillance room, but it doesn't seem to be just that.

In the center of the room with this large pile of surveillance screens, there is a statue.

The statue is a demon look, just a lot bigger than the real demon, up to three meters, and puts on a position with open hands and wings.

What makes scholars even more concerned is that the bottom of the statue says ‘contact, feel and listen. ’

“Contact?” The scholar tried to reach out and touched the statue.

"Do you want to die? Do you really want to die? Answer me quickly!"

"What?" The scholar was surprised and the handle was loose. It just felt that it had received... some 'sounds'.

After looking at the statue, there was nothing unusual, and the scholar reached out again and put his hand on the statue...

"No, I want to live! Is it? Then do what you want, but to do this you must kill them all!"

"..." Hearing here, the scholars discovered that it was them, these brains... Why are they here?

"Look at this!"

When the scholar thought, the sharp voice sounded, and the scholar turned his head and found that Jingrui was staring at a picture.

That seems to be the only picture that doesn't show the outside situation, it shows a lot of text.

"What looks like this record..."

When the scholar walks to the front of the screen, he can see that the text on the screen is probably like this.

Date 30: Continued attention to the biology of the Lake Melting area.

Date 29: Continue to send signals to creatures on the embers to gather them.

Date 28: The mood is not stable and there seems to be signs of anger...

"...what is this record of what?" Elite looked puzzled at the things written on it: "They are really weird..."

"..." The scholar did not speak, but looked down. The last few records have their concerns...

Date 6: There is considerable anger and instability in the mood, and there are explosions in the Nugget Hill, Montenegro and Dust Mountain.

Date 5: The signal continues to increase and the hurricane activity speeds up.

Date 4: What does bite kill mean?

Date 3: Strange emotions mixed in, as if an outsider had replaced it.

Date 2: Unable to fix.

Date 1: Who are they? Always said to bite us.


Seeing this, the scholars felt that they understood it almost. It seems that the demon here has been communicating with something through the statue.

It can't be said that it is communication. It seems that the devil is unilaterally understanding the emotions of the other party, but recently, the brain-screaming monster has suddenly replaced the object that the demon has been understanding.

"There should be more records to be right." Speaking, the scholar tried to debug the picture, which seems very easy, as long as the hand is poked, it can display more previous records, and some related information. .

The previous record is similar to the recent one, and the emotional activity of a certain creature has been recorded here by the devil.

In the record, the emotion of this creature seems to affect many parts of the world, and it also affects the activities of other creatures.

The devil believes that this is a very powerful... creature with a high intelligence that it believes may affect the overall ecology of the world...

This seems to be the main reason why the devil cultivates low temperature organisms...

Because of this, you may be able to use the low temperature creatures... to replace the original high temperature organisms here. (~^~)

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