4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1378: Replace the ecology

It is called the ‘melt will.’

It is a... or a group of creatures living in the depths of this hot world.

It... affects the life of this world... It pays attention to the ecology of this world.

When the base in the mountain was established, it was discovered. This is a kind of slogan from the depths of the earth. It is passed into the brain of each member.

We didn't understand this ‘speech’ at first, but through investigation and research, we slowly translated it.

We find that this is not for us, but for all the creatures in this world.


"It turned out to be..."

In the scholar's understanding, the demon heard a certain kind of "speech" when establishing the base in the mountain, and accurately said it should be a signal like the brainwave.

The demons didn't understand it at first, but then they tried to study and translate the signals. The statue in the center of the room was the translation device built by the devil.

They believe that the source of the signal is from the depths of the earth. It should be a very powerful creature. The demon named it the name of the world and called it the ‘melt will.’

This ‘will’ is under the study of the devil, and they discover that it affects the various creatures in this world.

The 'will' often sends out different signals that allow many creatures to gather or perform certain actions, and the devil thinks that the 'will' affects all creatures on the surface.

Even the ‘will’ can affect something bigger, such as it can make... some volcanic eruptions, huge geological changes in certain areas, and so on.

In the ongoing investigation of this 'will', the demons also discovered that the biological groups that the 'will' mainly focuses on are those that carry the 'melting polymer' and judge the 'will' idea and the world. Distance, which leads to the conclusion

The ‘will’ should also influence the movement of the world.

That is to say, the 'will' controls the world that constantly approaches the devils, so that the demons continue to bomb. Whenever there are fewer creatures carrying molten polymer, the 'will' will send out some special signals. This makes the world move faster.

What is the ‘will?’ The demons are not clear, they just infer... there is some form that is completely different from them, and the high-intelligence biological civilization is under the ground.

Then, the devil got some plans to go deep into the ground and destroy this 'melted will.'

But this plan is not realistic. Let's not say whether they can destroy this goal. It is extremely difficult to enter the underground.

Therefore, the devil began to implement another program, that is... the world is cryogenic.

Because the demon finds that continual bombing will continue to produce creatures like giant lavas with dissolved polymers, so that as long as they are not allowed to be produced, then the world will not continue to approach. .

With this in mind, the devils contacted their world... and let the heat missiles no longer be launched there, thus changing to 'cold missiles'.

That is... weapons like frozen missiles.

The devil's freezing technology seems to be very developed, and soon their demands have been responded to, and a large number of cold missiles have flown into this burning world.

These missiles released a strong chill during the explosion, causing the bombed surface area to fall into the cold, and the high temperature creatures here were greatly affected.

Most of the creatures here are in a 'solidified' state at low temperatures, and most species will be solidified except for a few creatures like dust.

However, the demon found out... this doesn't seem to make much sense.

Because the area that is trapped in a low temperature by a large number of missile bombings will soon return to temperature, most of the solidified creatures will recover and continue to move. This burning world will continue to approach the world of demons...

But it's not a completely infeasible plan, maybe it just needs something special.

These things are... low temperature creatures.

This plan was discovered by chance. In an exploration operation, some demons accidentally took them out together, and some of the creatures as food remained in the camp built outside with the vitality bubble.

Later, the camp built by the Victorian bubble was just within the scope of the bombardment of the frozen missiles, but after the missile attacked... Although the vitamins were gone, the creatures inside did not die.

Because of the low temperatures around them, these creatures still live in such an environment... for a while.

The devil also noticed that the temperature in which these creatures are located is much slower than in other places... The original devil thought it was an accident, but they did some testing.

Soon, they came to the conclusion that if there is low-temperature biological activity in a low-temperature area, the temperature rise in this area will be... much slower.

The slowing down of the recovery rate is related to the number of creatures inside.

The demons don't know the reason, so they infer that the 'will' is paying attention to these low temperature creatures, thus preventing the temperature recovery rate in that area.

The devil believes that as long as there is a sufficient number of low temperature creatures... that may allow the temperature in an area to stop completely rising, leaving it frozen.

In that case, the hot creatures will no longer appear... maybe the world will not move anymore.

The demon has been researched and inferred that this scheme is feasible, so they began a large number of low temperature biological cultivation programs.

Their purpose is to produce low-temperature organisms that are adequate to adapt to the air environment here, and then send the nuclear information maps of these organisms to the parent star, allowing them to mass produce such creatures and launch them along with the low-temperature missiles. .

Thus replacing the high temperature ecology of the world.

It seems that the demons have already achieved some results, and they have succeeded in creating a small, low-temperature ecoregion in a place called the 'Cold Valley'.

Then, the devil confirmed the result by hunting the giant melting column.

Creatures such as giant lavas are one of the core species of high-temperature ecology. Even if one is missing, it will attract the attention of the ‘will.

But after the devils went hunting, they found that the ‘will’ didn’t care. They thought it was because the high temperature zone in the world was already a little smaller, so it didn’t need so many giant posts.

“It seems to be the reason why they cultivate...the low temperature creatures.” The scholar said: “They...”

The scholars have not finished, and the elite has rushed to say: "They want to replace the ecology of God? This is unforgivable!" (To be continued.)

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