4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1379: set off

"What are you doing? Want to be bitten? Come out quickly!"

"...this thing seems to be completely occupied by them... ‘occupied’.”

Scholars and elites are still in the room full of surveillance screens everywhere.

They were just here... I learned that the demon's specific plan uses the ecology of low temperature organisms to replace the ecology of high temperature organisms.

The key to all this is the statue in the center of the room, which is said to touch the ‘melt will.’

However, scholars can only come into contact with the will of brain-building monsters. As long as it touches the statue, it can 'listen' to the words of brain-making...

It seems that the brains have replaced the original ‘melt will.’

Therefore, scholars want to check what is inside the statue, but scholars have not found a way to open the statue, so it is a little hesitant to go straight... to open the statue.


"We are going to other bases!" Elite is very emotional now: "I want to tell them that they should not interfere with the...the ecology of God! They should communicate with God and get the guidance of God!"

"But..." the scholar said: "They have been here for so long, and they have not received any 'guidelines'."

"No, they can definitely be guided, but the method used is wrong! And the messengers of the two gods have come here, there will be a way!"

From the recent moment, Jingrui has called the two brain-devils ‘the messenger of God’, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with its cognition of brain-making.

"So, let's go!"

"...well, then let's go." Although the scholar was a little hesitant, it agreed with the elite action, so the scholar and the elite went to the entrance.

Although continuing to stay in this place to investigate the statue may know more things... But scholars believe that other demon bases should also have such a statue that can and touch the 'melted will'... or a translation machine.

Scholars want to go to other bases to see if the statues there are also being stalked... Occupy, if not, maybe it will be exposed to the ‘will.’

Scholars believe that this world should be a ... star bus, and the devil does not know the stellar bus. They can only guess what the 'will' is. Although there are various inferences, no one has been confirmed.

However, it seems that the world bus is a bit problem. According to scholars, the stellar bus does not like this temperature environment.

It's not that the stellar bus can't resist this temperature, but they don't cultivate the ecological environment at this temperature.

If this ‘melting zone’ is a star bus, it seems to be a very fresh example.

All in all, scholars want to get in touch with the ‘will’ to see the answer.

As the scholars thought about the various problems, their actions continued. They walked out of the room, walked through the corridors, and returned to the room where they had fallen down, with a lot of low-temperature bio-recorded slate, and then Through this room... climbed to the upper level.

Unimpeded along the way, no creatures obstruct them.

However, scholars have found that the temperature here has risen to almost as high as the outside, and all the substances that cannot withstand the high temperature have completely changed their appearance, or completely disappeared, such as water.

When scholars climbed to the upper exhibition hall, or the zoo, the scholars found that all the creatures that were originally held were gone.

The room that closed them was either a hole or was blown up by the whole. The creatures inside had long since escaped without a trace, and no one stayed here.

So scholars and elites left here and came to the hall outside...

The hall is the same as that seen in the surveillance screen. The land is full of dead bodies, but the hot creatures wandering here are gone.

That's mainly because... there is a big hole in the wall in the distance.

The hot orange light and the hot air flow in the cave slowly flow in, and the creatures in the base should all pass through this hole... ran out.

Scholars and elites have also moved to this hole...

"How do we go to the next base?" The scholar stepped on the black ground and looked into the vast and ridiculous plain. It seemed that the hurricane had already left, leaving only the debris of the sky.

"We may be able to take their means of transportation." Elite also came out, wearing the armor of the demon to give it, there is nothing wrong with moving in this environment, it stretches its fingers to the front, scholars also see There is a shadow of a ship in the distance.

"Looking at the past."

As the voice fell, scholars and elites ran to the shadow of the ship, and when they ran almost halfway...

“The wind is up?” The scholar felt that the surrounding airflow began to accelerate, and the dust in the turbid air began to dance, and countless debris was also stripped from the ground and rotated to the sky.

"It... still!" The scholar turned his head and let his eyes look up the flying dust. It saw the scenery that was seen in the image before.

A group of seemingly raging storm vortexes is on the base of the demon's base. It has a flat takeoff platform at the top of the mountain. It seems that many aircraft have been parked.

Nowadays, all the aircraft are flying with the storm, and occasionally one or two are thrown out, and the distant plains ignite the strong fly ash.

"...it...it...running!" and the difference seen in the picture, now directly see such a terrible...monster, let the elite fear instantly be aroused, it shouts forward The ship ran, and the scholars followed it.

Scholars are also shocked to see the storm called "Red Light" by the devil, but it also has doubts. Just before... Before they came out, the outside could be said to be calm, but after they came out, the wind It suddenly burst.

If the storm has been on the top, the air around it will never be calm, is it... is it not there? Or can it stop spinning?

Thinking, the scholar turned his head and glanced at the 'red light' on the top of the mountain. It had not moved in the same place, as if there was no need to pay attention to the meaning of the scholars.

"Come on! Come on!"

Soon, scholars and elites ran to their goal... A demon ship, taking a step forward, climbed to the deck in a matter of seconds, and the scholars flew directly into it.

"Will you open?"

"I will!"

After a simple exchange, Elite opened a board on the deck, and the scholar jumped in with it, and they entered the very cool cabin.

It seems that the entire cabin is covered with vibrating foam. Scholars can see the film on the bulkhead with a bubbling bubble, but they don't see anything else, like the driver's seat, the operating panel, or whatever...

The elite quickly ran to the center of the cabin, and the scholars found that its legs... suddenly fell into the ground, and the whole ship also shook a little and began to move.

"I got the information from the armor." Elite said: "This ship can be operated by ... 'ideas'."

At the moment when the elite was finished, a large number of pictures popped up in front of it, showing the environment outside the ship.

"Yes? That's quite convenient." The scholar stepped forward and looked at the pictures. The storm was still not moving at the top of the mountain, but...

"Get away!"

Under the screams of the scholars, the entire ship slammed into the side, and then an aircraft slammed into the side of the ship, causing a large amount of smoke.

"I was almost hit..." Elite sees a sigh of relief: "It must be accelerated!"

The whole ship slammed forward and the scholars saw... The demon base and the storm in the picture quickly went away and disappeared into the air.

Indeed, this storm did not mean anything to attack them. The aircraft just happened to be accidentally picked up.

Maybe it thinks... occupying the base is enough.

In this way, the journey of scholars and elites in this world... began.

There was no accident at the beginning of the journey. The surrounding environment has always been a plain with no change, and few creatures are here.

Scholars and elites have been investigating the information on the ship. They found that the ship had a map location to the next base, and also looked at the weapons on board.

The ship is loaded with a lot of weapons, almost all related to freezing.

This is also because... the creatures here are almost all hate the low temperature. As long as they are attacked with low temperature, they will run away. The huge storm, which was originally like red light, can be driven away by using a frozen missile.

It was just... it didn’t work, it also led to the destruction of the base, because the devil did not prepare any other weapons.

There are also a few creatures that are not afraid of low temperatures, like dust clusters, but they are not threatening themselves... The content that scholars see from the ship's 'biological correspondence' is written like this.

There is a lot of information about other creatures in the content, and it is also mentioned in these materials... The giant melting column is a very easy to deal with.

They act very slowly, and as soon as they approach and radiate air to them, they slowly solidify, which leads to great dissatisfaction with this situation.

It now believes that it has an important mission, that is, let the devil believe in God and follow God's guidance, so that their race can certainly be saved.

It seems that Elite has forgotten his own dust crocodile race and turned to the demon race...

But the scholars did not remind it, they continued their journey so... until the next base.

But before that, they found that they would come to a comparison...special place. (To be continued.)

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