4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1382: Abnormally close

"It turned out to be... we really shouldn't eat that kind of thing."

Here is a place called...the area of ​​the landscape.

Under the completely transparent wall, you can see the vast lava sea outside. At this time, the orange-red ocean is swaying. The huge bubbles and swirling vortex appear on the lava, and the air is also surging. No, it seems that what happens.

Scholars and elites... The demons who originally led them are here, looking at the situation outside.

For the outside situation, the devil replied very calmly: "This is just a normal natural phenomenon here, don't care."

Compared with the outside situation, the devil pays more attention to the information that has been written in the elite. The author is very detailed and writes the whole process of the base.

After the devil came to see the information, it got a conclusion...that is the main reason why the base fell, in fact, most of the demons there ate a plant.

It is grown in the cold valley, like plants with large flowers and plants. The devil calls them 'sweet flowers'. The cold flowers are cell-like creatures. They are not poisonous or harmful.

At first, the devil thinks so... However, the devil who eats the cold flower will have a state of severe pain in a specific situation.

This state will only occur when it is close to the ... wild hurricane, which means that the creatures such as hurricanes have some strange connection with the cold flowers.

"Because the painful state will soon recover, so we didn't care very much, but we didn't continue to eat it after that..." The devil said: "I didn't expect that in the case of a hurricane so close... it would cause an explosion, see Your information is now sure that it must be caused by the cold flower. If most of the members of the base are eaten, the base should not fall into the nest..."

"That kind of plant is still strange..." The scholar said: "But why do you want to eat these plants of unknown origin?"

Speaking of it, this hot world will actually grow wild cell-like organisms itself is a very weird situation, scholars are surprised that the devil actually will ... eat them.

"That's because... there was some problem with the supplies sent before, we can't find more food." The devil said: "Fortunately, the members of this base have not eaten... and have a hurricane After the information, we also have a way to deal with it, thank you again for providing information, now..."

The devil said that he suddenly stopped, and the scholar wondered: "What happened?"

At the same time as the doubts, the scholars looked at the direction of the devil's sight, and the scholars suddenly stopped...

"Good clarity..." The scholar's gaze saw the outside scenery through the transparent walls. The scene that had just been shaken outside has stopped, but more importantly...

The sky is now crystal clear, as if the wind had blown all the dust in the air, so scholars can see the beautiful stars in the sky, and a... orange tumbling.

"That is... is that..." The scholar looked at the tumbling of the sky and looked at the expression of the demon next to it. Suddenly it thought of a possibility...

"It's impossible..." The devil was so surprised that he stared at the sky for a while, and immediately kicked the floor and shouted: "Request confirmation! Request confirmation! The distance of the meltdown zone! ”

"Confirm the distance..." The floor immediately sounded: "The current distance is a doodle demon fan, which is close to 50% from the last confirmation..."

"That is your world?" the scholar asked the demon.

"Yes...that's..." The devil was still amazed. He replied with some trepidation: "It won't be like this. Why is it so close? This is something that has never happened before! Must... must go Take measures!"

Said, it ran out quickly.

"They..." Elite and some unresponsive look at the sky: "Does this mean that... have you hit it?"

"It should be." The scholar said: "It seems that the distance is much closer than the last inquiry..."

"What...what!" Elite suddenly shocked: "What about this...when it hits?"

"..." The scholar said: "This may not require me to tell you."

"No! This is definitely God's anger!" shouted sharply: "We must stop this from happening!"

Saying, it ran quickly in the direction in which the devil ran away, and the scholars also caught up.

They ran in the hallway, and the scholars found that there were many demons around the sky who were surprised to see the sky. Most of these demons were worried, but many of them were moving quickly, and they all used to run instead of flying.

Scholars are strange...

They did come from the pipeline, but this melting zone now seems to be slowly approaching the world of demons.

There are several possibilities. One is that scholars fly out of the pipeline and are transported to the vicinity of the meltdown zone, and the meltdown zone goes to the pipeline and then returns to its original position.

Scholars feel that the first possibility is relatively large...

"Everyone! Everyone!"

Suddenly, the voice of the announcement sounded in the passage.

"The world distance is abnormal! You must act quickly, and all relevant members should reach their position as quickly as possible! Start the ice sea plan!"

"... Ice sea plan?"

Scholars ran wildly while keeping doubts, and soon they caught up with the demon in front.

Scholars still don't know what to say after catching up with it, but Jingrui immediately ran up and shouted: "You! Listen to me!"

"What are you doing?" The devil didn't stop, looked back at them and said: "It's an emergency now, I don't have time..."

"Yes, it’s an emergency now!" Elite said: "I know there is a way to save your world and to connect with God!"

"You must have something to communicate with the will!" Elite said: "Tell me the location of that thing so that I can contact it and communicate with God!"


"Please believe me!" Elite said: "I have communicated with God, it will definitely guide me!"

"I don't have time to accompany you to believe!" The devil said as he jumped up from the ground. It jumped to the right wall and opened a wall... The door went in.

"Wait a minute!" The elite saw it and climbed up, but it just climbed a meter high, and the place swayed and let it fall off the wall.

"this is……"

"The approach is about to happen! Please don't panic! Keep moving!" (To be continued.)

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