4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1383: contact?


The ground is shaking, the lava is surging, it seems that everything is slowly collapsing, but the sky is clear, and among the stars in the sky, the orange tumbler shines like a hot lamp. world.

The devils who rarely saw their hometown did not have any joy. Their emotions were filled with fear and they acted in a panic in this base.

Scholars and elites can only watch this happen

"What do they want to do?"

In the landscape area, scholars look at the surging lava sea outside the transparent wall. This ocean has been continually swaying from the beginning, and occasionally it has set off more than ten meters of lava waves.

This phenomenon is called proximity, and this anomaly occurs as long as the two worlds are too close.

However, it is said that the impact of the proximity phenomenon will not be great, at least not let the coastal base fall into the lava sea.

"We must act!" Suddenly, the elite said to the scholars: "They do not intend to follow the guidance of God, so they will incur the wrath of God. We must act. We are going to communicate with God! We are going to touch that will!" That must be God!"

"But I don't think they will let us close to where we can reach the will," the scholar said.

Elite said: "Yes, they will definitely die like this! They must accept the guidance to save them. Why don't they understand?"

“Do you really want to save them?” the scholar asked.

"Yes, they saved me, so I will save them, but I also remember my race," said Elite. "In this great world of God, I believe I can find a way."

"You are still here!"

The sharp voice did not fall, the other voice rang, turned around and saw a demon appear behind them.

This demon is a strange demon, not the one that led the way. It says to scholars and elites: "The commander asked me to come to you to take you to the will."

“Contacting the will?” The scholar is surprised: “Why?”

"Sure enough, it figured it out!" Jingrui immediately said: "It must be that only by obeying God's guidance can you be saved!"

"It seems to be" the devil said: "I just sent a signal from the will, this signal was sent to you."

"What? Is God talking to me?" Jingda was shocked: "But I didn't feel anything, why?"

"We think the will wants you to be close." The devil said: "So we also intend to let you touch it and see what happens, come with me."

"" Elite and scholars looked at each other and followed them up.

Scholars follow the devil in the base quickly, and scholars have found that this base is no different from the previous one except for a sea area.

There is also an exhibition hall with many high-temperature creatures, and the next floor of this exhibition room has a room that is in contact with the will. The structure is exactly the same as the previous one. The wall here also has a lot of surveillance pictures.

It’s just that these pictures don’t show the outside scenery, but a lot of fuzzy, strange scenery, which is simply like an abstract painting.

"What happened to these pictures?" The scholars therefore questioned the devil.

"They usually show what is the focus of the will." The devil said: "But sometimes there will be cases where it cannot be translated, and it will appear in such a picture."

"We have been trying to understand the idea of ​​the will, and occasionally its ideas will have some needs, and we will try to meet its needs." The devil said: "There is usually a good thing to meet its needs, so we will take you Bring it over, this time it’s asking to get in touch with you."

"Then please start, I will wait outside."

Speaking of the devil, he turned and walked out, leaving the elite and scholars in this room.

"There is a chance to get in touch with God. I will get God's guidance and save this sad race!" Elite said, walking forward, and there is an identical statue in the center of the room.

Scholars always think that it is strange for the devil to let them come into contact with the statue, but it can't tell where it is strange.

So the scholar did not say anything, just looked at the statue and then put his hand on it.

At the moment when the statue was touched sharply, the surrounding picture began to flash continuously, which lasted for a few seconds, and then an image appeared.

“What is this?” The scholars found that these pictures show some very dark places. They are not very clear, and they can barely see the environment like a cave.

"Have you heard what God said?" The scholar looked at the elite, and found that the hand on the top of the sharp touch had been trembling, and the elite itself was stunned and generally said nothing.

It seems that the situation is not very good.

"You have already touched the will." Suddenly, a picture flashed a bit and there was a demon look on it. Scholars remembered the demon. It was the one that originally led them.

“Do you feel that the will is saying?” The devil said: “The words of the will are generally vague information, but through the translator that is the statue, it can be transformed into our language.”

The devil looked at the elite and said: "What seems to be a problem?"

"This is very strange." The scholar said to the demon: "Do you know what the problem is?"

"They said," Jingrui suddenly said: "It will completely destroy your world."

"Destroy?" The devil screamed: "Is it the will and what you said? Is it really communicating with you?"

The scholar also looked at the elite with a puzzled look, but the elite did not say anything, but just put the hand on the statue again, but immediately shrank his hand back.

"Dawn is gone. Welcome to the end. You are doing very well. But it is not good enough. It is going to destroy it. It is unavoidable. All things have only one end, that is, they are bitten and destroyed."

Is this a brain? Although it is more normal to say, scholars can still know that this is a brain-building blame. Do they also occupy the statue of this coastal base?

After the words of the brain-making madness passed, the surrounding pictures began to flicker again, only to show that the two worlds collided on the screen and then exploded.

"It said, you did not abide by the agreement." Elitely looked up and looked at the demon: "So, you will not be left behind."

"Agreement?" The devil wondered: "What agreement?"

"What did you hear when you touched the statue?" The scholar said: "Is the will to speak, or the messenger of the two gods who make the brain."

"It’s what the messenger said." Jingrui said: "But they are very serious, but they didn't tell me the details, only that they didn't fulfill the agreement."

"Forget it, it seems that this doesn't make sense. You can leave from there, we will continue to execute the original plan!" After that, the demonic picture disappeared.

"" The scholar looked at the direction of the statue and asked him loudly in confusion: "What do you guys know, will, God, what do you want?"

"Don't you just say that?" The voice of the statue rang again: "To destroy the world, you have to smash it! What is it doing! What are you doing! Do you know what to kill? Ah. what!"

Suddenly there was a scream in the conversation, and then there was no sound.

"What happened?" The scholar looked puzzled and said: "What happened to you two?"

"The messenger?" Elite also nervous and said: "Are you okay?"

"The statue never made any more noise, and both the scholar and the elite tried to touch it, but it didn't respond.

"It seems like the two of them have encountered something," the scholar said. "But it should be fine. After all, the two are very tough and the vitality is tough."

"" Elastic silence for a while, then said: "I have a strange feeling."

"Weird feeling?"

"I think the two messengers are definitely in danger. I can feel it directly." Jingrui said: "I am going to help them!"

Said, the elite ran to the room exit, but when it tried to open the door, it found

"Can't open!"

No matter how you push it, the arched door is tight, so you shouted exquisitely: "The one outside, is it? Open the door!"

No one outside responded to it.

"Isn't this supposed to be locked up?" The scholar tried to open the door in a puzzled way. The door of the demon is a detection type. It automatically opens when a suitable object is detected, and at the same time, when the detection device fails to operate. Will open automatically.

But now it should be working, and scholars have found that they are not suitable objects, so they can't get out.

"Why did they lock us up?" Jingruo continually tapped the doorway: "This is completely unnecessary!"


The voice of the scholar did not fall, and the surrounding imagery appeared with an image.

The screen clearly shows a transparent box with two dusty brain-making monsters in the box.

Outside the box stood a group of demons, all of whom were armed with weapons and staring at the brains in the box.

"Do they catch the brains?"

"How come!" Elite also saw the situation in the picture, and suddenly yelled out: "Why do they want to catch the messenger?"

"That is of course because you want to understand them."

At this point, the center of the room rang the sound of the previous demon.

"We let you come here, in fact, just to catch them." To be continued.

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