"Do you know the phenomenon of 'ashing'..."

"Yes? Don't you know? I thought you came with them and would definitely know something...this might start with...dust creatures."

"There are many kinds of creatures in this world, but one type is very special, that is, dust creatures."

“Most of the dust creatures play the role of scavengers, who are thought-thinking individuals formed by countless solid particles.”

"They don't think that most of the creatures here are afraid of low temperatures, or they will coagulate in low temperatures. Dust creatures can move at extreme low temperatures or high temperatures at the same time. They are involved in the low-level ecology of the world."

“We know very little about this creature, and most of their life forms are currently mysteries.”

"But we have learned a phenomenon, that is, the phenomenon of ash, an ordinary ... cell organism, can be turned into a dust creature under certain circumstances, we call this phenomenon as ash."

"Actually, when you started to fall here, we noticed you, and we are most concerned about the two dust creatures that are with you."

"We are convinced that they are transformed from cell biology, and they have some traces on them. This trace only appears on transforming creatures."

"We intend to capture them back, and also investigate where you are from."

"However, the original capture team was completely destroyed by the two biological attacks, and we also lost their tracks..."

"But you are still there, so we intend to know where they are through you, just after bringing you back to the base, I encountered a hurricane attack, which led to the plan not going smoothly..."

"But you don't seem to notice our thoughts, and you have come to our...this coastal base."

"So we went on to the last plan, caught them through you, and we prepared special equipment this time, so we didn't catch the players."


Here is... a lot of video footage, and a statue of 'between'.

Scholars and elites are in this place. They have just listened to the devil's explanation... Their motives, simply put, are to catch the brains and make the elite and scholars enter the base.

"You... want to use the catchers at the beginning?" said the image of the face showing the devil in an acute and angry way: "So I saved me?"

"No, without them will save you." The devil said: "As the original players said, a species that used to have contact with our ancestors appeared here, which is a miraculous thing... Of course you have a high research value, and if possible, we will keep you in the base."

"But your value is still not as high as those two creatures... What do you call them? Messengers? Make brains? You should have known them for a long time." The devil said: "The ashes are the most important to our race." Research."

“Do you let us touch this statue just to find them?” The scholar asked: “How did you know through us...their positions?”

"You have a connection with each other." The devil said: "The will is so, as long as any one of you touches the statue, it will show you each other's position, and let the two...the messenger brain Blame, instead of the will to talk to you who are in contact with the statue."

"We found the information of the will very early, so when you took you to the first base, you have already planned to let you touch the statue." The devil said to the elite: "Accurately speaking, there was only one of you. ”

When I heard the devil, the scholar remembered that it was hidden at the time, and the demon did not find it.

"You can't do this!" Elite said: "You can't catch the messenger of God, or it will be angry!"

"We don't have any special signals to receive the will, saying that our actions are no problem." The devil said: "Just to trouble you for a while."

"Because we think that you may not want us to do something about the two messengers, and thus cause us a threat..." The devil said: "Although you should not have any threatening weapons, it is safer to get you up." ""

"What are you going to do with them?" Elite said: "You can't hurt them!"

"This is unlikely..." The devil said: "I said that we should study the process of ashing, so the practice of them may include anatomical behavior."

"No!" shouted sharply: "In this case, your world will be destroyed!"

“What is the ashes?” the scholar asked: “Can you tell us... detailed information?”

"Of course you want to know." The devil said that he walked away from the picture. After a few seconds, the scholar found that the picture flashed and a lot of information appeared.

"You can watch it slowly here. After we have done it, we may let you out. Don't worry, we won't hurt you because you have no harm... meaning."


After the devil finished speaking, he stopped talking, and the elite also looked angry at the side. Only the scholar looked at the information carefully.

As written in the data, as the devil said, ashing seems to be a wonderful process to turn cell biology into...dust creatures.

The devil accidentally discovered this phenomenon in this world, but at the time did not retain the 'sample', only to slowly explore the research through some vague methods.

Until now, they have discovered two brains that have been smashed, so of course they will not miss this opportunity and must catch them.

This is a plan to save the devil. If the world of demons is destined to be destroyed, then it is only necessary to smash the demons... or even a small part of the ash, because dusty creatures can live in almost any extreme environment. .

But in the details, they still don't understand at all, just like how can cells become a 'dust'?

Now the devil is mainly trying to use brains to study this part.

In fact, they don't care how the cells change. The most important point is how to reflect this situation. Just show this on the demon.

In this way, they can not only dance without wearing armor in the outside environment, but also allow the entire civilization to continue.

But in addition to this plan, the devil is still carrying out other plans at the same time...the ‘ice sea plan’.

Scholars have found that this is written on the data. (To be continued.)

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