4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1386: Association?

"Go! Kill them all!"

Under the dim sky, the overwhelming shadows obscured the **** earth.

That is countless... creatures.

They fan their wings, waving their weapons, and frantically attacking any moving targets around them.

Until his body is torn apart, fall from the sky to the ground, add a color to the blood on the earth, and add a piece of flesh to the accumulated corpse.

"...are they really related?"

There are more than wreckage and blood on the ground, and a ball of fluff is floating here.

The blood of the sky fell like rain, but the white fluff was not dyed with their color... The pompoms always looked at the parts of the body that belonged to the 'eyes' and watched the battle in the sky.

It seems that the days of peace have lasted for too long... actually not long.

In the red world of the 'devil', there was an infighting phenomenon. The two armies fought each other and madly slashed their enemies. Their blood has formed a river that nourishes every one that has covered this world. A corner of the plant.

Although Lin has never paid much attention to this place, she also knows the situation here. There is not much problem with them.

The problem is... Lin feels that they are associated with another group of ‘devils, that is the group of demons at the scholars.

Of course, their character is very different... Most of the individual creatures encountered in the void, although they usually do not attack at the same time, are full of suspicion and alert to different creatures.

And the demons have no such problems. They are very willing to... share their knowledge with foreigners. It seems to be a group of peace-loving races, completely different from the militant races that Lynn created.

Then why is there a connection? Because of the shape, it is true that their shapes grow almost the same, which is impossible in the void.

Although there are many creatures that look like they are not exactly the same, Lin feels that there is a connection between them, mainly because... I remembered some of the previous things.

The devil comes from the imagination of Moss in the dream, and Moss is also the product of the brain of dreams.

However, now Lin feels that the creatures in the brain of dreams... a few creatures, such as demons and moss, are not entirely imaginary and computational for biological evolution.

Maybe the brain of dreams has been affected in the process of producing these creatures. Lin can now find some records in the past. These records can indicate that some creatures in the brain of dreams may have some kind of stimulation 'After the production.

Lynn feels that it may be related to something in the void... It should be related to the hot world, the pipeline, and the world of demons. In short, Lin believes that it is necessary to continue the investigation.

These three places are the main locations of the investigation. There is still one place that has not been investigated. Lin feels that... maybe I should investigate.


"...the clue...very fragmented."

Here is a... ridiculous strip, where several golden creatures are floating.

They are... the beginnings.

The beginnings have been in this place, and in this pipeline, their goal is only one...that is to find the transformers of their world.

And they have done a lot of things here, and they are still in this place... The original location of the 'God' is constantly looking for it, as if it found something, and it seems that nothing has been found.

"What did you find?"

Suddenly, a sound sounded, and the floating origins looked at the sound source. They saw a creature.


This creature has four limbs, armor on it, and a big sword in his hand. It says to the beginning: "You haven't found anything? It's been so long..."

"Who are you?" A beginning turned and drifted to the creature: "Why do you want to... bother us?"

"Because, I don't think you can find a clue if you can't find it." The creature took a ball from his waist and threw the ball in front of the beginning: "Look at it..."

"This is... a reformer? This is the signal of the reformer..." The beginning said: "Where did you get this thing?"

"From that world." The creature opened its hand and showed a three-dimensional picture in it.

In the picture shows... two worlds, one is... a world full of dark red cracks, and one is an orange world.

It points to the orange world road: "You can go there and look for it, it should be outside the ... pipe."

"..." Nothing was said at the beginning. They just picked up the sphere on the ground quickly and then quickly flew away.

"... Why should I do this kind of thing here?" Looking at the beginning of the flight, the creature with the big sword said to the palm of his hand: "The devils are still fighting, I have to calm them!"

"You can go to peace because you have finished the task." In his palm, there is a picture of a pom-pom: "Just... you don't want to know what's going on here?"

"I..." The creature groaned and said, "Well, it's really weird here, what happened?"

"It is... the innovator of the beginning, probably in the orange world." Pompon said.

"Reformer? What is that?" Biology asked: "I have never heard of..."

"They may be a creature that loves to travel." Pompon continues: "They may also be... creatures that make demons."

"What? You mean the reformer created the devil?"

"It's not directly created, but it has an impact on their creative process." Pompon said: "The devil actually has...the original appearance, they come from another creature in the void, and live in that orange. In the world."

"what are you talking about……"


Indeed, the brave did not understand the things here, so I don’t quite understand, but... Lin is almost clear.

The innovators of the beginnings may have approached the pompoms a long time ago, and they have caused some 'stimulus' to the brain of dreams.

They may have led to the birth of the creature of the devil.

Lin always thought that the creature of the demon is actually a product of Moss' imagination and transformation of his own appearance, but it is not. In fact, they are mainly from the pipeline... and are real creatures.

Moss is instead... according to the imagination of the devil.

For their imagination and manufacture, it is performed by the brain of dreams, but the brain of dreams is influenced by the influence of the outside. (To be continued.)

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