4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1387: take off

That is to say... the signal is being uploaded from the orange world of the devil.

The ashes have received this signal, and they seem to think... this signal can save the world.

When the origin receives this signal, they think that the signal is from the reformer.

Lin believes that this signal may be... a signal that has previously affected the brain of dreams.

All the clues are concentrated in that place, so... the world of demons is likely to have transformers.

If you go there, you may be able to see them, just... a little problem.

"It went over there! Didn't the surveillance camera see it? It seems to have some invisibility!"

The scholar is now on the hot land, and is hiding behind a stone, it pokes out, a group of demons ran away not far away.

They all carry weapons, and their goal in pursuit is scholars.

This is mainly because of the accidents that happened before, not long ago, the elites who were locked by the devil, and the two brain-deads that were locked in the exhibition room were gone.

How did they escape, no one knows, because there were some faults in the surveillance cameras at the time, and they did not capture the pictures of them running away.

At the time, the scholars were visiting the devil's control room, so the scholars were directly suspected. The devil believed that the scholars used some method to adjust the surveillance system of the control room and opened the door for the prisoners.

Because the brains and elites are not ruined by the door, but the room where they are held is opened by themselves.

Although the devil had no evidence, he decided to arrest the scholars. Although the devils seemed to have good personalities, scholars also found them very... stubborn. In any case, they all believed to be scholars.

Therefore, scholars can only escape and say it first.

Now the scholars have ran outside the base mountain. Through the invisible ability, the devil did not find scholars...

The scholar received a signal from Lin, telling it that it should go to the orange world of the devil.

So how do you go past? It is said that if it is transmitted casually, it may be noticed by the revamper, so it is best to fly there.

Although scholars have many functions, they cannot fly directly to the void. The possibility of flying away from here is to repair the ‘truck’ that was previously taken.

However, scholars have decided to use a more direct way, that is, to take a thing that can fly to the world of demons... such as the devil's aircraft.

The scholar looked at the top of the base mountain and could clearly see there was a takeoff platform with many aircraft parked on it.

Most of these aircraft are square. Previous scholars have read the information and know which aircraft is suitable for use.

Thinking, the scholars began to act, and the demon who chased it had already run far and there was no more.

Now it can start acting... The scholar quickly ran to the foot of the base mountain and climbed up the rock wall.

This is a very simple matter for scholars. After climbing for a while, it reaches the edge of the top of the takeoff platform...

On the circular take-off platform, there are many large and small aircraft parked, and the scholar quickly ran to a nearby aircraft...

This aircraft should be regarded as a 'cargo plane'. It is generally rectangular in shape and has a large warehouse behind it. The total length is more than 20 meters. It does not look like a metal component. The overall color is like a black and red stone.

According to the devil, this is a protective color that prevents the aircraft from being attacked by creatures here.

But if it is in special circumstances, it will have no effect...

Thinking, the scholar took a mini scholar from the waist and placed it on the head of the aircraft, then quickly ran to the side.

Next, it’s just observation.

Scholars are not planning to take some aircraft back.

Although scholars have recently learned a lot about demons, including their aircraft operations, etc., their aircraft is not so easy to open.

Even if you unlock the above password, it will be vulnerable to attack when you fly away. Another problem is that the cockpit is too small.

If the scholar wants to enter the warehouse behind the aircraft, the cockpit is only suitable for demons about one meter tall. Scholars can't get in.

Scholars still do not have the ability to break up their activities.

Therefore, scholars have found this aircraft, mainly to use it to attract a certain creature... This aircraft is large enough to be considered by the creature to be a target.

When searching for prey, this creature will first cast a symbiotic creature called ‘flame-seeking'. The flame will attach to the appropriate prey and emit a special biological signal.

Now the scholars who put the scholars on the aircraft will send out the same signals as the flames.

This kind of signal will attract the stalker of the flame, which is a huge creature, which is called the 陨 陨 翼 wing by the devil.

When scholars sent information about this creature to...Lin, Lin thought it was good to call it 'Phoenix', although it is still the name of the devil that is more suitable for this creature...

"It seems to have come..."

Scholars saw the shining glory in the distant sky, expanding to more than 60 meters, six pieces of glittering wings grow around an ellipsoidal body, the brilliance of this creature makes this piece of land change It is more dazzling than before, and the whole base mountain is illuminated by it with a special brilliance.

According to the demon's data, ‘陨闪翼’ is one of the most damaging species to their flying forces. It often attacks the aircraft in the sky, allowing the demons to try to protect the aircraft and think of ways to kill it.

But the effects are mostly unsatisfactory, so only protected colors can be used. Whether they are aircraft or those moving on land, the demons are covered with a shell like a rock in the wild.

However, if there is a signal, then a protective color will be used as a target.

The signal sent by the follower mini scholar, the huge flashing wing flew toward the top of the base mountain, and the intense brilliance ignited the temperature rise in the surrounding air. When the scholar detected that the surrounding heat was getting hotter, it ran quickly. Go out and open the door of the cargo compartment behind the aircraft and drill into the interior of the aircraft.

‘Banglong’ followed by it feeling that the aircraft was slamming, and in this cabin it was also possible to open the image and see the outside.

The aircraft has been ... stuck to the abdomen of the flash wing, and with the six-winged fan, the aircraft of 20 meters was brought to the sky.

The demons in the base must have noticed this, but they will not attack, they do not want to irritate this creature, because it may also cause damage to the base.

Soon, the scholars watched the base mountain flying farther and farther with the flying wing, and finally, it was completely gone.

The sky here has also become muddy, and it seems that the clear void scene only appears above the base mountain...

However, scholars can still barely see some scenery in the distance, and the flash wing is flying toward several mountains in the distance.

This is the same as the information that scholars have seen.

Scholars have seen the data of the flash wing, which is also the reason why scholars choose this kind of creature... to carry their own, the flash wing is a very hobby... travel creature.

Their usual range of activity is in the sky of this hot world, but if there is a chance, they will fly to higher places, such as the void.

This situation only happens when there are other worlds around the world.

陨Wings will find a way when the world is too close to the devil's orange world... fly away from here and reach the orange world.

Moreover, when flying out, they usually carry a lot of things, such as the devil's aircraft.

The world of demons has been attacked by flashing wings, but until then, they have figured out the ecology of this creature.

As long as the flying wing catches a large enough prey, it will take off, and the things they fly with their destination will usually be... no damage.

Scholars have confirmed that they are very clear, and they dare to use this method to fly to the orange world.

The flash wing has carried a lot of things, including the devil's aircraft, and some other large creatures that appear here. As for why they have to bring things in the past, it is not very clear. There are demons who think they are going to bring food there. Reproduce.

But why the aircraft will also be used as food, it is not clear, as for the flash wing has not succeeded in success in the orange world ... multiplication.

Because every time they get there, they are quickly destroyed by the local demons.

Now, the flying wing has landed on the top of the mountain with a scholar's aircraft. Scholars have discovered that the aircraft is now being wrapped up by a lot of dust.

By displaying a picture of each orientation in the warehouse, it can be seen that the entire aircraft is covered with a layer of dust.

The picture was quickly covered by a lot of dust, and the outside situation could not be seen at all.

Scholars now... can only wait while they are completely clear outside.

In fact, the detailed construction of this creature is completely a mystery. The devil just knows its ecological behavior. How does it do it...

Scholars only know when they wait.

‘ booming’

Just as the scholar thought, it suddenly felt that the surrounding area began to vibrate... and also felt... the aircraft was rapidly flying upwards.

It seems... 陨 The wing uses some way to turn itself into something like a rocket.

The whole warehouse was trembling very hard. Although the outside environment could not be seen, the scholars could clearly feel that they were flying rapidly.

... wrong, not to see the outside environment.

Thinking, the scholar connected the picture of the mini-scientist, and that thing is still at the head of the aircraft.

Through the eyes of the mini scholar, scholars have seen...

A piece of dust. (To be continued.)

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