4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1388: Dare to do this

"...the machine escaped and actually escaped in this way."

"Why? Not sure yet..."

"It’s no coincidence that the flash wing took us off a cargo aircraft. It must have thought of using the habit of this creature to escape."

Here is the ... the devil's coastal base.

In the landscape area, a demon with the name of the commander looks at the frozen sea in front of him and talks to the two demons behind him.

"But why is it going to our world?" said a demon: "And still use such a dangerous approach..."

"It's not dangerous. At least for all the current historical records, the things that the flash wing took in the past are intact." The commander said: "It has said before that we want to go to our world...that is not Know why it is going to pass."

"On this point, the commander can rest assured." Another demon said: "We have contacted the headquarters, they will pay close attention to any falling things, if you find that machine will immediately catch it!"

"This is all right, we should also hurry to catch the two gray things!" The commander said: "The will means that they are still in this world, they are very important..."

"We are important, powerful! You are weak, incompetent! So you must give up! So you must abandon! Prepare for... the end!"

"This is..." The voice echoed throughout the landscape, and the commander and the two demons found that it was a sound from the landscape zone announcer.

"This is them! The two gray creatures!" said a demon: "This is..."

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the entire base was shaken, which caused the commanders to almost fall to the ground. Then the voice of the announcer rang again, but this time it was a nervous demon voice: "Commander! Detected near the base There is something in the ground! It is approaching us!"

“There is something?” The commander was shocked: “What the **** is that? Go ahead and investigate clearly!”

"Yes, the voice of the demon is suddenly interrupted, and the two voices are replaced: "Do you know? At the moment you shut us up, you will be ready to bite! But they are not Will be bitten, most of them will be burned to death, or crushed to death. Can you die? Can you not bite?"

"How did they talk here!" The commander yelled as he ran quickly and said, "Quickly investigate!"

"Their words are coming from the statue translator!" A small screen behind the commander's back is constantly in the hands of the screen: "And that statue is automatically connected to us." The announcement channel has been disconnected before..."

"Forget it, in short... hurry!"

'boom! The base slammed again. The commander did not stabilize his body shape this time. He fell to the ground in an instant. When it was about to get up, it... stunned.

"That is..." The commander and all the demons present were staring out of the landscape area, only to see the sea of ​​solidified lava... there were countless cracks.

The cryogenic creatures living above ran wildly, but some fell to the ground without fleeing.

"The temperature at the lava sea is rising rapidly!" The voice of the announcement rang again: "The low temperature creatures began to die on a large scale... Commander, what should we do?"

"What to do!" the commander shouted: "Hurry up and start the spare freeze..."

'boom! ! ! In a violent explosion, one of the biggest cracks blasted open, and in the smoke of the explosion, a huge object was seen rising at high speed.

It looks like a hill, the surface of the hemispherical structure is covered with a hole about one meter in diameter, and its overall size is more than ten meters.

The solidified ocean bursts in succession, and the hills filled with holes are lifted from the ground. The scene in front of them gives the commander and the demons behind him a horror.

"These are caves! Why are they here?"

These caves filled with holes are one of the creatures here. They are also incomprehensible creatures. Generally speaking, they only appear in wild wasteland. Occasionally, they can find a large amount of holes from them. The lava-like high temperature material.

But they should be creatures that don't move, let alone emerge from the ground.

"They are summoned here. This is what we do, just like the last place, it will be destroyed!!" The voice of the announcement resounded two words... the words of the gray-headed brains.

“Previous place?” The commander immediately asked: “What does this mean? Is it the last base!”

"Since you want to know this! Then we will not tell you. No, tell it. Then we will tell it. In the last place, we brought in a gust of wind! The wind blew everything, tearing your small troops and your fragile Life. The only pity is that it won't bite. Yes, this is a pity."

"...is it like this?" The commander said: "Is the hurricane from the last base?"

"Yes, this time you are! You have to be treated like them!"


At the moment when the words of the brains were falling, the commander saw a group of orange-red liquid blasting on the transparent wall in front of him. The high-temperature liquid covered the entire wall, but did not penetrate the wall.

This wall is specially made, so it can resist high temperatures or some strong attacks, but the commander is more concerned about the outside situation.

I saw those caves that appeared in the sea of ​​solidification, and they all began to release a large amount of high-temperature liquid like lava.

Under their action, the originally solidified lava sea began to soften slowly and returned to its former state.

"Hurry up and start the freezing bomb!" the commander shouted: "Never let them restore this ocean!"

"You shouldn't worry about the lava sea, you should worry about yourself."

Another voice rang from the announcer, and the commander remembered the sound. This is the one...excellent.

"This is the end of your transformation of God's ecology. You must bear the wrath of God..."

It’s not finished, the other demon’s voice sounded “...Commander! We found that a lot of creatures are approaching our base!”

"...It seems that they are very eager to destroy us." The commander said: "If this is the case, then destroy it together." (~^~)

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