4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1389: Cold capital

Snowflakes are dancing in the sky.

The roar of the cold wind came from the air, and the earth was covered by heavy snow. The buildings that stood in the extreme cold had already been covered with frost.

Here is a white world, a...cold world.

And today, there will be something... that will make it a little warmer.

‘Boom’ accompanied by the sound of bang, the flames of the sky lit up, and a huge fireball fell from the sky and flew toward the snow-covered land.

Before it fell to the ground, the burning flame of the fireball had disappeared. It became a dull object. The object hit heavy weight on the ground, and the tsunami composed of ice and snow suddenly rose to the surroundings. Going away.

At the center of the fall point, the object lies quietly, and it looks like a huge egg-shaped object covered by dust.

"...it seems to be here."

The surface of the egg composed of dust suddenly exploded, and a machine named Scholar climbed out from inside.

"Here... is this the way?" The scholar looked around and found that he was in a snow pit, and the gray sky was floating with fine snow.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the way the scholars imagined...the demon world, at least nothing is orange.

The scholar looked at his feet. It is now standing on a huge dust. The flashing wings have long been ignorant of where they went. In fact, the objects that are transported by the flash wing are like this. Things that fall to the destination will Wrapped in heavy dust, but... the flash wing itself is gone.

Scholars believe that it is very peculiar to land safely...

During the flight, the scholars found that the dust had squeezed into the interior of the aircraft, and finally the entire aircraft was completely blocked. The scholar did not even have a little space for activity, just like being buried alive.

But even then, it can't be completely safe, and the impact hole seems to be a little... small, the scholar thinks that maybe the flash wing has done something else to slow down, but it is gone now, but left behind. This dust does have some effect.

According to the devil's data, if this dust is not handled as soon as possible, a new one will be born...

Therefore, the flying behavior of the flashing wing over the world is also considered to be breeding, and it has the name "陨闪翼".

The scholar climbed up the edge of the snow pit and looked around... It was indeed a snowy environment.

Looking into the distance, I can see a lot of buildings, and those buildings seem to have been abandoned, covered with ice and snow.

Looking in other directions, you can see a lot of things like trees. Like buildings, these trees also cover thick snow and ice.

This place... It doesn't look like the orange world. At least when scholars look at the world of demons, they don't find it on the surface.

But scholars just look at the side, maybe this is the other side? Didn't the flash wing wrap around to the back before landing?

Although scholars want to see how the Xiaoyan flash wing was born, scholars feel that there may be demonic troops coming here soon. After all, the base must have contacted this place, so let's leave this position now.

However, scholars still want to pay attention to the situation here, so it took out a small surveillance camera and threw it into the pit.

Thinking, the scholar quickly ran up on the snow.

The snow here is very deep. If the scholars step on it, they can sink into the ground. It seems to have accumulated for a long time...

Scholars quickly moved away from the potholes created by the impact and ran into a forest...

However, are these trees?

As the scholars ran, they looked at a snow-covered object. These things are about the same shape as trees, with branches on them, and they are quite dense and dense, but there are no leaves.

The scholar stopped before he reached one, and kicked it hard. With the sound of a slap in the face, the snow above all fell on the scholar.

But in addition to the sound of falling snow, scholars also heard the ‘咚’.

After the snow was opened, the scholar saw that the trunk that was kicked by it was actually made of metal, and it was hollow, and it would beep when knocked.

Can you say that these are all...metal trees? Is it made by the devil?

Scholars looked around this piece of metal forest, it really can't understand what the devil is doing, maybe something... special use?

Scholars did not enter the depths of the forest, but along the edge all the way forward, not far ahead, is the buildings that the scholars saw before.

Here... It seems to be a city. A large number of buildings stand in front of scholars. The highest of them are more than 100 meters. There are various advertisements on the building. The streets are also parked with various images. It is thing of transportation.

It looks like a bustling city... it used to be bustling.

These buildings should have been abandoned. If you look at them, you can see that their surfaces are cracks. It seems to have been for a long time... no occupants.

It may be a deserted city, but why is it so ruined? The scholar walked a little on the street and found no harmful substances.

There seems to be no demon here... and there is no devil coming from the place where I just hit it. The monitor lens still sees the dust, its surface has been slowly covered with snow.

According to the truth, even if it is not a pursuit of scholars, the devil should also find the dust of the flash wing in the first time, and then clean it up.

The current situation is indeed strange, then investigate while tracking the target...

The main task that scholars come here is to find the transformers of the ... world of the beginning world, they may be in this world... and the scholars turned on the signal tracking and found that they are indeed in this world, but it is a bit far from here, probably More than 3,000 kilometers.

Therefore, scholars must think of some faster methods to get there, maybe these vehicles...

It doesn't seem to work.

Scholars tried to open some vehicles on the street, but their cockpits were small and there was no way to open them. They should have been damaged long ago.

Scholars have found that these vehicles... are almost always controlled by one or several joysticks, and some of the more advanced ones can be directly connected to the brain.

It doesn't make sense to just move... So how do you go? Did you go over? Although scholars will not feel tired now, they must supplement energy, and they will not go very fast. Three thousand kilometers do not know when to go.

Scholars wandered around the ruins while thinking about various options... Suddenly, the scholar found that there was something moving next to the car...

Is it a certain creature?

The scholar quickly ran over and looked at it carefully, only to discover that it was... a demon.

"Ah...ah..." The demon was wrapped in a group of white clothes, so the scholar did not see it. It is now staring at the scholar’s ​​horrified voice, as if it was scared.

This could be a... refugee? Scholars also spoke at the same time when they came up with this idea: "Don't be afraid, I am..."

"You...you can talk...the machine is talking..." The devil shivered and said, "Is it dying?...I would have a strangely ugly machine to talk to me before I die... ”

"...I don't feel strange at all." The scholar used to think that the demon is the same as the six-limb creature, and the base demon sees it without any special reaction. It should be aesthetically similar.

But this... forget it.

The scholar looked around and then grabbed the demon and walked into a building that seemed to be a clothing store.

After entering, the door was closed, and the scholar placed the demon on the ground, and pulled two sets of clothes from the side shelf, placed it in front of the demon, and raised his hand to ignite the ‘砰’ of the clothes.

It seems that these clothes are very flammable, and when the flame rises, the place is warming a lot.

"Ah... warm up, thank you, weird machine..." The demon squatted warmly beside the flame: "But I remember that the automatic rescue machine didn't seem to grow like you, and it is said that too many mistakes have been discontinued."

"...what is it here?" The scholar asked the devil.

"You don't know? This is a dread." The devil said: "Where did you produce it, do you have a product name? But it's rare for a machine like yours to be so refined. If it was before, I will buy it." Produce your company."

"...blow?" The scholar thought about the information he had seen before at the base of the demon. The glorious seems to be... the capital of the devil, which should be said to be one of the capitals.

The devil, like most individual creatures, is not uniform in itself. Later, it slowly goes through various things and is united together, with three cities that symbolize the three most powerful countries as the capital.

“How can this be like this?” The scholar said: “Isn't this the capital? Why is it turned into ruins?”

"You..." After hearing the devil, the devil looked at the scholar with amazement: "Are you... a machine that was produced a long time ago? So I don’t know what’s going on here? It’s impossible... I didn’t have this technology before. Alright."

It said a long time ago was probably a dozen years before the pompon.

"...you don't care about this first." The scholar said: "Why is this happening here?"

"This is because……"

'boom! ! ! ’

The voice did not fall, and there was a violent explosion outside.

"That is..." The scholar opened the door and saw that there was a lot of smoke rising on the street in the distance, and the one that hit the street was... an aircraft.

Scholars have seen such aircraft at coastal bases. (~^~)

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