4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1392: Transformer?

"I am sorry for all the residents in this city... but I will not regret my decision at the time, no matter what the price... I will not let me give up following my dreams!"


"What exactly is going on……"

After the video of the scepter was over, the commander and all the demons present were amazed and had a lot of doubts.

The scholar also saw this video next to it, which sorted out the information slightly.

The mayor's mayor, there is a mention that there is a place at the beginning... the guests find them, and they are looking for a traveler who can fly to the end of the void.

That noble person should be the reformer of the beginning world. In fact, their purpose is the same as that of the reformer. The transformer transforms the mirror world and uses the mirror world as an aircraft that can fly to the end of the void.

Let's not say why they don't go by themselves, but to find other creatures... It seems that the mayor feels that it is very attractive to it, so it promises.

The mayor made all the preparations, and it also arranged for the next mayor, and they should not have a big problem if they left.

However, the guests told them that their vacancies should not be arranged to fill any roles, and should... always be empty.

And the city lacks the mayor and the role of its group of teams... According to the mayor, it is a group of important characters, then there will be big problems, but the mayor is not so much because he is rushing to fly away. .

What it didn’t even think was that the frozen weapons started when they left, completely smashed the city... and broke all connections between the city and the outside world, making it a blocked status.

The outside world feels that everything is normal here, it should be a guest... The reformers still operate the frozen city here.

Scholars feel very strange, how can a major city hide in order to be discovered by the outside world that it has become like this? And what is the reason for this blockade?

But at least the commander didn't know it. It had been in contact with the city, but found no problems.

"What the **** is that?" The commander now seems to have reacted and said to the scepter: "Why should it turn this into something like this? What is the reason?"

"Choose the connected person." The scepter suddenly made a sound and seemed to be answering the commander: "But no adaptor appears."

"Connected?" The commander continued to ask: "What does that mean?"

"Connected...the associated pipeline." The scepter said: "Pipe...associated...important."

“Important?” The commander seemed to be angry and said: “What the **** are you talking about? Why are you so vague!”

“Finding important things is the only result.” The scepter continued: “Any other kind of result is unacceptable.”

"..." The commander took the weapon and aimed at the scepter: "If you don't make it clear, I will smash you!"

"Now, the blockade has been lifted and the mission is over." The scepter said: "You can leave and return to normal life. All connections with us will disappear, and again... no see."

After that, the scepter suddenly flew up from the ground and flew to the entrance at a very fast speed and flew out.

"Is it running?" Because the scepter was too fast, the commander did not react in the same place, but the scholar responded, and at the moment the scepter flew away, it lived up.

It followed the scepter of high-speed flight and ran outside the museum.

After leaving the museum, the scholar noticed that the scepter had already flown high into the air, and the scholars also opened up the flight function of the body and flew toward the scepter.

The scepter seems to know that the scholar is chasing it. It immediately flies to the distance quickly, and scholars find that its own speed cannot catch up with this goal.


“Go!” the scholar yelled, raising his hand and pointing at the scepter ‘砰’, and then the scepter in the distance shook in the air and then fell to the ground.

The scepter fell on the snowy street, and the scholar landed next to it. The scepter was lying still, but it was continually... talking to himself.

"Can't guard... prohibit... interfere... be invaded... can't guard... detect pollution... can't guard..."

Actually, this scepter also has an effect. Scholars have begun to doubt whether there is a dream energy in the scepter. However, the scholar himself did not expect to use the small nucleus to deal with it. He did not even think of chasing the scepter. At the time the official and the scepter spoke, it received a message.

The information is called for the scholar to grasp the scepter and can use the small nucleus to deal with it.

The scholar first picked up the scepter and looked around. It took the scepter into a shop that wrote ‘ancient playthings’.

I don’t know if I sell antiques or sell anything, but I don’t have any windows, and the door is quite heavy. When I come in, I close the door. Scholars don’t have to worry about the scepter going out, then it will open the door to the interior. They are all closed, and then the small nucleus in the scepter is drawn out.

Next is...


The scepter is now back to normal, and it no longer says those strange words, but it is still motionless on the ground.

The scholar first examined the outer shell of the scepter. It seemed to be a metal, and the inside did have the composition of the dream energy, and one thing was continuously sending a signal.

That signal is the signal that the beginning thinks it is the transformer, but the scepter does not seem to be a reformer, perhaps something that the reformer has made.

"Can you talk?" Thinking, the scholar asked the scepter if it seemed a bit redundant. It decided to discuss it first, and then to see if it was to be dissected.

"... hostile target." The scepter said: "Refuse to disclose any news."

"I am not a hostile target." The scholar said: "I just want to know some of your things... things."

"Refuse to disclose any news."

"..." The scholar said, and he lifted his hand.

"Feel the target threat, you can reveal the news." The scepter said: "What do you want to know?"

"I...want to know if you are...the transformer of this world?" said, the scholar raised another hand and showed the pattern of the mirror world from above.

"One of the abandonment schemes." The scepter immediately replied: "All the plans for this place have stopped running and are finished."

"...that is to say, are you really a reformer?" The scholar asked: "You..."

“Not sure.” The scepter said: “There is only news: the abandonment plan, but ‘we’, whether or not the planners are abandoned, this is not certain.”

"..." Scholars feel that this thing is really some... difficult to communicate. (To be continued.)

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