4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1393: Legendary species

"You come to me to find the legend? You come to me to find the answer? That's right... fluff, my knowledge will become more and more perfect with my world, there are countless legends in my memory, I have never I have seen the true colors of these legends, but they are so real..."

"Because they are mine...the ancestors left it to me, they told me that there are many answers in this world, and if you provide some clues, these answers will be clear."

“Yes... you provided a clue so you can show the answer to you.”

"According to your clues, my memory will emerge. I can tell you that this is a legend about ... travel creatures, and another creature called...Miedgart."


Legend has it that there are a group of creatures from the distant void, and have been carrying out one thing, that is... travel to the edge of the void.

Maybe there is no edge in the void, but this does not hinder the launch of this plan, and they have made a lot of preparations for this plan.

Create an aircraft that can travel long distances in the void and choose the race that can control the aircraft.

For the aircraft used for travel, it is usually a medium-sized world with a life environment suitable for the journey. However, most of the races above are not the main species, and most of the creatures are the main species. Accompanying, and the main species is the driver of this world that can fly to the edge of the void.

For the selection of major species, there is a very strict rule that they must be born in a special place.

This special place is the pipeline.

“Pipeline... Why do you have to be the species from which the pipe was born?” The scholar was now in a store selling antiques, communicating with the scepter in front of him.

The scepter seems to be willing to tell it a lot of things, but the main reason is not that the scholar threatened it with a small nucleus, but the scholar and it said about the mirror world and the devil, and said that the plan for 'Void Travel' is very Interested.

Therefore, the scepter also said that he can tell it a lot about related travel, although most of the scholars who said it before are clear.

However, what it says now is about

"The pipeline is just a form of appearance, not a formal name." The scepter said to the scholar: "The official name is...Miedgart."

The scepter uses a vocabulary that the scholar does not know. This is just a pronunciation. Then the scholar asks: "What is that... what do you mean?"

"Miedgart, a kind of virtual giant creature." The scepter said: "Only the species produced from it can be used for long-distance travel."

“Biological?” the scholar asked in amazement: “That pipe... is it a creature?”

"Right." The scepter said: "They are currently in a deep sleep, and the time to wake up again is unknown, but some functions are already active."

"...then..." The scholar continued to ask: "What kind of species is this? Why do you have to use the species it produces to travel?"

“Show the information and understand it.”

After the voice of the scepter fell, the scholar found that it popped an image from the surface, filled with dense data, which seems to be a certain creature for the study and record of 'Miedgart', that is, the pipeline .


There are many creatures living in the void...some are very small, and some are quite large.

Tiny creatures may never be famous, but huge creatures will leave their legends in many places in the void.

It's like a void giant creature, they are rare, but they are quite numerous.

And there is such a creature, which is rarer than most giant organisms. So far only two cases have been found.

However, they also belong to a legendary creature that has been circulating for a long time...

For civilizations with a low degree of comparison, the giant creatures are the same, usually not considered to be creatures, but considered to be a huge 'natural landscape', and so is it.

This kind of creature is called Midgart. The specific meaning is 'the land where the worlds gather.' As they are meant by their names, they are divided into many different environments in their bodies, each with different environments. There are different biological groups in China, and there are many intelligent creatures among them, and they have developed a variety of civilizations.

However, because of the extremely different characteristics of the overall pipeline environment, there will be no one or a few species of organisms occupying the entire pipeline.

And Midgart itself, usually about 100,000 kilometers in size, the diameter of the pipe is more than 6,000 kilometers, but they are quite rare, as long as they are seen once, there will be a very deep impression...

They are usually not close to any other galaxies and environments, but are floating alone in the void, which is generally the case.

Its body structure is still completely incomprehensible. There are many mysterious phenomena in it. Coagulation is perhaps one of the most common phenomena.

However, occasionally they will do something special. In the long-term observation, Midgart is active according to the development of civilization in the body.

If some of the civilizations in it develop to a higher degree, Midgart will send out a special ... signal from its body, the main content of these signals, usually the information of the civilization in its body and so on.

The signal will be sent to a long distance, where it is usually where other civilizations are.

There are many biological civilizations in the void, and some creatures are very civilized... militant, they will immediately launch attacks when they receive signals from other civilizations.

Midgart will be in place, waiting for the attacker to arrive, and when the attack hits, it will begin to track the attacker.

No matter how far away the attacker is, how to attack it, it will pursue the target of launching the attack, and swallow that target all...

I have witnessed such a situation once, which is really hard to get because it takes a long time to happen.

At that time, after Midgart sent a signal, after a while, the attacker's attack came.

Some of the weapons used by the attackers from a distance seemed to be completely unexposed to their location, but Midgart quickly found the location of the attacker.

The attackers were powerful, they could easily destroy all the civilizations that lived in Midgart, so they did not hesitate to launch an attack when they received the signal, but they were facing the Midgarth itself. There is no resistance at the time.

Perhaps, this behavior of Midgarth makes the void become more peaceful.

In reality, however, there are very few species that attack it, and it takes a long time to see one... so the impact it should not be great.

But I found out that many other races have legends about Midgart. Most of the legends describe it as a huge special channel, and only a few realize that the pipeline itself is alive.

However, it has some special places, and the civilization destroyed by it will be born again in it.

They appear as a species that doesn't understand anything in the pipe of Midgart and redevelop its civilization.

However, these creatures have completely forgotten the things of the past... it is better to say that, besides being exactly the same... it has nothing to do with it before.

In addition, I also found that Midgart will cause similar phenomena in other worlds. In some places closer to it, the same civilized species as in its body will be born.

Species around Midgart, or species that accidentally travel to it, are safe, and it seems that as long as there is no hostility, they will not be attacked.

Only those species that attack immediately will be destroyed. It seems that Midgart seems to be actually very gentle.

But it is not the case.

The civilizations in it have never developed powerful opportunities, and they are always destined to be destroyed.

Because, when they develop to some extent, Midgart will run a special system in his body, which may also be a function of life.

This function will produce a group of troops that are slightly stronger than those civilizations, and destroy all these civilizations, leaving their ruins to a new generation of civilization.

This ability makes it impossible for civilizations in its body to fly out because they are always destroyed during development.

But this does not prevent the spread of civilized species in Midgart. As I mentioned earlier, some of the world around Midgart produces exactly the same species as it does.

For a long time, only one species exception escaped, and Midgart did not do anything to them. It did not object to this escape.

But why do you want to destroy the civilization in your body on a regular basis? I don't know, perhaps for the continuous generation of new species.

In addition, I have seen some other void giant creatures come to the location of Midgarth.

Most creatures are very small relative to it, so it's no surprise that you don't notice that Midgart itself is a creature, and that other giant creatures should be able to recognize that Midgart is a creature.

Under my research, I found that other giant creatures would communicate with Midgart, but what they said was very...comfortable.

It is a pity that my research has not continued. I have some other things to do and some other research to deal with.

But I will definitely come back and continue to investigate this legendary creature.


The information has all been read. After reading it, scholars only have one idea...

"This is... Whose research record?" (~^~)

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