4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1394: miss you

“Recorder, traveler.” The scepter replied to the scholar’s ​​question: “Like us, the traveler in the void has no specific goals, travels everywhere, and collects information.”

"...that said, this traveler must have been to many places and can actually do this research," the scholar said.

The scepter said: "The traveler, one of the virtual giant creatures, can do research, not surprising."

“Do you mean that this record is a bus-like creature?” the scholar asked: “This is true...”

"Bus class?" The scepter said: "The weird title, back to the topic, you have got the information, I will leave."

"Wait!" said the scholar: "There is no information about you, why do you want to ask for this... the species in Midgart to travel?"

“There are specialities in this type of species,” the scepter said. “But recently it has been confirmed that they are not perfect, so the only way to find new targets is to take off the species of Midgart.”

"The only one..." the scholar said: "You mean the devil! Right, that information says that there is a species that escapes the pipeline and lives outside... that is the devil."

"Devil? Is the species living here? Confirm, that's it." The scepter said: "More detailed information will not be revealed, I have to leave."

"...you just told me so much, why can't you continue to talk about it?" The scholar asked: "It's like... the information of Midgart is so detailed."

"That is not our information. It is the information written by other creatures. It is shared with you. There is no harm." The scepter said: "But our information is a secret, shared with you, good or bad, not taking risks. Risk is the only option."

"...well." The scholar said: "So can you tell me, now what are you going to do with the devil?"

“The travelers have chosen and their journey has begun.” The scepter said: “There will be no further interference with this area.”

"That..." The scholar continued to ask: "The world known as the meltdown zone... is it close to you here?"

"It has nothing to do with us." The scepter said: "Their behavior has no investigative value, I must leave."

"So..." The scholar thought for a moment, as if there was nothing to ask, but it seemed to be the same, so the scholar said: "So let's go."

But after the scholar said it, the scepter stopped at the same place. After a while, it said: "...go open the door."

"..." The scholar stunned, and then went to the entrance to open the door, and the scepter quickly flew out.

“It’s really incredible.” The scholar looked at the snowy sky and the scepter who was away: “The pipe... is actually a giant creature like a bus.”

I don't know, those subtle parasites will think that it is a creature where they are? Still a world?

Scholars suddenly came up with these ideas. In fact, since the life on the pompons, the scholars’ previous cognition has changed a lot.

Simply put, this void is a place wherever there is anything possible.

It seems that there are many other species... and there are also idle travels and research and investigations on many species, which is like...Lin.

Scholars have asked Lin, is there anything... the purpose, for example, to develop high-definition or nothing.

In fact, when I first joined the pompon, scholars did have this idea. Lin... This creature can quickly expand in the void and slowly rule the whole void, while scholars say that they can formulate a development plan. Give help.

Lin told the scholars that there is no special purpose.

To say the purpose is to understand all the unknown things, so we must make a journey forever.


I don't know why, scholars think of a lot of previous things... After that, the scholar's thoughts seem to have become like this, while researching and exploring.

This is the case until now.

Well, there are still a lot of things to do now, but what do you do specifically? That of course is...

"You! What about that thing?"

When the scholar thought so, it found that there was a demon on the street in the distance that ran to the side. It yelled at the scholar: "That thing is to make us become such a thing, you catch it. Is it there?"

"It said that you will recover soon." The scholar said: "It has lifted the blockade."

"Remove?" The devil yelled: "Are you telling a joke with me? Make this look like this, and say it is so easy to get rid of it?"

"What should I do?" the scholar said; "Don't you go to fight it?"

"I..." The commander said suddenly and looked at the ground: "How is it red?"

"Red?" The scholar also looked at the ground. It found the snow on the ground... reflecting the brilliance of the red, which made the scholar look up immediately, it found in the sky...

There has been a huge world.

The snow in the sky doesn’t know when it’s stopped, the dark clouds are scattered, and the clear sky is the familiar scene...

The hot world that is covered with orange-red cracks.

"It... it..."

The commander also raised his head, and when it saw this scene, it stopped.

This tumbling person is already quite close, and it seems that he will almost hit the world. Scholars think it may be within a few thousand kilometers.

Here you can even see the canyons and mountains that boast the surface of the world, but even if it is so close, there is no gravitational influence, which makes scholars think that this hot world should be a bus-like creature.

It’s just a weird behavior... bus creatures.

"Why is it so close... Why is it so close! Ah, ah, ah!" The commander seemed to be mad, so he shouted in the same place, so the scholars who were still in a calm state patted it: "Don't worry, think about it!"

"What is useless!" the commander said: "It will hit, it will..."

"No, there is another way." The scholar said: "That is to contact that...will."

"The will?" The commander stunned and became calmer.

"Yes, the will may be the creature that represents the world." The scholar said: "Go communicate with it, understand what it wants, why it is close to here, and meet its needs, so it certainly does not Will hit this place!" (.)

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