
Along with the roar of the roar, an aircraft rose high on the ground and flew toward the dark red sky.

The two worlds have reached a state of considerable proximity. The vast, cracked orange land seems to collapse at any time. The commander inside the aircraft looks at the sky with anxious emotions while driving its aircraft. To the greatest extent.

"Come on..." The commander stared at the screen in front of him, and his hand holding the lever almost rushed out of the blood.

"Where are we going? I said I want to fly back and communicate with the will..."

The scholar sat in the back of the warehouse, only where it was squeezed in, but it was still very good to communicate with the cab.

"There is only two bases for the translation device that communicates with the ‘will.”” The commander said: “Other bases don’t have...you have to go to the nearest city to get it!”

The ‘Boom’ aircraft was suddenly added again, like a light passing through the air, and the scenery around the snowfield slowly changed into a...the orange world.

The anxious commander did not care about the scenery outside, but the scholars who were still in a calm state looked at the changes in their surroundings with some surprise.

The snow of the earth disappeared and became a plain of blue and green dwarf plants. The color of orange is mainly from the air. The atmosphere seems to be mixed with countless orange dust particles, which causes the air to be completely in this kind. Among the colors.

At the same time, scholars also saw a city... in the distance.

With the height of the aircraft, the city is getting closer and closer, and everything is getting clearer and clearer. This is a very busy city. There are countless means of transportation on the ground. The advertising light between the buildings is constantly changing. There are many flying aircraft flying in the sky.

Busy demons move or fly between the streets. They don't fly long distances, but jump between buildings. Almost every building has many prominent platforms that make them stand as they are. It looks very interesting.

And carefully, these demons are very flustered. Many demons take two steps to look at the sky. The sky is too close to the meltdown to make them look quite... fear.

When he flew here, the commander had to reduce the aircraft even if he was in a hurry, but it flew to a building much faster than the surrounding aircraft, and landed on the landing platform of the building. The commander hurried. Out of the aircraft.

Scholars follow it along, so the devil's door is high enough, so there is no big problem for scholars to enter and exit their buildings, although scholars have always wondered why the door is so high.

"You... you are! What is this! New machine?"

Walking in the corridor covered with soft carpets, the demons passing by have looked at the scholars with a surprised expression. It seems that many of them know the commander, and the evaluation of scholars generally regards it as... ... ordinary machine.

Commanders and scholars walked over to a door, and before they opened the door, the scholar heard the sound inside.

"Sure enough, it should start all the frozen missiles! No, it should be blown away as usual. The frozen missiles don't know if there is any effect. But the near distance will blow it away, maybe it will affect us! But it will always hit it. Come up..."

The voice of the discussion suddenly stopped because the commander pushed the door and went in.

This is a room that can be said to be a conference room. A group of demons sit in a circle here. After seeing the commanders coming in, they all close their mouths and have only one opening.

"You are back." The demon seems to have more...prestige, and everything else is watching it: "We just detected your aircraft signal, why are you flying here instead of directly there?" Contact us?"

"A lot of things have happened..." The commander said: "Now there is no time to talk about it, I want the latest will translator!"

"Translator?" The devil yelled: "Is there not there? Why do you fly specially?"

"You..." the commander said: "I really don't know what is happening?"

"What?" the devil asked: "We used to contact us before..."

"..." It seems that even a city so close to it is completely unaware of the fact that it has been frozen. The commander has been silent for a few seconds and continues to say: "In short, give me a translator and must save us. world!"

"Save?" The devil said: "The translator can do it... well, I know!"

"Now put the translator into my aircraft, I am waiting for you at the top of the building!" After the commander finished the sentence, he went outside and the scholars followed.

Going back to the top of the building, the commander walked over to the aircraft and silently looked at the dark red earth in the sky: "You said, communicate with the will... is it really useful?"

"I don't know." The scholar said: "But I think this method is the only way to try it."

"The only..." the commander said: "We still have some weapons that can be blown back again, but... I know that it is temporary, even if it goes back, it makes no sense."

"So, I intend to believe in you... try this the only way." The commander said: "But we have never communicated with it, it has nothing to do with the signals we have."

"There may be some ways to make it react." The scholar said: "We..."

"Come on!" There was a voice coming from the entrance to the top of the building. I turned around and saw a group of demons carrying a statue... The statue came over here.

"Okay, put it in the warehouse!" The commander said as he walked into the cab, and the scholar squeezed into the warehouse with the statue.

"A weird machine. What is this machine used for? Why is the shape so weird?"

Several demons carrying the statues commented on the scholars and then quickly left. As the hatch closed, the aircraft slowly flew into the sky.

'boom! After slamming, it flew over to the hot world of the sky.

It doesn't take long for the flight process to take place, perhaps because the two worlds are too close together... After seeing the emptiness of the scene, the scholar once again saw the hot land.

There is no change in this world and all the past. All the scenery is still familiar to the scholars. The aircraft flies across the earth and flies toward the shadow of the distant mountains.

Soon, the shadows became clear, and the scholar once again saw a base that was very similar to the last two... a base built in the mountains.

The aircraft landed on the top of the mountain, and the door of the warehouse and the cockpit opened at the same time. The scholar stepped on the hot take-off platform. Just when it wanted to take a step, it heard one... No, it should be said that it received the signal.

"You are here. You are back. Have you found them? Can they save the world?"

This is the brainwave of the brain-making blame, which is passed directly to the scholars. The scholar’s ​​current commander does not seem to hear it. It is moving toward this side.

"Who are you talking about?" The scholars responded with an informational message.

"They are the things you call the Reformers! Yes, that's the gang, they can save the world, they have this ability to save!"

It seems that the brains are so hard to say so clearly, so scholars continue to respond: "The reformers say they have nothing to do with the world."

"Yes? That's a pity. Then their world is destined to be destroyed."

“Why?” the scholar asked: “What do you know?”

"We are called by it. We listen to its language and understand its call! It is calling us! It knows us!"

"What are you staying at?" The commander has now walked to the scholar: "Come on, we have to carry this!"

"Coastal Commander!" At this time, a group of heavily armed demons also appeared from the aircraft platform to the entrance of the base, and quickly ran to the road: "We already know about the things born in the coastal base, it is really very ......"

“There is no time!” the commander said: “Come and let the translator go in, we have to communicate with the will!”

"But... the headquarters has already conveyed the order to retreat, and they are ready to bomb the world!"

"The bombing is useless, it can only be alleviated. It has been like this for a long time!" The commander said: "We must adopt new methods! Let's move!"

"We...we know!" Several demons quickly moved the translator out of the warehouse and headed inside the base.

The commanders and scholars also followed, and after entering the base, they bypassed a large number of corridor passages and finally arrived at the room where the surveillance screen was.

This room is very similar to the room where the scholars used to go, but there is no statue here... but it is now placed.

The surveillance screen shows the situation around the base. I saw that the demons in the base are very anxious and are carrying various things. It is indeed intended to retreat.

"So now the contact has been opened." The commander adjusted a screen before, and then turned to the scholar and said: "How can we communicate with the will?"

"I try." The scholar put his hand on the statue, and the one it received this time... is not a signal to make a brain.

It is a very... very strange feeling.

It's like having a very powerful sensory ability... able to clearly feel a lot of places, including the inside of the base, as well as some environmental creatures outside, and so on... the world of demons. (To be continued.) 8

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